This story describes sexual acts and should be considered adult
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this location:The Forest
hristina, daughter of Landaus the woodsman, stood
staring with pride at her betters as they passed by
in splendid procession. She could see Lord Malinov
riding beside his lady’s litter and was hoping to see
the wondrous Lady Diana.
The people loved her not just for her beauty but for
her beneficent influence upon the Court. Ever since
she arrived at the castle their lord had been kind
and generous to his people.
Cheers went up as Lord Malinov threw the obligatory
coins to the crowd, his magnificent presence dazzling
all the girls - and many of the men too, if the truth
were told.
Christina’s heart swelled as his cortege of young
warriors faithfully trooped across the meadow road
bridge in the wake of their lord and lady. Their liege
lord was returning in triumph from the Holy Land, and
stories of his valor had flown like dragon’s fire
through the villages.
Christina had been moved to tears by the story of Sir
Andrew, the young knight who had saved his lord by
taking an arrow in the chest that had been aimed at
Lord Malinov. She could see the young man resting
comfortably on a cart, in a place of honor just behind
Lady Diana’s litter.
Christina’s tears began to flow again when she thought
of the bravery of this perfect young knight, and of his
terrible wound.
At last the procession passed into the Castle Malinov.
All the fine people would be making merry tonight. It
was Solstice, and a banquet would be held as usual.
Christina, along with many other peasant women living
in the forest surround, had been charged to help with
the festivities. Living so close to the castle meant
they were often required to serve their master at table
when a big feast was in the making. Christina had often
served in the kitchen as a child.
However, grown-up now, she had been instructed for the
first time to serve in the great hall. Lady Malinov
always required her serving wenches to 'be of comely
nature and person.' As a perfect hostess, it was only
natural that the Lady Diana would want to please her
guests' visual, as well as culinary, tastes.
Christina thrilled at the thought of serving the nobles
that very evening; she could hardly wait. She happily
skipped homewards, day-dreaming of feasts, of gentle-
folk and handsome knights...
Several hours later In the warm castle kitchens ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
hristina’s Aunty Bessy shouted from her place in front
of the hearth: "Christina girl! Keep your mind on the
task at hand, will ye!"
Christina blushed when she realized that she'd been
standing and gazing at her reflection in the silver
tray she'd been instructed to polish. "Sorry, aunty.
I must have been daydreaming. It’s just that I’m so
excited to be serving gentlefolk; I’ve always longed
to do it. Oh, aunty! Isn’t it just wonderful to be so
close to so much glitter and fine trappings."
Her aunty just grunted and turned back to the roasting
boar turning on the spit over the fire, while Christina
looked once more at her reflection in the gleaming
The boys in the village often commented on her good
looks. Christina just knew she could turn all heads,
even those of her betters, if she was properly washed
and groomed. She was proud of her looks, and had always
been careful with her body, not doing any of the
foolish things some of the local girls got up to. She
was sure she was meant to be something special, more
than just a farmer's wife.
Hearing her aunty start to grumble again, Christina
quickly went back to work, preparing for that night's
Night is falling
The great hall is alive with music and revelry
he pageantry and gaiety had always been like a drug to
Christina. Tonight she'd been assigned to a position
at the head of the hall, which meant that she'd be
serving her lord and lady, and also the guests of
honor. She was so nervous at first that she thought
she was going to faint, and almost did when the
gracious Lady Diana turned towards her and smiled as
Christina was filling her glass.
Christina made sure to place herself close to handsome
young Sir Andrew, the bravest knight in the realm. Sir
Andrew was a mystery to the common folk in the forest
surround. He came from across the narrow sea, and spoke
with a strange accent. His parents were almost mythical
figures. Eli The Bearded was known by one and all as
a great war leader in his land, while the Lady Cyrrh,
his wife, was both feared and respected on both sides
of the water for her magical powers.
Christina made a special effort to please the young
knight with the illustrious pedigree, waiting on his
every whim, always at hand when he looked as if he
might want something.
The feasting and entertainment continued late into the
evening, by which time many of the guests were well
into their cups, and boisterous in their merry-making.
As she weaved between the guests conversing at the
table, Christina noticed Sir Andrew favoring her with
a smile, not to mention a wink of his eye! She was
ecstatically happy to have been noticed by such a
handsome and illustrious knight.
Later that evening As the embers burned low
As the night wore on, the serving girls had less and
less to do. Making one of her rounds, Christina was
both surprised and pleased when Sir Andrew reached out
and pulled her down on to the bench next to him.
"You're a pretty wench!! What's your name?"
She blushed with embarrassment and excitement,
answering in a small voice: "Christina, great sir."
He laughed at her timid response and said, cheerfully:
"You sound shy, but you weren't too shy to flirt with
me just now."
Christina was taken aback. Had she been that obvious?
Oh well, at least he'd noticed her! She answered
softly: "I hope I did not offend the great lord. It
was not what I intended." She gave him her most
appealing 'innocent little girl' look. She'd used that
look to great effect on the peasant boys in her
village, and wondered how a nobleman would react to
such a rustic device.
Sir Andrew saw before him a very pretty peasant girl,
with a very fetching look on her lovely face. Having
her so close to him was making him sexually aroused.
He was surprised to feel anything at all. His wound,
and the sea travel, combined with little opportunity
or inclination, had meant that he hadn't shared a
woman's bed for more than six months.
As, however, he looked into this girl's lovely eyes,
a need grew within him. He smiled at her and, gently
pulling her towards him, kissed her soft lips.
Though she tried not to show it, Christina was beside
herself with excitement. A noble knight had actually
kissed her. She could die now, and life would have been
fair to her. Joy and love surfaced in her as she kissed
him back, pushing her supple young body against his in
sudden urgent need. One of her hands came to rest
comfortably on the young man's crotch, hidden under
the table.
Christina didn't really know what she was doing, but
Caroline, her older cousin, had told her that men liked
having that part touched by women.
Sir Andrew almost choked when he felt her hand between
his legs, and his eyes widened as she massaged his
growing erection through the material of his breeches.
Does she have any idea what she's doing?, he wondered.
They sat together for hours, while the feasting
gradually died down and guests began making their way
into the darker recesses of the great hall, to sleep.
Sir Andrew, as befitting a knight, had his own area by
the north wall. His sleeping quarters were smallish,
but reasonably private, and his thoughts turned towards
using this privacy to bed this pretty wench. When the
great Lord Malinov and the beautiful Lady Diana rose
to toast Solstice, all who still could held their
goblets high and chanted their lords' name the
prescribed amount of times.
With a flourish of his robes Lord Malinov turned and,
his lady at his side, dismounted from the dais. They
made their way past their guests, nodding to the
occasional friend; pausing here and there.
The royal couple halted at Sir Andrew’s side, and Lord
Malinov wished him the very best of fortune. To
Christina’s amazement, Lady Diana leaned forward and
kissed Sir Andrew on the cheek, whispering: "Thank you,
kind sir. Your service to the kingdom, and to me, has
created a debt I can never repay. I can never thank
you enough for taking my husband's life into your
hands, and will always be grateful to you."
She stood up, her back erect, her perfect body held
with dignity, and her eyes shining with tears of
Christina watched in a kind of ecstasy the noble
couple's graceful exit from the great hall. Her recent
thoughts about having a good time, and relieving the
lust that had been building within her, had disappeared.
Admiration for her liege lord and his lady fair over-
whelmed her, bringing tears to her eyes.
Sir Andrew watched his little serving wench gaze at
the retreating figures of her lord and mistress, and
thought he was seeing the flush of innocent youth at
the moment of perfection. Though not more than 23
himself, he saw the innocent happiness radiating from
the young girl's face as a light in darkness.
His need was growing again, and he thought to himself:
‘I will have her flower tonight. I’ll take her
virginity, and be whole again.’ The thought stirred his
loins, and he leant over and cupped one hand over one
of Christina's soft, round breasts.
Christina started at the intimate contact, but then
accepted it gladly. Turning her clear blue eyes on the
young knight's dark, smoldering ones, she kissed him
deeply, which in turn made him more urgent in his own
Suddenly, without a word, he stood up and pulled
Christina to her feet. Taking her by the hand, he led
her into the dark recesses of the great hall, toward
his pallet. The young couple giggled together as they
stumbled over lesser knights and guests, forced to make
do with reed mats on the hall floor.
Christina was shocked to see couples copulating in
plain sight, some being watched as a kind of show by
their neighbors. She giggled nervously when she passed
them, her knight responding by passionately kissing her
neck and ear.
The great hall A knights billet
ir Andrew lit a small taper before getting the young
servant girl to stand before him and beginning to
undress her. She wore simple clothing, without either
buttons or snaps, just peasant-style little ties that
were easy to undo.
While he removed her garments one by one, Christina
stood very still, her arms slightly out from her sides,
wondering what Sir Andrew was planning for her. She had
no experience in this sort of affair.
Her heart pounded as her body was lovingly uncovered
by her paramour. Deciding at last she ought to do
something herself, she started unbuttoning Sir Andrew's
tunic while he was still engaged in removing her
garments. Soon the young couple were both standing
Sir Andrew was aware that he was hard again, and
marveled at it. There'd been a time when he thought
he'd never feel lust again, but now, standing before
this common, but beautiful little vixen, he was fully
erect, and horny as a goat. Her body promised him all
the physical delights that a woman could offer.
He reached out to fondle her delightful breasts, and
was pleased to see her dusky-pink nipples harden at
his touch.
Christina hadn't realized how beautiful a man’s body
could be. She’d assumed that, under their clothing,
all men were like her Uncle George - hairy and rough.
She’d seen her uncle working in the fields without his
shirt, and saw little resemblance between that memory
and the almost hairless, well-muscled body of Sir
She noticed his terrible scar at the place where the
arrow had entered his body. She reached out to touch
the spot, at the same moment looking downward and
seeing the evidence of his maleness pointing at her.
Christina was fascinated by the sight of Sir Andrew's
straining penis. She'd never thought before about a
man’s sexual organ. Of course, growing up as she had
in the fields of the forest surround, she'd seen
animals doing it, and naturally had seen her little
brother nude on many occasions. But they hadn’t looked
anything like the meaty pole that was standing erect
before her.
Unsure of what was expected of her, she shyly reached
out her hand and touched the aroused organ. It felt
hot, almost burning, to her cool hand. Intrigued, she
gripped the young knight’s erect penis and gently
Sir Andrew groaned, immensely enjoying the sensation.
He was, indeed, a little surprised that this young
beauty was acting in such a forward manner. He was used
to girls accepting his advances as if he were entitled
to make them, but this one was lively indeed.
Christina began pulling the smooth skin of her lover's
penis up and down the shaft, revelling in the pleasure
she saw on Sir Andrew's face. She was enjoying herself
too; the feel of his hot sex in her hand stirred
strange feelings inside her. She wanted this beautiful
man more than anything, and was more than willing do
anything he asked of her.
Her cool touch on his hot erection was all that was
needed to make Sir Andrew convinced he'd be able to
perform the sexual act. Indeed, he felt so aroused
that he started to worry that he might come too soon.
He began exploring the young girl's body with his
hands, running them over her smooth skin; her
shoulders, soft breasts, thighs and flat stomach. She's
truly a lovely wench, he thought, considering himself
fortunate that he could look forward to having her that
As her hand smoothed his precum fluid over his shaft,
he felt himself begin to lose control and reached out
to stop her. Holding her lovely shoulders with his
battle-scarred hands, he gently pushed Christina down
onto his pallet, still marveling at the perfection he
saw by the dim light of the taper.
Nuzzling his swollen sex organ in between her legs, Sir
Andrew parted her sweet nether lips with his thumb and
forefinger, and pushed his bulging cockhead into her,
stretching the opening into her vagina.
Christina’s eyes opened wide when she felt him fumbling
at her crotch. She knew, in a general way, what he was
doing; she just didn’t know quite what would come next.
When his manhood opened her up she gasped in surprise,
amazed that something that big could possibly fit
inside her. She closed her eyes and tried to concen-
trate on what was being done to her.
It felt strange, and a little painful, but Christina
didn’t care about the pain. She was being taken by a
nobleman, and on Solstice. If she became pregnant, she
would be important and have high status in the village.
And to happen on Solstice would make it doubly lucky.
The thought of having Sir Andrew's baby made her eager
and excited.
Meanwhile, the knight was having a little trouble
forcing himself into the young serving wench, because
her tunnel was exceptionally tight. He approved that
in principle, but it meant he would have to hurt her.
Might as well get it over with, he thought.
He thrust his hips downward, forcing his now-slick
shaft deep into Christina.
"Ooowwee! Gggod!" she moaned when the pain knifed
through her body.
Sir Andrew moved his lips to her ear and said quietly:
"Don’t worry. I’ve just taken your flower. You'll feel
fine in just a minute, I promise. Trust me, will you?"
Christina lay quietly under her handsome knight, tears
welling up in her eyes, her legs spread for his plea-
sure. She nodded, waiting for him to do his will,
whatever that might be.
He placed his hands on either side of Christina's
chest, and levered his upper body up and away from
hers so he could look into her eyes. "You trust me,
don’t you? I won’t hurt you unnecessarily. You do know
that, don’t you?"
He smiled encouragingly, and Christina almost forgot
the pain. Then he moved inside her again and the pain
momentarily returned, but not for long.
The knight was so overwhelmed by his desire after so
long abstinence that it took just a few strokes in and
out of Christina's warm, velvety tunnel for him to
achieve orgasm. Thrusting himself against Christine’s
pelvic bone, he felt the once-familiar release he'd
missed for so long, his seed spurting copiously from
his body into hers. The resulting intense orgasmic
relief was a feeling he'd almost forgotten.
Christina now began enjoying herself. She joyed in
being rodded by this beautiful young man, and was
beginning to match his moves when he suddenly tensed,
simultaneously pushing his organ hard into her. His
body’s vigorous thrust, pressing against her pubic
mound, sent a thrill right through her, and at the
same time she felt Sir Andrew's hot sperm jet into
her womb. It tickled, as spurt after spurt forced its
way deep inside.
She uttered an involuntary sigh of satisfaction, while
her lover grunted as he emptied his seed into her.
The great hall Sounds of pleasure fill the night ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
After that first time there was no stopping Christina,
and she and her knight copulated time and again, all
the night through. There were some gruff rebukes from
neighbors, offended by the noise of their lovemaking,
but the young lovers took no notice.
Christina was in love. She'd never expected to find
anyone that could make her feel so happy. As far as she
was concerned, Sir Andrew was perfect in mind and body,
almost godlike, and, indeed, before the night was over
she was worshipping him like a god.
In the morning she awoke to find that her lover had
already left the hall. Most of the knights were
expected to perform in jousting and other manly arts
as the festival continued, and Sir Andrew had gone to
the jousting field.
She remained for a while in his bed, feeling warm and
sated. Stretching like a well-fed kitten, Christina
thought dreamily about the night that had just passed,
and wondered if Sir Andrew would want to try something
different tonight. She was prepared for anything, and
smiled at the thought.
Outside in the forest surround On the jousting grounds ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
ir Robert addressed his young friend with a tinge of
admiration in his voice. "So, young fellow, who was
that ravishing wench you bedded last night?"
Sir Andrew, who was watching some young bucks dueling
in the competition yard, answered in a distracted tone:
"Dunno. Can’t remember her name, but she was a great
fuck. Why don’t you try her out tonight?"
Sir Robert looked a little surprised. "You're sure
about that, are you? Of course, if you really don’t
want her any more I’ll be happy to bed her."
Sir Andrew said carelessly: "With my wound I couldn’t
take two nights like that in a row. Besides, I've got
my eye on another wench who served me breakfast a
little while ago. So feel free."
cknowledgments: All my thanks... to Stephen for his encouragement
and proofing and to Ian for doing such a good job
editing my little story.
© December 1997 Kristen Kathleen Becker
This work is copyrighted to the author.
Please do not remove the author information or make
any changes to this story. You may post freely to non-
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