This story describes sexual acts and should be considered adult
entertainment. If you are not a consenting adult, please read no further.
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Andrea stood gazing at her reflection in the dressing
room mirror. She had just pulled off her T-shirt and
was standing in the little cubical wearing just her
panties. Since her breasts weren't all that large she
often went without a bra.
She wondered why she hadn't warn a bra that day, she
knew that she was going shopping for new clothes, and
would've normally put one on for modesty's sake. For a
nervous moment, Andrea looked around the booth
wondering if there were security cameras or two-way
mirrors being used.
She couldn't see anything that looked suspicious, but
the thought that some stranger might be looking at her
almost nude body, made her feel strangely aroused. This
feeling of illicit arousal was happening more and more
lately, she realized.
Andrea, at 20, had been married for almost six months,
and for a whole year prior to their marriage she had
worked very hard to make herself into the perfect woman
for him. Never having been a slouch, Andrea
nevertheless worked out to tone her body to perfection.
She had spent afternoons at the beach perfecting her
tan, and even had her teeth whitened so her new husband
would have the perfect bride on their wedding night.
Andrea sighed as she looked with satisfaction at her
reflection in the dressing room mirror. She HAD
perfected her body for her man, and she knew that she
looked desirable because there was never a day that
some guy wouldn't comment on her looks, or ask her for
a date. She was glad that men hit on her; otherwise she
would've begun to wonder about herself.
A shadow of unhappiness crossed Andrea's lovely face as
she thought about Michael. She had been a virgin when
they were married, and she hadn't known exactly what to
expect on their wedding night. But she knew that there
should have been more than a few kisses and Michael
passing out, sprawled across their bed still dressed in
his tux.
Since their wedding night, Andrea and Michael had made
love exactly 16 times. Andrea made a quick calculation
and decided that that was something less than four
times a month. She didn't know if that was normal, but
she did know that she wanted more, lots more.
Forcing her mind back to the task at hand, Andrea
looked one last time at her semi-naked body; wishing
that she were in bed with her handsome husband
receiving the attention that she craved. Then with a
sigh of resignation she slipped the pretty black
cocktail dress over her head and adjusted the hem
evenly at thigh level. She did a quick pirouette
glancing behind herself at her reflection, and she
liked what she saw. "If this doesn't do anything for
Michael, then nothing will," she thought.
Michael had come home early from work that day, and
stood watching as his wife pulled into the driveway. As
he watched her unloading her packages from the car, he
felt a bit like a voyeur. It made him horny watching
his pretty wife going about her daily routine not
knowing that he was there. She was dressed in nothing
exotic, just jeans and a T-shirt, but he appreciated
the body that was underneath those ordinary clothes.
He glanced down and was pleasantly surprised to see
that he had an erection. He knew that his wife was less
than satisfied with his performance in the sex
department. It wasn't anything she had said -- but he
could see the look of disappointment in her lovely eyes
every time he told her that, 'maybe later' that he
wasn't in the mood.
Michael had never been as interested in sex as his
buddies while growing up, but it never really mattered
until he'd met Andrea. It had been his idea to wait
until they were married to have sex -- he was afraid
that if he couldn't get it up she might not stay with
him. But now that they were married he felt an
incredible pressure to perform, and he knew that he was
As he watched his luscious wife walk up the drive his
erection shrank and his momentary lust with it. He
wanted to take her to bed in the worst way -- he wanted
to enjoy that beautiful body that no other man had ever
sampled, but the pressure to perform was just too much
and he couldn't stay hard.
As Andrea opened the front door her husband was there
to help her with the packages.
"Hi sweetie, you're home early," she said in surprise.
"Yeah, the boss told me to take off early so we could
get ready for the trip. Did you get everything you
needed," Michael asked.
"Yes honey, I bought an outrageously expensive dress
for the party, and with my other outfits I think I'll
have everything I need."
Andrea was a little worried about their upcoming trip,
but refused to let it show. She didn't really want to
spend the week between Christmas and New Year's at
Michael's boss's place in the mountains. But Michael
had said that an invitation to the "mountain home" was
something that any employee of Microcosm Inc. would die
for. It showed that you had arrived as far as the
company was concerned. Only the privileged few were
ever invited to the Hanson residence, and an invitation
for a whole week meant promotion time, Michael had
"When do we leave," Andrea wanted to know.
"I think as soon as possible, it's about a 3-hour drive
and the last thing I want is to be late."
Andrea asked, "Do you know who all's going to be
"Just Mr. Hanson, his latest girlfriend, the Bellamy's
and us. This will be some real quality time, and I just
know that I'm in line for a huge raise. You'll be
living high on the hog once this week is over. I expect
to get the comptroller's vacancy, which means another
hundred grand a year," Michael laughed in delight, the
unhappy thoughts of only moments before completely
All during the three-hour trip Michael was fun and
entertaining. His smiling face, his funny jokes and the
love that he obviously felt for her captivated Andrea.
She watched his face in the glow of the dash lights as
they sped through the dusky evening toward his boss's
mountain retreat. He was so animated, so fun loving
that Andrea forgot their problems and snuggled close to
him as they traveled up the mountain road.
Michael was feeling good, he felt his wife's adoring
eyes on him and put his arm around her shoulders,
steering with one hand. They laughed and talked about
unimportant things.
Andrea who had been frustrated by her husband's lack of
response earlier in the day, placed her hand in his
lap. To her surprise Michael didn't seem to mind. In
the past when she had initiated anything sexual he
would tense up, and things would become forced.
Andrea looked at the dash clock. They would be at their
destination within the hour. She looked down at her
husband's lap and watched as her fingers massaged him
to semi-hardness. She so wanted to see him erect, she
hadn't gotten enough of him since they were married and
she was still curious about a man's sexual parts and
how they worked.
With an impish smile on her lovely face Andrea pulled
at Michael's zipper, opening his fly, and reached
Michael said in a merry tone, "Whoa, baby! You wanna
cause an accident or something!?'"
"No sweetheart, you keep your eyes on the road and I'll
keep mine on your lap. If we both do what we're
concentrating on then we'll be just fine!"
Andrea dug around in Michael's pants for a moment,
fishing out his semi-hard penis. She could barley see
the head of it in the dim light from the dash, so she
tugged his belt lose and opened his pants wide.
Michael began to feel a little nervous, he knew what
his pretty wife had in mind. He wished he'd taken a
shower before they had left the house - what if he
smelled? What if she was turned off because he wasn't
Andrea looked longingly at Michael's manhood. She
didn't get to have it often, but when she did she was
instantly wet. She felt so hot that all she wanted to
do at that moment was to climb up between Michael and
the steering wheel and fuck his brains out, making him
have to peer around her as they thrust against each
That thought brought Andrea's blood pressure up nicely,
as well as her arousal level. 'God, she needed
Michael,' she thought, 'Maybe I could get him to stop
the car and we could do it in the back seat!'
Then to Andrea's horror, just as she was thinking about
fucking her husband in the back seat, she felt his
penis begin to shrink in her hand.
'NO! Please NO!' she screamed silently in despair. 'How
could he get soft now of all times? Was she so
unattractive? What had she done to turn him off?'
Michael felt the familiar shame as his dick flopped
around in his wife's hand. She had been massaging him
in prelude to giving him oral sex. She'd tried to do
that to him once before but it had made him feel too
nervous then, and it was having the same effect on him
Knowing that he needed to say something, Michael
mumbled, "I'm sorry baby, I'm just not in the mood
right now, maybe later when we get up the mountain."
Andrea nodded numbly and said, "Sure honey, we'll see
how it goes."
The young couple drove on in silence, Michael self-
consciously zipping himself up, while Andrea felt the
moistness between her legs that only moments before had
been molten hot -- begin to cool and feel uncomfortable
as she sat in miserable disappointment.
Mr. Hanson greeted the young couple in the drive of his
large house tucked away deep within the forest. They
had driven a full 20 minutes down his private drive
after leaving the county road before noticing the
lights that marked the existence of his palatial rustic
Andrea felt a little overpowered by this bear of a man.
He was almost 50 but seemed as powerful as a bull,
always talking a little louder, laughing with a little
more zest than anyone else around him.
She had met him twice before -- the first time had been
at his city apartment when Michael had first been
hired. All the young executives where invited to a get-
to-know-you dinner with the boss, he had been the
picture of solicitude toward her that evening and she'd
been impressed.
The second time was when she had come down to the
office to bring Michael some papers that he'd left on
his home office desk by mistake. Both Andrea and
Michael had been surprised that Mr. Hanson had popped
into Michael's office to welcome her.
He had taken her hand and squeezed it warmly, then
kissing the back of it in the best tradition of a
European courtier. Andrea was pleased that he seemed to
remember her, and flattered by the attention that he
showered on her while she was at the office. He even
gave her the VIP tour of the FAB and offices. They both
had to change into sterile clothing and wear a shower-
cap type of head covering to go into the FAB area.
It was only a week later that Michael had received the
invitation to the mountain home. And both of them were
impressed by the magnificence of the place. It turned
out that Mr. Hanson owned over 1500 acres and about 17
out buildings, as well as the 10,000-sq. ft. main
Andrea wasn't surprised that Michael was too tired to
do anything that night. She admitted to herself that
she would have been shocked if he had. She lay restless
in bed beside her husband wishing that he would take
her in his arms and make love to her. She felt herself
flush as she thought of him thrusting deeply into her,
of her legs wrapped around his strong young body,
thrusting back at him with matching lust.
Tears rolled down Andrea's soft cheeks as she silently
cried herself to sleep.
The early morning sun shown down through the multi-
pained windows, spotlighting the handsome young couple
sleeping on the big plush bed. And as Lambert Hanson
watched them he slowly massaged his aching cock, as he
sat in front of the video display.
He could see the object of his new found lust half
uncovered, lying sprawled on one side of the bed. She
was laying face down, and he could see that she wasn't
wearing a bra. He was pleased that there was no tan
line on her back, and even more pleased that he'd been
right when he'd figured that she had a fabulous body.
It was even better in real life that he'd imagined.
Lambert was a little surprised that the young couple
hadn't screwed each other the night before. He knew
that he wouldn't have missed that chance if he'd been
He squeezed his fully erect cock again and began to
pump it as the handsome young man stirred, waking his
pretty wife. He was immensely pleased and aroused when
Andrea turned over and sat up.
God, she's beautiful! Lambert wondered how her husband
ever got anything done. That body was so perfect, so
luscious that he couldn't believe that she was real for
a moment. Then she got out of bed and Lambert began to
spurt little gobs of come from his raging hardon as he
watched her walk to the bathroom.
She was truly perfect in every way, his dream woman.
His orgasm was a surprise, more so since he'd fucked
his girlfriend Marla twice the night before --
pretending that she was Andrea. He'd watched the young
couple ready themselves for bed the night before and
had stood there amazed when they just kissed and then
turned their backs to each other and turned out the
Lambert had been fired up -- expecting a good show. But
when nothing happened between them, he'd gone to bed
with an extra big load to expend. Marla had been a
little surprised at his intensity, but had accepted his
violent lovemaking as part of his unpredictability --
which she enjoyed.
Just then he could hear Marla moving around in the
bedroom, and knew that he didn't have much time left.
But he could only stare as Andrea came out of the
bathroom wrapped in a towel, drying her hair, and
Michael walked past her to take his own shower. 'What
was wrong with that limp-dick anyway,' he wondered.
As the week progressed Lambert's little spying act
continued to show very little in the way of intimacy
between to two beautiful young people. In fact they had
made love only once since they had been there, and
frankly, it hadn't looked all that satisfying for
It had been on Wednesday night; they had all gone to
the local nightclub in Martinsville, about 20 miles
away. After an evening of entertainment and lots of
dancing, (Lambert had danced with Andrea every chance
he got.) they had returned to his mountain home and
after a nightcap, each couple had gone to their rooms.
Lambert as usual left Marla to herself for a time,
explaining that he had a little business to complete
before going to bed. He'd headed to his office not
expecting anything out of the ordinary. But when he
turned on the monitor he was instantly riveted to the
screen. There they were, Andrea underneath Michael, her
knees raised slightly, legs spread a little, with
Michael plowing away, grunting each time he came to
rest between her magnificent thighs.
This scene made Lambert instantly hard, the couple
before him where very good looking, there was no
denying that. But he could tell that even though they
were screwing each other, and hadn't had sex for at
least several days prior, Michael didn't look like he
was enjoying himself as much as Lambert thought he
Lambert actually became angry when he looked at
Michael's beautiful wife, laying there, eyes closed,
concentrating of the sensations her husband was giving
her. He could tell that she was enjoying herself, there
was no doubt as she hugged him to her and wrapped those
beautiful tanned legs around his body and thrust
desperately back at him.
He could also see her abject disappointment as her
husband's body tensed and jerked as he came in her
after only a minute. When Michael pulled out of his
wife causing her to moan her need for satisfaction,
Lambert decided then and there that he would take over
for that hopeless fool. He wondered to himself, 'How
could any man not take care of a woman like that?'
On Thursday morning, Lambert Hanson asked Michael to
stay behind for a talk about his future. Andrea didn't
want to go to the lake if her husband wasn't coming
with her, but Lambert insisted that they would be in a
meeting most of the morning and that she shouldn't put
a damper of everyone else's day. So she reluctantly
went with the others for a day of water skiing and sun
on the lake.
The two men were sitting on the large veranda at the
back of the house, the older man looking out at the
panoramic scene as he spoke, "Michael, I've decided to
promote you. As of now, you're the Comptroller, and
your new salary is $500,000 a year plus a 22% bonus if
you bring the company in at budget." Lambert turned to
watch carefully as the young man stood there in silent
Michael had expected a hundred grand, but a three
hundred thousand dollar raise was beyond his immediate
comprehension. Finally he said, "Thank you Mr. Hanson,
I didn't expect that kind of generosity, but you can
bet I'll give you your money's worth."
"Don't be such an innocent Michael, that money is way
over the rate paid for the job. I'm not paying you that
kind of salary just for the Comptrollers job. I want
something else from you too."
Michael sat down in an overstuffed leather chair.
Absently he could hear the sound that the leather made
as it gave under his weight.
'What on earth was this man saying?' He couldn't
imagine what Mr. Hanson was getting at, but he sure
wanted that fabulous salary. "Well, what do you want me
to do sir? I realize that five hundred thousand dollars
is a lot of money, and I'm willing to do just about
anything short of murder to earn it!"
"Good! And don't worry about having to murder anybody,
all I want is free access to you wife." As he said
that, Lambert looked closely at the young man. This was
the critical moment, would he protest, would he fight
for his woman?
"I don't understand sir, what is it you want with my
wife?" Michael sat up straight with a confused look on
his face.
"I thought that I had made myself plain young man. If
you are that dense maybe I've made a mistake in
promoting you to comptroller," Lambert glared at
Michael hoping to intimidate him.
Michael had a sinking feeling in the pit of his
stomach. 'What the fuck was he saying? He wants to
screw my wife, is that it? He would pay me a fabulous
amount of money, just to have sex with my wife.'
This was just too bizarre -- he had to ask again. "Let
me get this straight sir. You want me to let you have
sex with my wife. In return, I get the job and all the
money you've offered. Is that right?"
"Yes," was all that Lambert said in response. He
waited, almost holding his breath.
Michael was in shock, but he had just enough presence
of mind to say, "Andrea would never agree to anything
like that, I can't 'make' her do it."
"I'm not asking you to do anything, all I said is that
I wanted free access to her. If she wants to play the
faithful little wife then I won't hold it against you.
What I want from you is to keep your mouth shut and let
nature take its course. If you don't get in the way,
that'll be enough to keep your job and that nice big
Then to Michael's further shock, Mr. Hanson went on to
say, "And besides, your wife isn't all that happy in
the bedroom department now is she?"
Michael stood up like a rocket. Had Andrea confided in
this man, had she suggested this plan of action to him?
He couldn't believe that his loving wife could have
humiliated him like this, he loved her, and he knew
that she loved him back. But a doubt gnawed away at him
-- he knew that Lambert was right, he was terrible in
bed. Maybe that was too much for his beautiful young
wife to accept, maybe her hormones had made her go to
this virile older man.
"Okay Mr. Hanson. If Andrea wants you she can have you,
but I still think that you'll be disappointed when she
turns you down," said Michael as he tried to sound
"That's all I ask my boy, that and when she comes to
you, you don't say anything against the idea. If you
remain silent on the subject, you've done your job, and
you'll get ahead in my company, I promise you."
The older man looked pleased with himself, the younger
one looked a little green around the gills as he
received his instruction for that evening.
It had been a wonderful afternoon at the lake, Andrea
had enjoyed herself immensely. She wasn't used to so
much attention. Everywhere they went, some man or group
of men singled her out. Some of them offered crude
whistles, but others just fell all over themselves to
help her do little things.
It would have been embarrassing but for her companions
who kept making kind jokes about the locals, and how
they weren't used to seeing such a beauty around those
After almost six months of doubt about her sex appeal,
this trip was a real ego boost for her. She had
thoroughly enjoyed herself, and she wanted to get home
to make love to Michael. She felt so sexy, he'd surely
let her have him tonight if she asked nicely.
Thursday night was enjoyable too, it was "party night"
and some of the people from the office had been invited
up to the mountain retreat, as well as a few locals.
Andrea was dressed in her new black cocktail dress, and
Michael looked so handsome in his tuxedo as they
entered the main hall and reception area. She checked
out her reflection in the large mirrors facing the hall
area one last time, and was more than satisfied with
the impression that her short clingy dress made.
So was Lambert Hanson. He found it a little hard to
breathe as he watched his new comptroller and his
beautiful wife enter the hall. She was absolutely
gorgeous in that skimpy black dress. He had the urge to
push her to the floor in front of everyone and give her
some serious face. 'God, there couldn't be more than a
couple of inches covering that juicy little twat,' he
All night long Lambert hung on to Andrea. He introduced
her to important people and danced with her whenever
the music allowed. She began to get a little nervous
that Michael would get jealous, but every time she
looked for him he seemed to be busy in conversation and
never met her inquiring eyes.
As the evening wound down, Andrea noticed that Mr.
Hanson's girlfriend Marla hadn't been around all night.
She inquired innocently, "Mr. Hanson, I haven't seen
Marla all evening, is she feeling all right?"
She was assured that everything was fine and that Marla
just had to leave a day or so early. Giving it no
further thought, Andrea went in search of her husband.
Michael was strangely silent as they undressed for bed
that night. As Andrea slipped under the covers, Michael
turned out the lights and then as if forgetting
something, mumbled that he would be right back.
Time must have slipped by because Andrea was awakened
as Michael climbed into bed next to her. She was drowsy
from the champagne and sleep, but gratefully accepted
his arms as they encircled her body, pulling her
backward to spoon against his body.
Andrea came wide-awake as Michael's hand slid down
between her legs! This was something new... Was he
going to take the initiative for once? It felt
delicious to actually lie there and let him do the work
for once. She was so happy -- and so aroused.
She tried to turn over to kiss Michael but he held her
firmly against his strong body. Wonder of all wonders -
- she felt his erection growing as it poked between her
thighs from behind. This had never happened before.
Completely aroused now, Andrea scrunched down a little,
reaching between her legs and grasped his stiff manhood
in her loving, caressing hands. Hmmm, he felt nice and
hard, nice and big... it was like a dream.
She began to rub the throbbing head of his shaft
against her hot moist slit. It was the most wonderful
feeling she'd ever felt in her life. To lay there
lazily stroking her husband's cock along her pussy-
slit, it was so... so delicious...
Andrea was just too horny to wait any longer she
quietly moaned, "Fuck me, please Michael! Fuck me
"I'll fuck you beautiful, but you didn't really think
Michael could do it, did you?"
Andrea tensed as she realized that the man in bed with
her wasn't Michael. She didn't move as she felt his
hand between her legs, his fingers twirling around the
little nub of her pleasure.
Then he said, "Michael knows I'm here, he also knows
what you need, and is willing to let me give it to
Andrea wanted to scream, to jump up from the bed and
run out of the room. 'How could Michael do something
like this too me!' She thought.
Andrea almost stopped breathing all together when she
realized it was Lambert in bed with her as he said,
"You see, I paid him $500,000 for you, and he took the
money gladly. But you're worth that and more to me."
She lay beside the older man -- stunned -- as he
continued to work on her numb body. But the numbness
didn't last long. As she lay there limply, she felt
Lambert's big cock find its way further between her
legs, it began to insistently poke at her unresisting
After a few moments Andrea realized that he had entered
her, not very deeply, because he was coming at her from
behind, but as she realized that he was actually
fucking her, the floodgates opened.
She thought, 'Why not? Her husband didn't seem to care,
and it seemed like she had gone "without" forever.'
In one violent twisting move, Andrea came to face her
lover. Lambert was a little surprised as the supple
young woman came up against him so suddenly. He could
feel her smooth skin against his, her firm tight
breasts with their rock hard nipples pressing against
his chest. As she wiggled up against him he thought he
might come then and there, just like a teenager.
She didn't stop there, She quickly pushed the older man
flat onto his back and climbed aboard. He lay there
fascinated by this beautiful woman. He realized that
she had discarded her husband and was about to fuck him
with all the intensity a young woman could bring to
Lambert watched as she placed his huge stiff cock at
her entrance and sank down upon it. God, it was better
than he'd dreamed! She was so beautiful, and so tight!
Andrea smiled down at the older man with an evil grin
on her lovely face as she ground down on him. "Old man,
I hope your heart is in good shape, because I'm going
to fuck your brains out tonight. And tomorrow, you can
send Michael back to the office and we'll keep at it
until we both collapse!"
With that, Andrea started riding Lambert's cock like a
cowgirl at a rodeo. Within a minute she was screaming
at the top of her lungs, "FUCK ME! FUCK ME HARDER!
tried to quiet her down, but she became louder until
they came almost together.
Actually Lambert's orgasm started a moment before
Andrea's did. Her wild display drove him over the top
quickly. As he came in her, he momentarily thought
about what he'd say to the guests the next day, he
hadn't intended that everyone hear what was taking
But that thought was only a fleeting one as he almost
sat up with the intensity of his orgasm -- Andrea felt
him expand and contract inside her and knew that he was
filling her with his hot come. The thought of a strange
man's come inside her body sent her into delicious
spasms... "YES... YES... GOD YES! OH FUCK YES!" She
Finally Andrea slumped over Lambert, their sweat soaked
bodies pressed together, lungs fighting for air. She
could still feel his stiff shaft inside her, twitching,
and she shivered again in small multiple orgasms that
made her moan with pleasure.
Michael stood in the darkened hall, peering thought the
doorway. His come splattered against the hall wall, and
he was breathing as hard as the two people on the bed.
If he'd only known earlier how much he liked to watch,
things might have been different, he thought sadly.
Thank you "Professor" Stephen for your wonderful help in
proofreading my story.
It’s okay to *READ* stories about unprotected sex with
strangers. But it isn’t okay to *HAVE* unprotected sex
with strangers!! You only have one body per lifetime,
so take good care of it.
© May 1999 Kristen Kathleen Becker
This work is copyrighted to the author.
Please do not remove the author information or make
any changes to this story. You may post freely to non-
commercial "free" sites, or in the "free" area of
commercial sites. Thank you for your consideration.
