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(MF, voy, oral, anal, cheat) *** Marshall finished his presentation to a conference room full of clients and coworkers at just past 3:00 p.m. and left the sales effort to those designated to close the deal. It had taken months of planning and research, and all the necessary information came together late in the process, leaving him only two days to prepare the presentation and do a couple of walk-throughs. Not having a Marketing Department Manager to make decisions amongst the warring factions on what would and would not be included in the presentation pushed everything up against the very end. The night before, he barely got two hours sleep. Still dressed fit to kill in a postal blue suit, a subtle yellow and blue matching tie and white dress shirt he left his office early and headed to Frank's Place to blow off some steam and relax. With no manager and everyone else still in the presentation, nobody was going to miss him. Frank's Place was the nearest nice bar to his office and it was his regular hangout. He hoped some of the unfaithful wives from the midday crowd of regulars would be there and he could dance and unwind a bit with them. Or maybe one of their husband's would be out of town and they would join him for an evening of sinful pleasure. It had happened several times before. No such luck though, there was not a regular cheater in the place. Every woman there was with a man and they all wore matching rings. Marshall made eye contact with them all and smiled with his impish flirting charm anyway. Fuck their husbands, if they were that controlling and possessive, he thought. He was confident and felt sure he could handle any easily angered husband who caught him flirting with his wife. He had done it before and was mentally prepared for such confrontations, much more so than the jealous husband would be. Marshall was so practiced at defusing those type confrontations it was almost a game with him to decide which way to take the ball and run with it. He could make the guy look like an idiot claiming he was being falsely accused, or apologize and be humble, or just tell the guy his wife was so incredibly hot that he just had to try. Marshall had even talked one couple into having a threesome with the wife being the center of both men's attention. He spent the night in their hotel room and wore the same clothes to work the next day. At the bar, Sammy, the bartender didn't even ask him what he wanted. He just brought him a double Markers Mark on the rocks and said with a friendly smile, "Early or late for you, Buddy; which is it?" Marshall explained and asked, "I couldn't get here for lunch and any midday fun this week. I've been working on a proposal and presentation that I just got done with. Damn, I am horny. Looks like slim pickings right now though. Any of these couples swingers, Sammy?" "Don't think so Marsh," Sammy told him. Marshall mixed with the regular daytime crowd and played some video poker for awhile. Just after 5:00 p.m., one of the waitresses, Christy, came over to him and said, "Sammy has a lead for you, Hon." At the bar Sammy told him, "Check out that pretty brunette over there with the bright eyes with her husband. Something unusual is going on with them. I don't know what it is exactly, but there is a strange tension between them. It might be worth a close look. Carefully, I would advise. He looks like he could be pretty tough and aggressive." Marshall turned on his barstool and watched the couple talking. Even in her peripheral vision the pretty brunette noticed Marshall staring at them. When her husband looked away, the woman cut her eyes to Marshall to examine her watcher. She looked a little frightened or uneasy, but Marshall saw the unmistakable telltale signs of arousal in her face and eyes. She glanced away quickly, trying her best to hide… something. Marshall said, "I see what you mean, Sammy. The sexual tension over there is enough to make her squeak if she tried to walk. Thanks for the tip. Send them some drinks on me." He wondered about her and why they were still sitting in a bar having a drink in the late afternoon if she was as aroused as she appeared to be. Marshall turned his back to them but watched their reaction in the mirror behind the bar when the drinks arrived. He saw Christy point to him before she walked back away. As the waitress passed him, he pulled her in and asked, "Got a name for them, Love?" Marshall was a big tipper and the girls at Frank's place would do just about anything to encourage his tipping extra. His generosity had the whole bar organized and willing to assist his sexual conquests. "Sure, you fucking Pervert," Christy poked at him, and added, "I get off at eight tonight, if she doesn't work out." "Don't think I can wait that long, Doll, but thanks for keeping me on your short list," Marshall told her. "It's her credit card they are using, Judy Mitchell," Christy whispered to him on another pass. Judy had been sitting across from her husband, Clint, but moved around the table so she could see Marshall at the bar. She didn't look at him right away. She bent over to put her purse by her husband's leg and didn't bother to hold the front of her loose fitting dress to her chest. Two partially-tanned large braless breasts with hard tight nipples flashed in front of Marshall's face, swayed and jiggled there momentarily as she placed her purse on the floor, and then moved it over a bit for no apparent reason. Her husband didn't seem to notice. Flashing her tits in front of him was like waving a brightly colored cloth before a bull. Marshall began to plan his charge ahead. When she sat back and their eyes met, Marshall's dick tightened in pants leg. Her eyes sparkled with life and teased him. Was it an invitation he saw there in the brief instant their eyes locked together? He couldn't decide, but god she was beautiful. Her slim body and tiny waist made her C tits look like Ds. Marshall turned back around and tried to imagine her naked. Shaved or unshaved, he wondered. Shaved, he guessed. "I wonder how much she world writhe and moan with me feeding her eight inches of thick hard cock," he asked himself, and smiled at the thought of her trying to escape his dick as he held her tight in the grips of passion and jolted her with it. "How should I do this?" he considered, and then coached himself, "Don't blow this one, Big Guy. Don't fuck it up and let her get away." Thursday afternoons were the busiest days for the happy hour crowd at the bar and they were beginning to drift in, almost all of them greeted Marshall and had some bit of news or a joke or something personal to talk with him about. He would have preferred to be friendless at the moment. "Fuck," he thought, "I need to get my shit together and make some kind of move soon or she is going to be out of here before I can do anything. Where are these people when I want to just talk and drink?" Someone cranked up the jukebox with slow dance tune and Judy touched Clint's hand. Clint led her past Marshall and their eyes met again. "Thanks for the drink, Stranger," she told him in a polite if distant sort of way as she passed, but nothing in her look suggested how hot and willing she was on the inside. She danced with her husband and never looked Marshall's way until the song was almost over. She started at Marshall briefly and he saw bedroom eyes, willing, longing for pleasure and satisfaction for a few fleeting seconds before she turned her full attention back to her husband. She snuggled her body back into his tall strong frame and Marshall's heart fluttered and a chill passed over him. Aroused confusion consumed Marshall and his dick got bone hard in his pants. "Was that lusty, needy look for me, or was she just looking my way when it happened? God, she is just about the hottest thing I have ever seen, and her eyes are so fucking captivating. I could look into them for hours with my dick in her," he thought. He wondered if she would dance with him if he asked. It was a romantic that had visited the jukebox and another slow tune played. Again, there was a brief moment of visual togetherness and like before it was gone far too soon for Marshall to read it fully. It just made him want her more and made his dick secrete more pre-cum. "Send Judy and her husband another drink," he told Christy when she passed by. Christy took the time to stop and comment on Marshall's very obvious erection. "Those big perky tits and bedroom eyes of hers are getting that thing ready for me, I hope," she said and smiled knowingly at him. "Might be the case, Love, but I am hoping the get a closer look into those big bright eyes," Marshall told her. "Good luck," Christy told him and prissed away teasingly, forcing Marshall to turn on his stool and look at her ass swaying as she walked off to deliver more drinks. He really liked that sassy fun waitress, but he could have her anytime. He wanted the chase and the catch most of all at the moment. Mere sexual relief was needed but secondary to her, the married brunette, Judy. He looked over at the table when Christy delivered the drinks. There was no mistaking the short warm smile and the wink that time. It went through his optic nerve, brain, down his body and made his dick spasm. Marshall, turned, rolled off the barstool and headed to the bathroom as the first and only spurt of cum shot down the inside of his leg. It felt cold on his leg when the air pushed through the cloth of his suit pants as he walked. "Thank goodness it didn't keep squirting," he thought, and, "How the fuck did that happen? No woman ever made me cum like that. What is it about her?" She was laughing at him. Her look and the playful laughter in her eyes told Marshall everything. It was obvious to him when he walked back to his barstool from the bathroom. She knew, and told him she knew with that knowing look and coy smile. Clint was talking away and she was giggling inside at Marshall, tickled that she had turned him on so easily and made him blow his load in his pants. "Just wait, Girl, I will get my turn to laugh," he resolved. Christy dropped the note in front of Marshall and said, "Fucking Bitch," indicating she had read it. "Be back for you at 7:00 p.m. Wink and smile so I don't waste my time," the note read. She didn't even bother to smile back or wink when he signaled her, but her inviting eyes left no doubt she would return. Marshall made sure the barstool next to his designated one was empty from 6:45 p.m. on. At 7:06 p.m. she walked back in and took a seat next to him. "I am so very glad to see you," Marshall told her with his warmest most endearing smile, and asked, "Would you like something to drink?" Judy didn't answer the question. She just looked Marshall in the face and he could see the raw, quivering hunger inside her and feel the depth of her womanhood. It was very obvious that she was powerful, sexual, sensuous and determined, but also in her eyes was vulnerability, an opportunity to approach, to get very close. "This has to be totally my way, or we can't do it," she said. "What does that mean?" Marshall asked, still mesmerized by her haunting expressive eyes, her look. "It means where, how and what are all up to me, always," she explained, never removing her eyes from his. Marshall said, "I am used to being the dominant one," but in his heart he knew he would yield to her. He just had to try to gain some measure of the control back he had lost beginning with that first brief glance into her bright beautiful eyes. "I am sure you are, but not tonight, and never with me. No questions and just come with me if I am what you want," she said, slid off the bar stool, turned, looked him in the eye and reached out for his hand. "God, those beautiful eyes," he thought as his hand willingly took hers. She drove him to a large new house in an upscale gated neighborhood just a few miles away and parked in the garage. "Her husband must have a hell of a job! Wonder how much this place is worth?" Marshall thought as he looked at the massive house and immaculate grounds. Judy flipped on the lights in the kitchen and asked, "What would you like to drink?" She made them drinks and led Marshall into the big open great room and lit two candles. She turned on the stereo to a soft music station, turned out the lights in the kitchen, and led him to the couch. Easing onto the couch she sat lover- close to him and put her hand on his leg. "Where is your husband?" Marshall asked. "No questions; remember?" Judy said as she slid her hand up his leg, stopping just before she reached his sex organs. Her touch was more than enough to ignite the hungry needy feeling in him again. Marshall set his drink aside and hers. He leaned over, took her head in his hands and kissed her. Her mouth was warm and her lips soft and full. Her eyes hadn't lied. There was so much woman in her kiss, his dick was throbbing hard the next moment. He looked into those beautiful eyes as he peeled both straps off her shoulders and Judy lifted her arms clear exposing two of the most beautiful and fullest natural breast Marshall had seen in a long time, maybe ever. He kissed her again and his hands roamed the soft hot luxurious tissue. "Yes," she whispered as he roughly massaged her breasts and rolled her nipples between his fingers and thumbs. He aggressively pushed her back on the couch and crawled over her, kissed her, sucked her tits, and shoved his hand under her dress. He teasingly squeezed different spots up the inside of her legs hard, and he looked into her eyes with dominance when he forcefully took hold of her pussy. He saw the surrender in her eyes as he massaged her pussy in the palm of his hand and felt the hot wetness there. He kissed her again on the lips. Mouths and tongues rubbed and faces twisted on each other as he shoved two fingers inside her. As his fingers went in her harshly, Judy's hips instinctively rolled away from his hand, and she immediately pushed up letting Marshall's fingers slide in to their full depth. He kissed her and raked her G spot, pulled back and rubbed the lips of her pussy and massaged area between her legs before returning to her G spot again. Three, four times he repeated it. kissing her with passion and her total passion was returned. Judy burst into climax and Marshall knew he was in control again. Finally, she was playing his game. He let her climax begin to fade and her writhing and moaning die back some but not completely before he pulled her up to standing and took her dress off. Marshall didn't bother with the garter and hose and there were no panties to remove. He let her stand there almost naked while he hurriedly stripped. He kissed her again standing and pressed his thick log of a dick against her hot flat belly. Marshall guided Judy down to suck and kiss his dick. He will tell you to this day the most beautiful thing he ever saw was her eyes and the look on her face the first time she looked up at him with them while she sucked his dick. He wanted to look away and rest his eyes for a second, but couldn't. He watched as she rotated her hands around his dick, sucked the head and looked up at him the whole time until he exploded in her mouth. Judy stroked the long thick shaft and swallowed gulp after gulp of his hot creamy cum. She licked him clean and stood up to kiss him. He tried to wipe the cum from her lips, but she warned him, "My way, remember?" Judy pressed her cum coated lips to him and kissed his mouth. Marshall didn't want it, but couldn't stop her from kissing him and sharing his own cum as they did. His mind fought the thought of it until it just felt too good to care and then the thought of it aroused him. He kissed her with renewed lust and his dick recovered in record time. Judy sat down on the couch and Marshall leaned in, took hold of her lower legs and pulled her pussy to the edge of the couch. Judy grunted, "Umph," and recoiled when the head of his hard dick slammed into her cervix the first time. Marshall was determined to subdue her and make her pay for teasing him so in the bar. He slammed into her again and Judy moaned "Oh god," but spread her legs more, inviting him to pound her all he wanted. Marshall did; he fucked her hard and fast, tried his best to break his dick off in her, stretching her until it would all go in and fit perfectly together. Judy climaxed multiple times on the way and fucked him with more passion that he could ever remember. The sounds of their lusty passion echoed around the big room and carried out through the open patio doors into the evening air. Distant voices and laughter echoed back into the room from beyond. Somebody was having a party nearby. Slapping sounds from their doggie fucking followed, and then the excited passionate moans and squeals of her climaxing on his mouth and tongue. Standing and bent over on the patio was followed by her riding him like a monkey with her legs wrapped around the trunk of his tree. Marshall bent her over the back wall looking down at the city in plain view of the neighboring houses and fucked her more. He couldn't break her will and make her feel any less that fully satisfied with his wild almost sadistic fucking. He wanted to break her, to make her whimper and submit to him. He spit on her ass and guided his dick over her anus. Judy cried out "Oh god," when his big bulbous head penetrated her ass, but she didn't stop him. Her ass felt so good to Marshall he fucked her with all the fury he could muster once he had worked his way in fully. His fat cock stretched her tight little anus to a thin ring and some of it pulled out on his dick every time on the back stroke. Judy climaxed twice more and he pounded her ass, the second time they came together. Judy pushed back off the wall and held her feet wide while he rammed her ass with all his weight until he shot his load of cum in her bowels. At the end, he rammed her deep and held her almost lifted up on his dick until his squirting stopped. Back in the house, Judy led Marshall into the master bedroom and they rested in bed. "I thought you were in charge and were going to direct things. What happened?" he asked. "I didn't need to. You did exactly what I wanted you to do," she told him, and added, "I'll tell you when you are fucking up and I want you to do something different. Right now I would like to feel your soft lips on my pussy and your tongue licking my ass and making my anus feel better." Wishing he hadn't opened his mouth, Marshall assumed the position and a half hour with a couple more of Judy's climaxes finished, she said, "You can fuck me some more if you are up to it, Cowboy. When I want you to come, I'll give you that look. If you are too tired, I'll have Clint drive you back. Oh, Clint is my husband. He is around here somewhere, watching." Judy paused and added, "That is why the great room was so dark at the beginning. Oh, by the way, nice job on your presentation. We got the contract." "How do you know about my work," Marshall asked. "I am J Mitchell Thornton, the new Marketing Group Manager, your new boss. I didn't want to interrupt things so late in that deal, so I just observed and evaluated everyone on my team. I will be telling you when you did well or when you fucked up for awhile to come. But, with you Marshall, I expect I won't have to tell you often. I think you will be able to read me most of the time by just looking into my eyes." Marshall was awash with the sinking feeling he felt from the total lack of control, and fear. He considered his dilemma and asked, "How am I doing so far, Boss?" "Not bad for the first time. I am not ready to fire you yet," she told him. The inviting look in her eyes told him it was true. End comments to fever2burn@yahoo.com * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * It's okay to *READ* stories about unprotected sex with others outside a monogamous relationship. But it isn't okay to *HAVE* unprotected sex with people other than a trusted partner. 4-million people around the world contract HIV every year. You only have one body per lifetime, so take good care of it! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Kristen's collection - Directory 70