This is a story about a young woman's odyssey: Discovered in a small village in rural Russia, Nikki finds herself in the fast lane in New York City as an up-and-coming fashion super-model, literally over-night.
The Flight
(MF, reluc, mast, intercourse)
Tatiana Nikolaevna Primikov stood in sub-zero weather
outside the terminal building of Zukov regional
airport, waiting. Wrapped in furs, the young woman was
stamping her feet in an effort to keep them warm when
a silver Lear Jet screamed into view, high over the
Keroz forest. She watched it circle the field once,
then swoop down for a smooth landing.
She looked composed and elegant standing there, but
anyone who could see below the surface would have found
a nervous little girl, shivering in mingled fear and
Watching the man alight from the plane, the events of
the past two weeks raced through her mind in a confused
jumble. Nikki (her family had always called her that)
still couldn't believe she was on her way to America.
Who could have ever thought such a thing could happen?
She certainly could not have done.
It had all started when her father suggested that she
apply for the job of modeling the new Krackoff Group
uniform for the company magazine. She had done so, and
defeated many other young women to win the assignment.
Somehow a rich American from a big New York modeling
agency had seen her pictures in the magazine, and he
wanted her. Things moved fast after that.
Her father came and told her that she had been offered
a job in America, and that she would make a lot of
The family had always been poor, especially now that
the Krackoff Group was owned by some shady investment
company based in faraway Moscow (or so her father
thought). Her family encouraged her to take this
wonderful opportunity, and Nikki couldn't refuse, could
The man who had emerged from the Learjet looked round
him. What he saw was a rustic village in a white landscape,
and a ramshackle building that must be the
airport control building.
He'd been in the air almost continuously for more than
forty hours and was tired as hell. When he'd received
a call from the company president to go to Russia and
pick up the company's new asset, he hadn't been too
happy about it. He'd had plans to take his latest
conquest to a nice little hideaway in a small New
England hamlet, and this trip was a huge inconvenience.
He couldn't see what all the fuss was about, anyway.
Pretty girls were a dime a dozen in the fashion world.
However, he hadn't been given a choice; it was do it
or get his ass canned.
Stepping into the biting cold of the Russian winter,
he noticed the woman standing alone outside the building
and walked briskly in her direction. As he came
nearer, virtually all he could see was a big fur coat,
and steam from the woman's breath emerging into the
frozen air from under a large furry hat.
He looked around and saw no one else, so he asked, "Are
you Ms. Primikov?"
Nikki was too nervous to do more than nod her head. He
looked around the field again, thinking that there must
surely be more than just the one woman to meet him,
then asked: "Where is everybody? Aren't your folks
going to see you off?"
Nikki had studied English in school from a very early
age, hoping to become an interpreter some day (it was
one of the best ways to get to a big city) and she
understood the man, in spite of his funny accent.
"It is a work day, sir, and both my mother and father
have to work at the foundry. They wished to see me off,
but the director would not give them leave."
"So you're here all on your own?" The man still looked
as if he expected someone else to pop out from behind
a snowdrift.
"Yes sir." Nikki wasn't sure what to do next, and just
waited for the man to tell her.
"Okay, well let's get going then. Where's your luggage?"
"Here, sir." Nikki reached behind her to a rack bolted
to the rustic building and lifted a duffel bag to her
"Let me take that. C'mon, let's get going. I'm freezing
out here." Without another word the man turned and
started to walk briskly toward the plane. Nikki followed,
looking around the field as she walked.
Zukov was the only home she'd ever known, and even
though it was every young woman's dream to leave for
the big city, she was sad to go. Nevertheless, she
followed the man obediently to the plane.
As they climbed the three steps to the doorway, she
turned around to look one last time. She took a deep
breath, taking in all the smells of home. Then, with
a sigh, she turned and stepped into the shiny airplane.
The man showed her where to sit, and the pilot closed
the door and went into the small instrument cabin,
leaving the two of them alone as the only passengers.
It wasn't more than a few moments before they were
airborne, and Nikki was looking down in wonder at her
small village, and at the big foundry that supplied
her family and the whole town with a livelihood. She
had never flown before and found it very exciting.
"Well, sweetheart, you can take all those dead animals
off now; you won't be needing them where we're heading.
I don't suppose you know how politically incorrect
wearing furs is in this day and age," he added drily.
"Politically? Fur is political in America? In Russia,
the winters are severe, and fur warms the body so we
can live outside. Fur is necessary for survival. I
don't understand what you mean, sir."
"Never mind, honey. Just take them off and get
comfortable. We got a long ride ahead of us." He held his
hand out, ready to take her coat.
He watched as the young woman unbuttoned the animal
bone clips holding the coat in place and shrugged the
thing off her shoulders. He took her coat and hat - and
NOW he could understand what the big deal was. She was
gorgeous! No, not gorgeous - she was spectacular! He
hadn't really seen her face under the big fur cap, but
with all the animal skins removed she had grace and
beauty like he'd never seen before - and he'd seen a
As the young woman settled into her seat, he kept
staring at her, noticing for the first time that she
was as tall as himself, almost six feet, with sandy
blonde hair and the bluest eyes he'd ever seen. She
also had a perfect complexion. He was impressed, and
he suddenly wanted her.
He tried to push the thought from his mind; he always
got into trouble when he let the brain between his legs
do his thinking for him. He only had to screw up one
more time and he was out of a job.
He pulled himself together sufficiently to introduce
himself. "My name is Mike, and we'll be flying partners
for the next 40 hours or so. You got any questions you
wanna ask?"
"Michael? That is an angel's name, is it not?" Nikki
giggled as she thought about the village priest and his
Easter sermon about the Archangel Michael, and how he
had saved humanity by flying in the face of the devil.
"Are you an angel?"
"Far from it, baby." Mike sat down next to the beauty
and patted her knee as he leaned close and added:
"Though you could take me to heaven with you if you
"Pardon, Michael. I do not understand you," Nikki said.
"Yeah, right, and next you'll be telling me you're a
virgin." He smiled suggestively.
"Please, Michael, what you said is so rude. Do not be
mean to me, please!" She was embarrassed by the man's
reference to sex. They did not talk like that in her
village. They might do it, but they never talked about
it. She didn't understand this strange man.
"Listen, sweetheart, you'll have to get over that
prudish attitude in America, 'cause it won't wash in
the fashion industry. You'll be modeling with little
or no clothes on, and you'll have guys hitting on you
all the time. You have to make the men happy if you
want to get ahead in fashion."
He patted Nikki's knee again and mimed a kiss at her.
Nikki was disturbed by his words. She was beginning to
wonder if she had made a mistake in coming. But, no
matter what, she couldn't turn back now. Her family
needed the money she could earn in America. She wanted
to make lots of money for herself too, and become rich.
Mike was beginning to think about the long flight in
front of them. He was thinking that this whole trip had
messed up his weekend with Sharon - his very sexy
girlfriend - and here he was, alone with a knockout babe,
with no one to bother them.
He knew he shouldn't, but the thought of having sex
with this fabulous Russian babe made him say: "Nikki
baby, you need to think about your future, and how
you're gonna get ahead once you get to New York."
"Yes, Michael, I know. I want to make a lot of money,
and help my family too. Are you important in the
agency?" she asked.
To her it was not a strange question, and was usually
asked in Russia when people discussed business. All it
meant was 'How much do you know about the business you
are in?'
Mike took it to indicate that Nikki was judging how
much he could do for her. "Yeah baby, I'm one of the
guys who can make or break you in the industry," he
lied. "If you aren't nice to me you'll have trouble,
and be sent back to Russia."
As he said this he leaned close and squeezed Nikki's
thigh through her skirt. "You're expected to do things
for important men in the agency; all the models do it."
Nikki was shocked to hear this, and pulled her leg away.
She said: "I don't understand, Michael. What will be
expected of me?"
"Nothing that's a big deal, sweetheart; just to be nice
to your superiors at the agency, that's all." His mind
raced ahead of the conversation. What might he get this
drop-dead-beautiful babe to do for him? he wondered.
This was his big opportunity; once she got to New York
he'd be out of the picture. "In America the woman has
to satisfy the man's sexual appetite when asked."
Nikki's eyes grew wide, and she spoke with determination.
"I am not that kind of person, and I will not
have sex with you, Michael. I don't believe that women
must satisfy men's sexual demands upon request. They
would be pregnant all the time."
"No, no, baby! I'm not talking about fucking - are you
kidding? We don't do that with professional colleagues.
I'm talking about touching. You know, masturbation."
"Masturbation!? I don't think so! I can't believe you
are talking to me like this, Michael!" She had become
very uncomfortable sitting next to this man. "You
expect me to masturbate you?"
Mike had a hard-on just from discussing such a subject
with this luscious woman sitting beside him. He had to
have some action or he'd explode.
He wondered if threatening her would work, and decided
to take the bull by the horns. "As a matter of fact,
now that you mention it, YES I DO! Moreover, I expect
you to do it now! If you don't, I'll drop you off at
the next fueling spot and let you find your own way
Mike looked into frightened blue eyes that stared back
at him. If she called his bluff now, his plan would be
in ruins. He just stared back at her, a frown planted
firmly on his face.
Nikki considered what her new life in America could
mean to her. She just couldn't let her dislike of this
man stand in her way. She had a chance to make lots of
money, and was determined not to let it slip through
her fingers.
Slowly she swung around in her seat and, reaching over
to Michael's belt, she began to unbuckle it. She wasn't
a virgin; she'd had sex with Vladamir Korenski less
than six months ago. It was only once, and he'd talked
her into it, but she remembered enjoying it after the
initial discomfort of his intrusive organ. She knew
what a man's penis looked like fully erect, and was
resigned to seeing Michael's.
If she had to pleasure him manually, then so be it.
After all, she was only a peasant girl, while he was
an important businessman. Moreover, as he'd said, he
wouldn't have actual sex with her.
She pulled Michael's fly open and reached into his
pants, pulling his erect penis into the open. He leaned
back in his seat and watched with satisfaction as her
hand closed around his shaft.
This was the life! 'Some day', he thought, 'this babe
will be a supermodel and I'll have quite a story to
tell about the hand job I got from her.' He was
thoroughly aroused; visions of Nikki's naked body
filled his head as she began pumping his cock.
There was a look of intense concentration on her
beautiful face as she jacked him off, and it all became
just too much for him.
She started when a long string of sperm spurted onto
the sleeve of her blouse, but she kept pumping away as
another gob, then another, shot from Michael's straining
penis. She continued to pump his erect column while
sperm lubricated her palm and oozed out between her
She watched with a certain satisfaction as Michael's
body jerked and spasmed ecstatically, his moans becoming
gasps as he tried to catch his breath. At last she
stopped and sat back in her seat, staring at Michael's
slowly-deflating member.
She was surprised to feel somewhat aroused herself. She
didn't even like this man, but making him come had been
an incredible turn on for her; so much so that now she
desperately needed her own release.
"Michael, I hope you enjoyed that. Now I must go to the
bathroom, please. Perhaps you will clean yourself up
while I'm away." Nikki left her seat and walked to the
rear of the jet.
The Lear Jet was certainly well-appointed. Besides the
seating area, there was a bedroom beyond the restroom,
and even the restroom was twice the size that you would
get in a standard commercial airline jet.
Nikki opened the restroom door and hurried in. Without
hesitation, she pulled her underwear down and leaned
back against the sink, at the same time reaching up
under her skirt. She felt how wet she was, and began
massaging herself.
Oh, glorious! How very, very horny masturbating Michael
had made her feel!
She began rubbed herself with increasing abandon,
closing her eyes when she felt the delicious surges
that indicated a wonderful orgasm on the way. She
rubbed faster and faster, arching her back and pressing
her head against the back wall, intent on reaching a
new high.
Suddenly her hand bumped into something and lost its
rhythm. She opened her eyes, and was shocked to see
Michael standing in front of her, pushing his erect
penis against her hand.
When he had opened the restroom door he had been
startled, then entranced, to see the beautiful young
Russian woman, her skirt pulled up to her waist, her
panties on the floor, her gorgeous legs splayed apart
and humping herself with her hand.
He knew very well that he was going too far and could
get into real trouble over this, but he stepped up to
the aroused young woman and aimed his ridged tool at
what was under her flashing hand.
Nikki yelled: "NO, MICHAEL! NO!" but she didn't try to
fight him off as he pulled her hand away and thrust his
organ inside her.
When he had penetrated her deeply, pushing her slightly
up onto the sink, he paused for a moment, looking over
her shoulder at their reflection in the mirror. Then he
looked directly at Nikki, seeing shock and disbelief
written on her beautiful face. Mike could tell that she
was aroused as his prick filled her cunt. She was completely
lubricated and as he thrust deeply into her he
was surrounded by her hot moist tightness.
Michael began to humping Nikki as if his life depended
on it, and after a moment or two she began to complement
his rhythm with her own.
As they reached for their separate, but independent,
orgasms, Nikki lifted her shapely, long legs and wrapped
them around Michael's waist, clamping her finely
shaped ankles at his behind and thrusting her hips
eagerly against his pelvis. She screamed as she came.
She'd never had an orgasm with a man before, and was
overwhelmed by it. As her body convulsed around and
against Michael, he drove himself in as deeply as
possible and pulsed his seed into her body.
Panting, out of breath, she pushed him away and swore
at him in Russian. "@*@! How dare you do that to me!
If you make me pregnant, we will both get into trouble.
You stupid man! You better not tell anyone what happened
here! If you do, I will tell them that you raped
me and you will go to jail."
Mike gave her a wicked smile. "Baby, I won't tell a
soul! I promise." He congratulated himself that things
couldn't have worked out better if he'd planned them.
She pushed him out of the rest room and cleaned herself
up as best she could, then returned to the main cabin.
For the rest of the flight she sat on the other side of
the aisle and ignored Michael.
They landed in Frankfurt, Germany, to refuel, and
picked up a couple of agency people at Heathrow. After
Heathrow, Nikki no longer had to worry about Michael's
attentions, and tried to sleep for the next seven
Nikki gets an introduction to New York
(FF, intr, mast, oral)
The flashing silver Lear Jet flew high above the giant
city. Nikki couldn't believe her eyes; she had never
imagined a city so large. All she could do was look
down at it and wonder. Truly America was the land of
opportunity, and this strange city called New York only
proved beyond doubt that this was so.
Growing up in a tiny village in the middle of the huge
Zukov forests was no preparation for a sight like this.
Ten minutes after spotting the east coast of Manhattan,
the agency jet was coasting to a smooth stop in front
of the executive terminal of LaGuardia International
Airport; the plane didn't have to wait for normal
landing clearance. Their taxiway was on the north end
of the field, reserved for VIP's, far above the petty
concerns of the day-to-day traveler. It was one of the
perks of being rich and influential, as Michael pointed
out to no one in particular.
As the plane taxied to a stop, Nikki could see two cars
parked close by. One was a big black limousine, like
the ones Moscow party officials usually used. A big man
in a black suit and cap stood by that car, waiting. The
other was a black van with mirrored windows.
The door of the jet swooshed open and a man jumped
through the opening, a radiant smile on his face. He
bounced into the cabin almost before the passengers
started gathering together their carry-on luggage,
going straight to Nikki and standing in the aisle in
front of her.
"Ms. Primikov, my name is Scott Williams. I'm the CEO
of the Buccannon Agency, and I wanted to greet you
personally." He thrust out his hand in a firm but
friendly fashion, and Nikki took it in the ritual
welcoming motion expected of her. She smiled, but said
Scott Williams, one of the most powerful men in
American business and a sophisticated man of the world,
felt for a moment as if the wind had been knocked out
of him. He could only stare into the mysterious,
brilliant blue eyes of this exquisite woman.
After a moment's pause he realized that the other
passengers were expecting him to say something, and
that he was beginning to look foolish just holding
Nikki's hand and staring at her. "Ahhh, Ms. Primikov,
may I have the pleasure of escorting you to the home
office, and to make arrangements for your stay with
Nikki looked at the handsome older man and smiled again.
She guessed he was in his late 30's, but she was never
sure about men's ages. At that moment he looked just
like her younger brother Alexi, a little awkward, a
little unsure of himself. She was struck by his friendly
manner, especially after her experience with Michael.
As if reading her mind, he turned to Michael and asked:
"Mike, did Ms. Primikov have a good flight?"
"Absolutely, boss. I gave her the deluxe treatment."
Nikki looked at Michael with loathing, and said:
"Please, Mr. Williams, can we leave now?"
Scott hadn't gotten to where he was by failing to pick
up on body language. He realized that something must
have happened on the flight, but he didn't want to make
an issue of it in front of their new asset. He made a
mental note to have Mike Borden called in to his office
on Monday so he could get to the bottom of things.
At that moment, though, all he said was: "Absolutely.
We just have a short trip to the heli-pad, and then off
to work." He escorted the young woman down the few
steps to the ground, and they were on their way.
Nikki was overwhelmed. First the short ride in the
luxury limousine to the helicopter, and then the
vertiginous flight to the top of a huge building in
the center of the city. She felt quite breathless.
And so did Scott Williams, though not from the travel.
His fight for breath was due to the vision sitting
beside him. Her face was flushed with excitement, her
eyes shone. From time to time this enchanting creature
would turn to him, pointing at, and chattering in
gleeful excitement about, something he'd never noticed
before, clapping her hands and giggling like a happy
child. Somehow he was extremely glad to see her enjoying
herself so; it satisfied some deep need of his own.
Scott Williams was undeniably one of the most successful
fashion executives in the world. He was still
single at 38, and listed in People magazine as one of
the top ten most eligible bachelors in the U.S.. He
dated famous and important women; he just couldn't see
any reason to get involved in a long-term relationship
with any of them.
As number two man and heir apparent to the chairman of
the board, Mr. Buccannon, he had his days filled. He
just couldn't get excited about settling down.
Though all these things were true, however, he wondered
what it would be like to be with this exotic creature.
He'd have to be careful, he thought. He didn't want to
get caught up in the moment and find himself in court
or something even worse.
But still... Sitting by this woman made him think.
They landed at Buccannon headquarters, on top of the
100-story MACK Building in which the agency controlled
the top six floors, and Nikki was whisked into Benjamin
Buccannon's office.
By this time, Scott had made Nikki feel comfortable
enough to be on first name terms with her. As they
traveled down the elevator to the Chairman's suite of
offices, Nikki asked in a hushed tone: "How can there
be so much money in clothes? This building must cost
millions and millions of dollars."
Scott replied: "Our firm is worldwide. We cover Asia,
Europe and Russia as well as South America and, of
course, the U.S. markets. That's a lot of clothes,
Nikki, and that equates to a lot of money. Here we are.
Are you ready to meet 'His Supreme Heinous'?"
"Pardon me?"
"Just a little joke of mine. Never mind, here we are,"
Scott chuckled as he pushed open the tinted glass doors
leading to the reception room of the chairman's office.
After being announced, they made their way into the
huge plush office of "His Heinous." Benjamin Buccannon
stood facing the floor-to-ceiling windows, viewing the
city at dusk; lights could be seen coming on all over
the horizon.
When he heard them enter, he turned with a dancer's
grace and strode across the room to hug Nikki to his
Then to her surprise, he gave her the traditional
Russian greeting of a soft kiss on each cheek, saying
in Russian: "This is truly a wonderful day! A daughter
of Russia is a daughter to me."
Nikki was amazed that someone living thousands of miles
away would know her home region's rural greeting. It
was as old as time, but not widely used outside of her
forest region.
She stumbled over her reply. "H-How would you know
those words, sir? H-How could you?"
Scott chuckled and said in a playful voice: "The old
reprobate knows every trick in the book. He probably
had one of his researchers pull all the plugs to get
any information about you so he could impress you."
Mr. Buccannon shot Scott a look of mock pain and led
the young woman to the lounge area.
While they sat there he outlined Nikki's future for
her; in short, he was going to make her a supermodel.
He asked if she knew what a supermodel was. Nikki shook
her head, so he described it in terms she couldn't fail
to understand. "You will be loved by millions of people
all over the world. You will be idolized. Your looks,
your hairstyle, even your walk, will be imitated by
hundreds of thousands of women, from here to Russia and
beyond. You'll make millions of dollars, and you'll
have fun doing it. Now, does that sound good to you?"
All Nikki said was, "Yes sir, it does." Both men
laughed at the simple answer, and the look of awe on
her beautiful face which accompanied it.
They had a late dinner in the office suite, and afterward
Scott took her by agency limousine to an apartment
block, a twenty-minute ride away.
In the elevator, on their way up to the penthouse
suites, Scott said: "Nikki, I'm going to have you share
an apartment with one of our other girls. Rachel is a
great person, and she has offered to help you find your
way around; sort of help you acclimatize."
Nikki expected to see a small apartment, but when an
attractive black woman opened the door, what she saw
was a very large room, large enough to put her family's
whole house into - the hen house too!
As they walked in, Nikki could do nothing but stare in
Rachel took Nikki's duffel bag from the doorman and
ushered them into the sunken living room. "Scott," she
said, "it was nice of you to bring our new Russian
friend home personally, but go home now. Nikki has been
on a plane for, what, 30 or 40 hours? And she probably
got the works at the office too, if I'm guessing right.
She needs a couple of days off now. You don't want to
harm those angelic looks of hers, do yah?"
Promising to show Nikki New York once she was settled
in, Scott was playfully pushed out the door. Once the
CEO had gone, Rachel turned toward the new girl.
She had understood what all the fuss had been about the
moment the door opened. This girl had a unique quality
about her. Rachel couldn't think of anyone that looked
remotely like this girl - and what a beauty!
The two women had some herb tea, and Nikki mostly
listened while Rachel told her what her life was going
to be like. Everything she heard from her new friend
sounded similar to what Mr. Buccannon had said, only
with funny things thrown in to make her laugh.
After about half an hour, though, Nikki was having
trouble concentrating and began to nod off. Rachel
smiled. "Ah, I see my sleeping potion is beginning to
work. Bedtime tea always sends me off. You needed to
wind down."
She showed Nikki to her suite of rooms. In her tired
state, it seemed to go on forever. Later on she found,
to her amusement, that one of the walls consisted of a
mirror, extending from floor to ceiling. The bathroom
also had floor-to-ceiling mirrors on one wall. Eventually,
when she finally laid her tired young body into
a heavenly nest to sleep, she noticed, groggily, that
the four-poster bed canopy had mirrors above her. She
wondered why...
The next day, Nikki awoke at 2 p.m. In a panic, she
jumped up, threw on a robe and hurried out to the
living room; knowing that she must be in trouble for
sleeping so late.
Rachel was out on the terrace, lying in a chaise longue.
Nikki hurried out the sliding glass doors to apologize,
but stopped cold when she realized that she must have
made another terrible mistake. Her friend Rachel was
lying naked in the sun, obviously used to the privacy
that she had before Nikki had moved in.
"Oh no! I'm very sorry, Rachel," Nikki blurted out,
quickly turning to leave.
"NIKKI! Don't run away. Please come back. I'm not at
all upset with you."
Nikki, who was flushed with embarrassment, said:
"Rachel, I really didn't mean to invade your privacy,
and I'll be more careful in future, I promise you."
"Don't worry about it. We're models. Our bodies are our
principal assets, and we have to take constant care of
them. They've got to be pampered and exercised, or
we're outa business. Nakedness means nothing to a
professional model. Among us girls, we walk around the
house nude all the time. As a matter of fact, we should
do it as much as possible," Rachel added softly.
Nikki looked uncertain. "I don't know, Rachel. I'm not
used to exposing myself to others. It is not acceptable
behavior where I come from."
"Sweetpea, what do you think we do for a living? We
show off our bodies. Why do you think there are so many
mirrors in this apartment?"
Nikki had wondered about that, and now waited for her
new friend to tell her.
"Because the agency wants us to be aware of the
condition of our bodies all of the time. Walking around
nude in our safe little nest, we can see each other and
maybe make suggestions. If I slump, you can remind me.
If your tan line is obvious I can point it out. You
see, we are professionals, members of an exclusive
club, and we have to take care of each other."
Nikki started to explain why she had come out on the
terrace, but Rachel cut in. "Don't worry about work
just now. You look a little tired from your travelling;
consider yourself on rest and recuperation at company
expense. So come out here and grab a chair, and I'll
order us a low-cal lunch from the kitchen."
Watching as Rachel picked up the telephone beside her
chair and began to order food, Nikki wondered if she
would ever get used to this lifestyle. She looked at
her companion's perfect body and thought: 'She has no
tan lines, and looks much more exotic with her dark
skin than I do.' Then Nikki noticed her pubic hair; it
was neatly trimmed, and looked so...sophisticated; the
word popped into her mind.
She was a little embarrassed at the thought of
undressing in front of the other woman. For the first
time in her life, she felt ashamed of her body. She
thought: 'Will I measure up in this world of perfect
women?' She was, after all, just a Russian peasant
girl. Would they laugh at her?
"Nikki, lunch is on the way. Now take those clothes
off, and let me give you a professional critique."
Rachel removed her sunglasses and looked expectantly at
her Russian friend.
Knowing there was nothing for it but to do as she was
told, Nikki took a deep breath to try and slow her
pounding heart, and dropped her robe onto the chaise
longue. Then, without thinking further about it, she
drew her nightgown over her head and stood, trying to
strike as dignified a pose as possible.
"WOW! Major League!" Rachel breathed.
Just then the doorbell rang, startling Nikki, who
fearfully reached for her robe.
"NO! You don't need to worry about an intrusion. All
our servants are bonded, and have special security
clearances. Our food man - or woman, as the case may
be - will leave our food just inside the front door on
a rolling cart. Now let's see what we have here. Turn
around slowly and let me look at you properly."
Nikki reluctantly dropped her robe back onto the chaise
longue and began a slow model's turn, except that, this
time, she had no clothes on.
She knew she'd just die if Rachel called her an old cow
or something. She'd never been put in this position
before and was as jittery as a muskrat on a shed roof
on a hot Russian summer's day. She had an urge to cover
her hardening nipples, but resisted it, knowing that it
would only draw attention to them.
What Rachel saw made her instantly jealous. She was a
top model at the agency, and had made a ton of money in
her six years of employment. Even on her best day,
though, she had never looked as good as the woman
standing in front of her. The Russian girl was perfect,
not a flaw or blemish anywhere.
After traveling for almost two days, straight, and
wearing no make up, she still looked better than 98%
of fully-made-up models.
Rachel noticed, though, that Nikki's body was tense.
Her stomach muscles were quivering, and there was some
knotting between her shoulder blades.
"Girl," she said, "you've got a fabulous body.
You're going to make millions, but you got to relax a
"I'm nervous, that's all. I'm not used to showing myself
off like this. I'm sorry."
"Okay, come with me. No, leave the clothes. I'm gonna
teach you about your body. A friend did this for me
when I was starting out, and I'm gonna pass on the
favor. C'mon, Sweetpea. Follow momma."
Nikki obediently followed her glamorous friend, watching
her as she walked ahead, admiring her body in
motion. Rachel's walk was - sexy. That was it - sexy.
Her hips swayed just enough to suggest something
indefinable, but Nikki was sure that the rhythm had
something to do with sex. She followed Rachel into her
own bedroom.
"Now, Sweetpea, go in the shower and get the water to
your liking. Go ahead."
Nikki did what she was told. The jet spray felt so
good, so relaxing, that she almost forgot that Rachel
was standing outside the shower stall; that is, until
the other woman stepped in behind her.
Nikki tensed when she felt Rachel's hands on her
shoulders. "What?!"
"Just relax; I won't hurt you. If you want to walk the
walk and talk the talk, honey, you gotta get comfy with
yourself. Just think of me as your teacher. This won't
hurt a bit, I promise."
Rachel took a bar of soap and, holding it in the palm
of her hand, began running it up and down the young
Russian girl's back.
Rachel loved the texture of the skin under her hand,
and very soon became aroused. She could tell Nikki was
enjoying the sensations too, because she leaned her wet
forehead against the shower wall and sighed contentedly.
Rachel, though, had a plan, and to implement it she had
to take a chance. Without warning, she ran the hand
holding the soap under Nikki's right arm and over her
Nikki tensed again, but neither pulled away nor made
any vocal objection. Encouraged by this response,
Rachel wrapped her other arm around Nikki's body and
began to massage both breasts with soapy hands,
occasionally running them down the Russian girl's firm
What a heavenly sensation it was to massage perfect
skin, covering a perfect body, Rachel thought. She had
become utterly captivated by this innocent girl. It
occurred to her, as she ran her hands over Nikki's body
with increasing abandon, that not only was she not
protesting, she was actually responding.
Rachel now turned Nikki around to face her, and saw
that she had her eyes closed. She murmured in one ear:
"Now sit down on the jacuzzi seat and I'll shampoo your
Nikki sighed her acquiescence and nodded, her eyes
still closed and a contented smile on her lovely face.
Stepping behind her, Rachel sat down first, pulling
Nikki down by an arm to sit between her spread legs.
She began to shampoo the girl's long, blonde hair,
gradually working up a lather.
Unable to resist Nikki's erect nipples any longer, she
ran shampoo-covered hands down Nikki's shoulders and
over her breasts and nipples. All the while Rachel
fantasized that she was nursing at those opulent tits.
She longed to nip at them with her teeth, and to swirl
her tongue around the goose-bump flesh that surrounded
Rachel was already aroused, but such thoughts made her
hornier still. Unconsciously, the African beauty began
to move her hips, rubbing herself gently against her
friend's firm buttocks. As she continued to massage
Nikki's neck, shoulders, breasts and stomach, the
movement of her hands began to increase in intensity,
and so did her hip thrusts.
Soon she was humping against her young friend, pulling
her body back against her crotch, crushing her sticky
clitoris against the soft firm skin of the girl's
behind, all the while letting her quick hands dance
uninhibitedly over Nikki's front parts.
Rachel knew what was going to happen moments before it
did. As she started to convulse against the Nikki's
body, she dropped her hands down between her friend's
legs and began massaging there, sensually rubbing her
sex, deliberately moving her fingers in and out of
Nikki's vagina. It was as though she was douching her
friend with shampoo (which was, of course, exactly what
she was doing).
Nikki realized that Rachel was having an orgasm against
her, but she didn't mind. Her heart rate tripled,
though, when Rachel's hands had dropped between her
legs and moved to her vagina. Her eyes flew open
momentarily as the sensation of the other girl's hands
against her private parts gave way to the even more
intense feeling of being invaded by Rachel's fingers.
The sensations resulting from this sudden change made
it hard for Nikki to breathe. She felt wonderful! It
was lovely! She didn't want it ever to stop! But at
last it did...
"Oh god, Nikki, that was almost too much. I just had
maybe the best orgasm of my life." Rachel could barely
gasp the words out, she was so overcome by emotion and
her recent physical exertion.
Nikki reached behind her to brush the back of her hand
against her friend's cheek and said: "I'm glad that you
had an orgasm, and that it was a good one. I too feel
much better, and liked your idea very much." Nikki had
enjoyed her friend's attentions, and she would have
liked even more of them.
"Nikki, we aren't done yet. Let's rinse and dry off,
then finish this in bed!"
Nikki was shocked. What did Rachel mean by 'finish this
in bed'? Her heartbeat jumped into triple time again as
Rachel began rinsing her body. Was this woman going to
do lesbian things to her? Up until that moment, Nikki
hadn't really thought about what they had been doing.
She hadn't known how to react; hadn't known what to say
that wouldn't offend her new friend. But to go to bed
with her...!
Rachel turned the water off and pulled a towel from the
hanger. Standing close against Nikki's back, she
reached around her and began to dry her front. Nikki
just stood there, at first feeling very nervous. Then,
as she felt Rachel's wet skin at her back, the rough
terrycloth towel being briskly rubbed over her breasts,
down her stomach and then... down between her legs, she
stopped worrying about what people might think and
started to wonder just what Rachel intended to do to
She had absolutely no idea what two women could do for
sex. After all, she was no expert in sex, having had
just two experiences, one with a fumbling boy and the
other with a lecher who had taken unfair advantage of
When they were both dry, Rachel smiled up at the taller
woman, and said: "Nikki, I'm gonna give you back what I
got from you; and, believe me, it will be a pleasure!
C'mon Sweetpea, I'm gonna show you something new."
She flopped onto Nikki's bed and held her arms out
to the Russian girl. Nikki knelt on the bed, and flowed
into the other woman's arms, pushing herself over the
rumpled sheets. Both women giggled at the feeling of
freedom as they rolled around together on the bed.
Rachel, momentarily on top, reached for Nikki's face.
Holding it in both of her hands, she stared deeply into
the bright pools of blue and said: "Nikki, you're
wonderful. Let's be friends forever."
Then she smiled a smile that Nikki thought might be
the most beautiful she'd ever seen. As if in a dream,
Rachel lowered her mouth - slightly open - onto Nikki's
parted lips, and the two voluptuous beauties spent a
minute or two exploring each other's smiles.
Rachel was the first to break the embrace, to Nikki's
evident disappointment. Rachel said: "Now, now, little
grasshopper, you're here to learn something new. We can
kiss anytime you want, but I'm not done yet, and just
now I'm think'n payback time.
Nikki had no idea what her friend was talking about,
and nearly jumped out of her skin when Rachel leaned
forward and stuck her tongue in Nikki's belly button.
She held Nikki tightly so that she could only squirm
a little, after a while lifting her head to say:
"Sweetpea, you gotta stop wriggling for this part to
work. The belly button thing is for desensitizing. Once
you can take the tongue in the belly button, then
you're ready for the real fun. Now try to control
yourself. I'm gonna tongue you again, and I want you
to hold still."
Nikki was mystified, but a willing student. Rachel
swooped back over Nikki's splayed body and drove her
tongue once more into the young woman's navel. Nikki
jerked again; she'd never before realized how sensitive
it was in there! Of course, she'd never before had
anyone stick their tongue into her belly button!
After a minute or so of concentration she managed to
overcome the ticklish feeling, and was able just to lie
there and enjoy the sensations created by her friend's
She almost sat up, however, when Rachel suddenly moved
her mouth from her stomach to her vagina. What was she
doing!? In Russian, Nikki exclaimed "OH MY!"
Her whole body went tense when she felt the electric
invasion of Rachel's lips and tongue and ("Oh!")
teeth... Nikki remembered what she'd been told and
tried to lie still, but her mind was racing. That
someone would want to put their mouth on her sexual
organs had never occurred to her before. Now that it
was happening, though, she loved it!
Rachel's mouth and tongue played over Nikki's pudenda,
and each time they touched her clitoris she found it
impossible to remain still, no matter how hard she
tried. All the while she sucked at her friend, Rachel
was making little whimpering noises, and these became
too much for Nikki; she couldn't have held back even
if she'd wanted to.
She felt the familiar pulling sensation deep within her
stomach and thighs as her orgasm raged to the surface.
She weakly called out to warn Rachel, but her friend
only redoubled her efforts. Then it was upon her!
Nikki's sweat-covered body convulsed almost into a
sitting position, and stayed that way as wave after
wave of orgasmic currents raged through her. In
Nikki's tense, almost sitting, position, with her
perfectly muscled legs thrust out on either side of
Rachel's head, and balancing almost exclusively on her
shapely derriere, she was struck by the contrast of
skin colors between herself and her friend. The crazy
thought flashed into her mind that they would make the
most exquisite modeling partners!
The thought was suddenly replaced by pain, exquisite
pain, as Rachel nibbled on her clitoris. Nikki screamed
in lust and ecstasy, and came again, even more intensely
this time.
They didn't get around to 'lunch' until almost eight
o'clock that night, and by then Nikki had most
assuredly lost her shyness about walking around the
apartment, and sunning, in the nude...
Nikki - Truly Happy at Last
(MF, mast, alcohol, nc?)
Scott was drunk. He'd had a terrible day, and he just
wanted to lose himself in a haze of alcohol. He was
sick at heart, and felt he just couldn't take any more.
He knew he was one of the most successful businessmen
in the world, but sometimes feelings of pessimism
seemed to overwhelm him and he just had to go away and
steep himself in alcohol for a day or two. It never
made him feel better, but he had to do it. He supposed
it was his most serious character flaw.
Meanwhile, Nikki had been trying to get Scott Williams
on the phone for almost a day and a half. She felt
terrible about having put him off the other day. He'd
wanted to take her on a picnic and she'd been pretty
cavalier with him - telling him that she had shoots to
do, and that he knew this, and wasn't he supposed to
be doing something in San Francisco?
She'd even mocked what she called his childish behavior.
She regretted it now, but he'd taken off and no one
seemed to know where he'd gone.
Finally she called Ben Buccannon, who was like a grandfather
to the young woman. He said that Scott sometimes
needed to get way from the pressures of work, and that
he had a rustic cabin, in upstate New York, to which
he'd probably gone for the weekend.
Nikki could tell that Ben wanted her to look up his
friend and colleague and make him feel better. Her
guilt was such that she wanted to see him too; and if
possible to make amends.
Scott was 39 years old to Nikki's 19, and there had so
far been no romantic element in their relationship, at
least on Nikki's side. She was happy with her new life,
and her lover, Rachel, kept her well oiled as far as
sex was concerned.
The thought had never entered her pretty head that this
successful older man, her "boss," might have romantic
feelings for her, though if she'd given it any thought
she might have seen the signs.
She knew that she was sexy-looking; someone in her
position heard that constantly. However, after doing
a number of photo shoots, with people telling her all
the time that she was beautiful, the compliment rather
lost its meaning.
She didn't think she was that exceptional; she thought
her roommate was more exotic-looking than she was, and
she'd said it again and again. Her African heritage,
combined with great genes, had made Rachel's one of
the most pleasing bodies Nikki had ever seen.
The Russian stopped thinking about her voluptuous
roommate and returned to the problem at hand. She
couldn't understand why a man like Scott would go off
the 'deep end' like that. However, she did know that
she liked him, and that she owed him her present
happiness, and she determined to get to the bottom of
Nikki had gotten her driver's license only two months
before. There was a time in her life that she hadn't
even considered driving a car, much less the sleek
silver Jaguar coupe that purred under her as she drove
out of Manhattan, heading for the mountains (or what
passed for mountains in New York State), occasionally
glancing at her map to keep orientated.
Mr. Buccannon had tried to insist that a company
limousine drive her, but she felt the need to get away
from the city and its trappings. She was, after all, a
country girl herself. She'd grown up in a village in a
remote part of Russia, isolated and insulated from the
outside world, and even though she'd never regretted
her move to America, she still missed the majesty and
silence of the mountains and forests of her homeland.
She had started her trip with the top down, and the
city temperature hovering around 88 degrees. She had
been told that this was unusually hot for September,
and she agreed. However, as she reached the foothills
the temperature dropped noticeably.
She continued up the mountain road, and dusk began to
fall, so she stopped and turned on the automatic
mechanism for bringing the canvas roof up over her
head, then latched it down.
Driving for another hour brought her to the little
hamlet Benjamin Buccannon had mentioned. Nikki pulled
into the parking lot of a 7-11 and walked inside. The
girl at the counter looked up, then did a double-take.
Nikki asked: "Can you please tell me if Ravens Lake is
on the road going right from here? I think it is, but
I want to make sure I don't get lost in the dark."
The girl behind the counter stared, mouth agape, and
mumbled: "Huh-huh, it's that way. Are you who I think
you are?" She pointed down the road to the right, but
she seemed to have something else on her mind.
Nikki was used to hero worship, and knew how to handle
it. "If you mean, am I Nikki, then yes I am, but if
you thought I might be your cousin, well... that's
possible too, because my family also lives in the
country." She smiled at the girl's awed expression.
After autographing her picture on the cover of the
current Vogue, and verifying that the lake was where
she thought it was, she hopped back into the Jaguar
(the sales clerk following her every move through the
window) and sped down the road.
It was dark when she arrived. The cabin was small, but
well-positioned on the side of a hill overlooking the
lake. Nikki couldn't make out much in the way of
features in the dark, so she parked the car at the
roadside and walked up the track.
It took about ten minutes to reach the cabin. During
the climb she kept her eyes on the place, searching
for some sign of life. When she finally reached the
cabin door, and knocked several times without getting
any reply, she walked around the structure, wondering
where Scott might have gone.
Maybe he hadn't been there after all; perhaps Ben had
been mistaken. She tried knocking at the door again,
then decided that her friend and boss couldn't be
there. Nikki decided to see if she could get into the
cabin. She could stay the night, then head back to
town the next day.
Trying the door, she found it unlocked. 'Strange to
leave your home unlocked when you don't live there the
year around,' she thought.
She walked in and tried the light switch. It worked.
The cabin lit up with a cheery soft light that
instantly made her feel safe and, somehow, at home.
She explored the four rooms and bath, made herself a
sandwich, took a hot, relaxing bath and went to bed.
She decided to use the master bedroom.
She was surprised to find that the bed had been slept
in, and smelt Scott's after-shave on the sheets. She
liked the idea of sleeping on his rumpled sheets;
besides, she liked his smell.
It had been a long day and she drifted off to sleep in
less time than it takes to say it, dreaming dreams of
clear air, and pine-scented woods...
She was jolted into wakefulness when the bed she was
sleeping on began to bounce. Someone had just thrown
himself onto it. It was obviously a man, a very drunk
Nikki realized that it was Scott, and her fear fell
away, to be replaced immediately by guilt and shame
that she had hurt him, maybe even made him come here
to lick his wounds. Tears welled as she reached for
her friend. "Scott?"
She touched him and felt naked flesh. She ran her hand
down his arm until she touched his stomach. He was
naked! Oops! How embarrassing!
She was here uninvited, an intruder, and he was naked,
expecting to crash out on his own bed and sleep off his
drunk. What was she to do?
The answer wasn't left up to her. When Scott felt the
hand on his stomach, his drunken state made him react
without rational thought.
He reached down and caught the delicate hand resting
on his stomach, and pushed it onto his crotch. He gave
no thought to why someone was in his bed, or even
whether that someone was male or female. In the state
he was in he reacted instinctively to the touch of
another human being's hand on his hot, naked flesh.
Nikki was taken aback as she felt her hand maneuvered
onto Scott's sexual organ. He insistently rubbed her
open hand up and down his penis, obviously demanding
At first she tried to pull her hand free. She had never
thought to be in this position with her boss, and knew
that it wouldn't be good to be caught in his bed. But
he was raging drunk and wouldn't let her go.
Nikki wondered: if she masturbated him to orgasm, would
he fall asleep? Then she could sneak out and he
wouldn't remember. She recalled a similar experience
she'd had on a Lear Jet when she first came to America,
not more than a year ago. The thought that all men were
pigs went fleetingly through her mind, but the
difference between now and the previous time was that
she liked this man. She respected him, and owed him her
So why not make him feel better? His current state was
probably her fault anyway. So Nikki gently wrapped her
long delicate fingers around Scott's thickening erection
and she began slowly pumping up and down on his
shaft. She held firmly to the skin, moving it up and
down over the nerve-rich helmet of his engorged prick.
Scott obviously enjoyed this, and turned on his side
to face her. He brought his mouth down to hers and
began a very sloppy French kiss.
Nikki could smell his favorite liquor on his breath as
he forced his tongue between her lips. It almost tasted
like pure whisky. She thought: 'Well, I've always liked
his Kentucky mash whisky. I wonder if I could get high
on his saliva?'
She became a little frightened by the urgency of
Scott's kissing, and increased her hand movements
between his legs, hoping to get him off before something
happened that both of them might regret in the
What Nikki couldn't know, with her limited experience,
is that alcohol and orgasms don't mix. Scott wasn't
about to have an orgasm, no matter how long she pumped
his cock. He could last as long as he wanted. If he'd
been sober, he'd probably have come at the touch of the
Russian girl's velvety skin on his, but Scott wasn't
For much of the time he hadn't realized whom he was
with. But he did know that he wanted to fuck. He'd
wanted to fuck for a long time, and with that thought
running through his alcohol-soaked brain, he rolled on
top of Nikki's smaller body, pushing his cock between
her naked legs.
The aggressive move took her breath away. She knew, as
Scott brushed her hand away from his massive hard-on
and mounted her, that he intended to fuck her. Short of
knocking him out with a lamp, she would have to take
it lying down, so to speak.
This would only be the third time for Nikki to be with
a man. The first was with a boy her own age, the second
a lecher who had effectively raped her, and now, with
a handsome millionaire, so drunk he didn't even
recognize her.
But she was wrong about his state of mind. Scott had
had a lot to drink, but he had known for some time who
she was. When he first realized it he'd tried to pull
away, and had intended to get up and leave the room,
but when Nikki grasped his cock he'd almost jumped
through the roof. And when she started to masturbate
him, he couldn't help himself.
He'd been attracted to this girl ever since he laid
eyes on her. Like every other heterosexual male in the
world, he'd wanted to have sex with her, but had always
forced the feeling way down inside. Now that she had
her hand on him, though, his inhibitions were gone, and
his hormones were raging, demanding to be satisfied.
Nikki, of course, couldn't know that what she'd done
had made all this happen; all she knew was that she was
about to get fucked by her boss, and that everything
would be different from then on. She was frightened.
Her heart pounded in her lovely chest as Scott raised
his buttocks into the air and positioned his swollen
cock at her unprotected opening.
Then he thrust himself into her little piece of heaven.
It felt to him exactly as he'd imagined it would -
tight and moist and hot. He could feel her vaginal
walls expand around his shaft as he penetrated her,
grasping him tightly as he bottomed out deep inside
He had known she would be marvellous, and as his
stomach came to rest against hers he opened his eyes
and said: "Nikki, I love you."
Nikki was shocked into stillness as she realized that
the man on top of her - who was now so deep inside her
- wasn't so drunk that he hadn't realized what he was
doing. She didn't immediately know how to react, though
her instinct told her to stop him. She wasn't on the
pill - with Rachel, she hadn't needed to be - and she
expected to be ruined if she became pregnant.
However, she suddenly realized that she loved this man,
and was not prepared to stop what was happening between
them, no matter what the consequences might be. So,
like countless women before her, and after, Nikki threw
caution to the wind and lay back to enjoy the sensations
of the moment.
She would always remember the feeling of making love
for the first time with the man she loved. It was so
different from any other sexual experience. She wanted
his body. She wanted him to fill her, to spread her
wide. His muscles rippled as he humped her, while she
roamed her hands over his back and buttocks. It felt so
wonderful when he moved inside her body.
Scott, meanwhile, could hardly believe what he was
doing! Sure, he'd wanted it for a long time, but
actually to be doing it with her magnificent body, and
with her loving acceptance!
They had become as one; each of his thrusts was met by
a counter-thrust from her hips, pushing forward to meet
him. As their movements increased in speed, Nikki
wrapped her long legs around Scott's heaving hips and
lost herself in the joys of rhythmical sexual friction.
They reached the peak of ecstasy in perfect unison.
From somewhere far away Nikki heard her familiar cry
of joy, the one that only Rachel had heard before,
whenever an exceptional orgasm racked Nikki's young
This time, her orgasm was enhanced by Scott's throbbing
tool squirting jets of cream deep inside her. She
thought she could actually feel his come splashing
deep inside her, though she may have imagined it.
"Oh, how marvelous!" she breathed shakily, continuing
to cling to Scott's sweat-soaked body as they both
drifted off to sleep.
His last conscious thought was: 'Hmmm, what a great way
to go to sleep. Think I'll stay snuggled inside my
honey all night..."
Both were smiling contentedly.
Nikki was home at last. Now she was completely happy
in America. Her family was doing well; she had been
able to send enough money for them to live anywhere
they wanted, and to live like kings too.
They wanted her to come back to Russia, so she was
going to have to talk Scott into taking a vacation
there with her...
Yes, she was truly happy. She had many friends, a
wonderful job, and Scott and Rachel were wonderful
lovers... life was good indeed!
Acknowledgments: All my thanks... to Stephen for his
encouragement and proofing and to Ian for doing such a
good job editing my little story.
© August 1997 Kristen Kathleen Becker
This work is copyrighted to the author.
Please do not remove the author information or make
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