(MF, exh, sex-in-public, nc)
Hershey's Thursdays
May 15th 1999
Written by Kristen
Maya felt a little queasy as she watched the women
wrestlers tugging at each other's hair, each
desperately attempting to overpower her opponent.
Everyone was cheering them on, as usual.
She often wondered how much Hershey's syrup the
club used every Thursday during this event. Both
women were covered from head to toe in chocolate;
it was hard to tell where their bikinis ended and
their skin started.
She was startled when the man next to her shouted
encouragement to his favorite. She looked sideways
at him, idly speculating on what he might be like
in bed. As he enthusiastically jumped up, shouting
at the top of his voice, she noticed that he was
hard; obviously aroused.
She looked back at the action, at the women
tussling in an oversized wading pool full of
Hershey's syrup. They were going at each other in
earnest now.
One of the women suddenly pulled away as the other
tore her bikini top free and held it up in triumph.
That brought roars of approval from the spectators,
but you couldn't really make out any details;
chocolate was smeared all over their bodies and
had seeped under the material of the swim suits,
making both women brown all over.
Maya was glad that Murphy's had the Hershey's
wrestling each Thursday night. They really brought
the guys in, and that's what it was all about,
wasn't it! She rarely went home alone on Thursday
The feeling of nausea shot through her gut again,
making her bend at the waist. Pregnant at 38, and
she didn't even know who the father was. Maya knew
she'd have to change her lifestyle soon, but
partying had become almost necessary to her. Life
had been one big party after she moved out of her
parents' house at 28.
It had almost become a routine - get off work at
5:30 each afternoon, home for a quick shower and
change, and then hit the clubs.
Her favorites were Murphy's and Charlie's Forever,
because both clubs gave a girl the best chance of
being picked up.
She mentally cataloged the men she'd had over the
past 10 years. How many was it? It was important
to keep track. If a girl didn't know whom she'd
slept with, well -- then she was no better than a
slut. It was just that, with so many years of
parties and men behind her, it was getting harder
to keep track. It must be 266, she calculated. Yes,
266 was the exact number of men she'd had sex with.
She was jostled by the man sitting next to her.
In his exuberance he'd accidentally nudged her
elbow, spilling beer in her lap.
She screamed at him: "Dammit, you fucker! Look,
what you've gone and done!"
Standing up, she swung at him, hitting him
squarely in the right eye with her small fist. He
fell back into his seat, holding his head, and
looked up at her in amazement.
Maya jumped when beefy black hands gripped her
biceps from behind and Seymour's raspy voice spoke
quietly in her ear. He was saying that she'd broken
the house rules about violence, and she struggled
to get loose from the bouncer's hands.
"Okay Maya! You know the rules. Either you take it
to the ring or you leave the club now and don't
come back for a month," he said, a wide smile on
his shiny black face.
She knew she was in the wrong for striking a
fellow patron, but she objected anyway. "That bozo
knocked my beer out of my hand and all over my lap.
How'd you take something like that, Seymour?" She
looked up at the big bouncer, struck by the sight
of his bloodshot eyes and white teeth in the
darkened audience area.
"Rules is rules, Maya. Whasit gonna be?"
"Fuck, he's too big... it's not fair, " she whined.
The two women in the ring had finished their match
when the topless one finally gave up. Many of the
crowd had begun to leave since it was almost 2 a.m.,
and a weekday too.
Looking at the few customers still hanging around,
Maya thought to herself: 'What the fuck. This could
be fun. I've wanted to jump in there more than once,
and Hershey wrestling with a guy might be interest-
ing,' On closer inspection he wasn't all that bad
looking either.
"All right Seymour, if he wants to get messy, I'm
game." The man stood up and said: "You owe me. I
ought to knock your block off for what you did."
Seymour turned to him. "Take it into the ring or
shut up. I don't like men who threaten women. Now,
whasit gonna be? You in or out?"
The man looked at Maya. "I don't have a swim suit,
and I don't think she does either."
"Not to worry, we got those in the back. Go and get
changed. I think the late crowd's interested in this
grudge match." Seymour looked at the growing crowd
with pleasure. This sort of thing didn't normally
happen; besides, it was almost a year since the last
male-female match, and that had definitely been fun
to watch.
Maya sat on a chair in the dressing room, wondering
what she'd gotten herself into. 'This must be the
stupidest thing I've ever done,' she thought, feeling
another shooting pain in her midriff. But no way
would she back down now; besides, this might be her
last chance to show off for a long time. Once she got
big with the baby she'd probably have to stay home
all the time.
"God I need a drink," she muttered as she stripped.
Within a few minutes she was entering the main room,
to appreciative shouts from the audience. One thing
she could be sure of was that the men would like her
body. Even at 38 it looked great.
She strutted barefoot down the narrow aisle to the
chocolate-filled wading pool in the middle of the
room. Hamming it up, she posed for the crowd, which
was larger than she'd expected. She didn't really care,
though. Maybe it was because she'd had a little too
much to drink, but in any case it was a real turn-on
for her to be standing in a tiny bikini in front of
a crowd, and one so close up.
There was catcalling when the man trotted down the
aisle toward Maya. She was pleasantly surprised; he
was well-muscled and, though there was a little pouch
at each side of his waist, he looked good. His name
was Mel and, according to the announcer, was an
accountant from New Jersey.
Maya was now introduced to the crowd, and she and the
man stepped together into the wading pool. It was a
strange feeling to step barefooted into 6 inches of
lukewarm chocolate syrup. It closed over her toes and
surrounded her ankles. She playfully kicked some of
the heavy syrup at Mel, splashing his swimsuit. She
noticed that he was hard again, bulging out his
swimsuit, and she just had to say: "Is that a gun
you've got in there," pointing to his crotch, "or
are ya just happy to see me?"
It was an old cliché, but the crowd roared with
laughter, and even Mel smiled back at her. Then he
stepped up to Maya and grabbed a bunch of her hair
in his fist. She was shocked by the move, which was
totally unexpected, and found her completely
He gripped her hair even tighter, almost painfully,
pushing Maya to her knees in the pool of chocolate.
She reached up, desperately trying to loosen his
hold, but wasn't strong enough. The crowd was
laughing, and cheering encouragement for the man
Maya was forced on to her hands and knees, with
Mel standing over her. Suddenly he straddled her
back and pushed her face down into the syrup.
Things happened quickly after that. Maya dragged
her face out of the chocolate pool, spluttering
and cursing, but she had just long enough to spit
and cough syrup from her mouth before Mel was on
top of her again, this time hugging her close.
They wrestled around like this for a while,
slopping gallons of chocolate syrup over the
pool's edge. Maya kept trying for a handhold
because she wanted to teach this beast a lesson,
but she got nowhere. She ended up just holding
on to Mel's thrashing body as he rolled both of
them over and over in the sweet tasting brown
Maya could tell that Mel was putting on a show for
the crowd; he was in control, and she could only
react to his moves while doing her best to keep
her head above chocolate level.
Then it happened. Mel's large body pressed hard
down on Maya's much smaller frame. At first she
panicked, her only thought being to keep her head
above syrup level, but then his arm cradled her
head, and his hips began to push down on her. This
relieved her of the fear of drowning in chocolate,
but her relief didn't last long.
She and Mel were now covered in chocolate syrup
from head to foot, and all the audience could see
was two syrupy people thrashing around in the pool.
It was hard to tell who was who, never mind what
they were doing.
But Maya could tell what he was doing! Mel was
holding her down and humping her in front of the
crowd, gripping her chocolatey hair so tight that
she couldn't move. She felt his erection pressing
against her crotch as he moved above her.
What happened next is a perfect argument against
excessive drinking. Nothing like it would have
happened if the people in the room hadn't been
drinking all night, and if they hadn't also been
enjoying the sight of semi-nude women covered in
It was eventually obvious to anyone watching that
Mel was humping Maya, and for a while the audience
became strangely silent. Maya was pushing at Mel,
trying to dislodge him, when someone in the crowd
shouted: "Fuck her, man! Fuck her!"
She now really started to struggle under her
opponent, desperately kicking out and pushing at
him. Someone else yelled: "C'mon, fuck her, Mel!
Do it!" and suddenly almost everyone around the
struggling couple was chanting: "Fuck her, fuck
her, fuck her..."
Maya was aghast at what was happening. She even
heard women's voices in the crowd, demanding that
her opponent screw her. She was fighting with all
her strength now, but Mel was too slippery for her
to grip him tightly, and he was much stronger
than her.
He had been fumbling with one of his large hands
between their bodies, and she suddenly felt his
fingers at her chocolatey pussy opening. Panic!
'What the hell did he think he was doing?' She
wanted to scream, but could only pant as Mel's
heavy body pressed her further down into the syrup.
The chanting grew louder, and Maya felt a sudden
hope that the club management might feel they had
to do something to stop it. It was at that moment
that she felt Mel penetrate her unprotected sex.
He must have managed to take out his chocolate-
covered cock, and was trying to fuck her with it!
She felt a momentary pain as her opening stretched
to accommodate him. 'God! How could this happen to
me? How could these people let him do this?!' she
thought desperately.
Maya didn't know what to do; she'd experienced
nothing like this before. She stopped struggling,
and seeing this the crowd went quiet again. The
only sounds in the room came from Mel, thrusting
into his victim, squirting chocolate with each
downward thrust, and grunting his satisfaction as
he ground into her helpless body.
It seemed to go on forever - Maya's public fucking
in a pool of chocolate syrup - but it was probably
only a minute or two. She lay docile under Mel's
thrusting body, numbly accepting his assault. When
he felt her stop struggling, he was so worked up
that he saw it only as an opportunity to make his
thrusts deeper still.
Soon the combination of the bizarre circumstances
and the physical sensations he was getting from
fucking Maya brought Mel to an intense orgasm.
Grunting loudly as he came inside her body, he
continued thrusting away, savoring each spasm as
he jetted his come deep into his vanquished
When he was through coming, he sensed the presence
of the watching crowd. A little self-consciously,
he pulled out of the female body splayed under him,
and as his shrinking dick emerged from the well-
fucked, chocolate-covered pussy he noticed white
come smeared between Maya's thighs and around her
Without thinking, he called out: "Gee, we could
make smores!"
Special Acknowledgments: All my thanks... to Stephen for his
encouragement and proofing and to Ian for editing my
This story was written as an adult fantasy. The author
does not condone the described behavior in real life in
anyway shape or form. Anyone tempted to act out any of
the scenarios in this story; should seriously consider
seeking professional help.
© May 1999 Kristen Kathleen Becker
This work is copyrighted to the author.
Please do not remove the author information or make
any changes to this story. You may post freely to non-
commercial "free" sites, or in the "free" area of
commercial sites. Thank you for your consideration.
