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(MF, husb-cheat, prost) *** Author's note: For the record this story is set in the UK where contracting is normally for the nerdy IT guys and not the builders that it means in north America. Also I'm sure you already know that wanking means masturbating. *** I live in a cul-de-sac. It's a quiet part of the city, leafy suburbs etc. Commuter country in many ways. During the day all the professionals are away to work and the kids are all in school. It could be between 9am and 4pm you wouldn't see a soul in the street. I guess that's why Susan choose to move here. Susan was our new next neighbour, she had moved in a month before I found myself spending time at home during the day. I had only seen Susan occasionally through the window in the evenings she looked attractive enough but often had a long coat on and I assumed she had an evening job as she always seemed to be heading out when I was just in. When Susan moved in it had been my wife Helen who had done the usual "welcome to the neighbourhood" so we hadn't spoken. I'm an IT contractor and as things would happen my contract had finished and with the down turn I didn't have anything lined up. So it looked like I had an unplanned holiday. Sadly I couldn't get away anywhere as my wife was still working and couldn't take extra time off. So I decided to take the time at home and get round to doing all the things I never managed to, get some exercise, read some books, work in the garden and of course with the day alone to myself - surf the internet and watch porn! The first Monday I decided to pop out and buy a paper, just to stretch my legs. From leaving my front door to the local paper shop, I didn't pass a single person and on the way back I only saw the postman. At the end of the cul-de-sac I realised for the first time that our house and indeed Susan's house probably never had anyone pass our door. When I got back to the house I noticed that Susan had a car parked in her drive. It was the first time I'd seen a car outside of her garage and I presumed the BMW was hers. I spent the rest of Monday in the house watching a bit of porn and enjoying my time alone. On Tuesday I decided to put the washing out as the weather was good. I realised we needed more powder so I went off to the shop again to get some. Again I saw no- one on the route there or back, but there was a different car outside Susan's. A merc! This seemed odd but just got on with my tasks, putting the washing on and then hanging it outside. As I was out in the backyard I realised that no-one could see into our backyard, well apart from Susan's house that is. And it meant we could see into Susan's. Then I heard a car start up and drive off at speed, I assumed it was the merc outside next door. I decided to cut the grass in the meantime. On one of the turns I looked up to next door and thought I spotted Susan in the window. But thought nothing of it. As I finished up and tipped the grass into the bin I heard another car engine. Curious I nipped round the front of the house by the gate and I saw yet another new car outside Susan's this was an expensive looking Audi. Maybe Susan worked for German car companies or something! The driver got out, he was at least fifty years old and dressed well. He just went up to the door and walked in. I had no idea who he was, but obviously he knew Susan. I finished off in the garden and decided to sit down in the living room to watch some TV when I heard the engine rev from the Audi and it sped away. He couldn't have been in there more than hour I thought to myself. Susan did seem to have people visit her. I never mentioned anything to Helen but I was curious about Susan. I asked Helen if she had seen Susan since the welcome to the neighbourhood chat. Helen said she'd hardly seen her. So my curiosity got the better of me, and I decided I had a new project in my time off, to find out whatever I could about Susan. Wednesday rolled round and the weather was great for a change. Sun was out and it was warm. It was the sort of day office workers hate because they are trapped at work. I decided to start the day easy and try and keep an eye on Susan's house. But before I did that it was time for a porn and wanking session. I booted up the laptop and logged into the net and started hunting for some porn. Lying on my bed with some point of view porn with a hot red head I was having a nice time. But I realised that I needed to take a piss. I got up from the bed and happened to look out the window as I did... and there in her own back yard was Susan. It was my first real look at her. Long blonde hair fell down her back, she looked taller than I expected maybe 5'10" slim. She was in a tight pair of jeans and a white t-shirt I was only watching her from the rear and she had a great arse. I suddenly lost the will to piss. She turned round to face her house and I could she her face, and the rest of her body. She held a hose in her hand which was trickling water. But I wasn't noticing the hose, I was mesmerised by her face she was stunning and her massive tits which were barely being held in by her white low v-neck t-shirt. I started stroking my dick she looked amazing. Then she raised the hose above her head and the water started to flow onto her. And I realised just there she was performing. Not for me she kept looking at her house and I couldn't see if someone was there. But Susan was performing the sexiest dance I've ever seen as the water poured over her t-shirt making it see through. She was doing a wet t-shirt dance. I couldn't look away as she started to rub her tits which were braless under the now almost invisible shirt. She was saying something and started to pull her jeans down I couldn't believe what I was seeing. But I was wanking like a mad man. This was amazing. Her jeans were off, now and her shirt was ripped she was only in a g string covering her ass and pussy and her fingers were soon pulling that aside. Her nipples stood out like bullets as she thrust a couple of fingers between her legs. I came, hard. I let out a moan, not realising I'd left the window open a crack. Susan looked up to my window and I quickly moved away. Had she seen me? I didn't know. But I decided to hide anyway. I hit the shower and stayed away from the window for half an hour. When I looked again there was no sign of her in the back yard. I headed for the front of the house and heard a car start up and drive off... this was a jaguar this time driving down our road and out of sight. What was going on next door. I had a sexy stunning neighbour who gives wet t-shirt shows in her back yard and has different cars at her door all the time... it took a minute but the penny dropped. Susan was an escort. I didn't know what to do, if there was anything I should do? Susan hadn't hurt anyone, it was a quiet neighbourhood and with everyone away during the day no- one would have noticed anything. It was just my luck I was at home during the day that I stumbled on to this fact. The decision was in the end simple. Susan had her life, I had mine - never the two should meet. Even if she was the hottest woman I had ever seen in my life. That night I tried to fuck Helen but she wasn't in the mood, work had been difficult for her this week and she was exhausted. I wondered if Susan worked nights! But then I realised all those times I'd seen her leave in the evening she had been going to work! Thursday rolled around and there was no sign of Susan in the backyard when I got up. So I just got on with my day. There was a car engine in the morning, I guessed it was Susan's first client of the day. Then he left and around 1pm another car arrived. I decided to spend the afternoon fixing the garden shed, I'd been hammering away for about half an hour trying to rebuild the side when I paused for breath. That's when I heard the first scream. At first I had no idea where it was coming from. Then I realised it was Susan's. If I hadn't made the connection she was an escort, I would have run over right away. But this could be a role play or something. I didn't want to interrupt. Then the second scream a different voice this time and this sounded like terror not play terror. Sod it I thought, she doesn't know that I know and what if someone else was around they'd go investigate. So I decided to play dumb and climbed over the fence to next door, hammer in hand. What I saw next was unbelievable. Susan was on all fours naked and next to her was a brunette girl also naked, both of them were looking out the patio window. Behind them was a man in a suit and a hat - the hat looked like it was military. Then I noticed he had a knife a big knife and red black and white armband. Christ he was dressed as a Nazi and has a knife. Susan looked straight at me screaming, "HELP US! HE'S SICK!" As I charged towards the door I held up my hammer. I got a better look at the man he was maybe 60 years old and he had a complete look of terror on his face. As I reached for the door handle and opened it he started backing away and dropped the knife. He fell into a chair and started putting his hands over his face. I didn't bother with the girls I ran right up to him and held my hammer above his head. He passed out. And then the Girls finally stopped screaming and sobbing. Susan started to babble "Oh my god he broke in and threatened us with the knife." I picked up the knife and put it well of his range. I looked at Susan and her friend who were both trying to cover up and a quick look round the room saw expensive lingerie over the floor and not a single proper blouse or skirt. "You can tell me the truth later. What do we do with him?" The brunette spoke up. "I've got a police friend. He'll take care of this. Give me a minute. In the meantime Susan get dressed and you can introduce me to your new hero in a minute." I wasn't paying the girls much attention too focused on our passed out would be Nazi. But I could tell that the brunette was yet another buxom beauty, slim with long hair shorter than Susan. She left the room and came back in a few minutes dressed and on the phone. All the time Susan and I just stayed there not saying anything. The brunette shook her head. Checking that Nazi boy was still breathing but not wake she reached round her back to pull out handcuffs she cuffed the old man and turned to me. "Hey there hero, I'm Gill. Thanks for saving us. This guy was crazy, but the money was too good to turn down. My friend will be here in a few minutes so I guess you need to disappear. Don't want Susie here to get involved either this was my client after all. Susie you could have told me you had protection. And handsome too" I blushed. Susan still didn't say anything but got up and ran out the room, she was back in a minute her hair up and dressed in a track suit as if out for a run. "Hi, I'm Susan, nice to meet you" it was if she had woken up. Gill looked to me and laughed "Oh my god you are a real hero! you don't work with Susie?" "No I live next door, I heard the screaming and well..." Susan took my hand to shake it "Well thanks you saved our lives. I think we need to talk." Just then the door bell rang. Gill checked Nazi boy and turned to the two of us "That's my police buddy I'd get out of here right now you to, pop next door. I'll call you when it's all okay Susie. It's going to be a while I hope you don't mind" "You won't need me as a witness? Shouldn't I talk to the policeman?" "Trust me hero boy it's better you weren't here and Gerry here won't be talking about it I promise." "What will happen to him" Susan asked. "Don't you worry Susie, he's going to be dealt with. Probably has a stack of Nazi porn at home and needs arrested. And if he didn't have any Nazi porn before, he does now. NOW you two get out of here." I figured I didn't want to explain this to Helen so headed back home, Susan followed. We went to the kitchen, I needed a drink. So did Helen. "So I guess you have questions?" She asked me. "I think I know your line of work so not really. Other than are you and Gill ok." "I guess the cat is out of the bag. Just thank god you were here. I didn't think anyone was around during the day." "I'm between contracts so I'm a house husband." "Oh right. I didn't know otherwise I'd have bought somewhere else." "You weren't to know." I handed her a scotch 3 fingers tall. As I did I remembered her putting her fingers into her pussy yesterday. Maybe it was the excitement but I was horny as fuck. She sat down at the kitchen table and started to sob. "I can't believe he almost killed us. What a sick fuck. I am so fucking stupid." I didn't know what to do, so I just sat and listened. We had about 3 hours at least before Helen would be home and I had the time. Susan proceeded to tell me her story. She was new to the escort world. She'd been an actress and model for a while. She'd actually been a body double for some of the Hollywood stars - turns out some of my favourite actresses don't have the tits and ass I thought they had. But she'd put on a bit of weight and it had gone straight to her boobs and when she turned down a director known to have an STD on the casting couch, the work dried up. She then found out her friend Gill who had also been a model was working on the side as a escort. Susan had a always had a high sexy drive and she could do with the money - so for a few weeks she had signed up with Gill's agency - they vetted the clients and she had a great time. But the agency madam got into trouble with the revenue, she had to quit and the agency went bust. By now Susan had got into the lifestyle, not the money but the fucking oh she was a nympho she realised and the money was great. So she and Gill had decided to go into business themselves. Gill had a place in the city and at nights Susan would sometimes go and work there. And during the day Susan had bought a nice house in a unsuspecting neighbourhood where she could entertain the older classier gents. For the last few weeks it had all gone well. But yesterday Gill got a call from a new client who seemed great and was willing to pay megabucks. He wanted two girls and he really wanted a blonde, so Gill called Susan. They decided Susan's was a better place to meet. Things had started well at first, he liked role-play, he was a officer in the army and wanted to interrogate prisoners they had thought was to lead to sex. Then when they stripped off ready for inspection, his accent changed to German and when their backs were turned he pulled out the armband and the knife. From there well I was up to speed. While I was still horny I was calm enough to ask some questions. She didn't even attempt to avoid them. The money was good, she had no back up now yes it was dangerous. Her clients got her number from cards in phone booths. She didn't have a website. I couldn't help it my business brain kicked in. Here I was after the most bizarre moment of my life wondering why Susan and Gill weren't taking more care. Before long my questions were turning into suggestions. Set up a website, vet clients by making sure she had more details. Have someone else around to help out if something goes wrong. She nodded at each idea and soon we were working on her business plan. We'd been talking for 2 hours when her mobile rang. It was Gill saying it was safe to go back. Susan stood up hugged me and thanked me for saving her life. "Look I can tell you are married and happy with it. So I can't really offer you anything in return for saving my life." "Yes I'm married and I am indeed happy. But I'd be lying if I wasn't tempted." She blushed "Tell you what I'm not doing anything tomorrow, why don't you come over for coffee and we can talk some more. It's nice to meet someone who isn't a client and who I can hold a conversation with" "Okay but since I'm not working it's not going to be early." "11am?" "Sure." With that she went back next door via the backyard. I sat there in stunned silence. The adrenaline had gone now and I felt sick. I had an hour before Helen would be home so I decided to start dinner. And not tell Helen anything about what happened. That night I tried again to warm up Helen in the bedroom for a shag. But she wasn't the mood. So when Friday morning rolled round. I was sporting a hard on like you wouldn't believe. Helen had left early and left a note saying she would be working till 6pm to clear the decks for the weekend. It was 10am when I decided it was time to get out of the bed. I considered having a wank but thought better of it I wanted to savour it not rush. I went down to collect the post there was a note just saying "Bring a laptop at 11" no signature or x or anything. I showered and got dressed and made sure I looked in a good state. I grabbed my laptop not sure why I was to bring it and headed next door. I decided to be formal went via the front door and rang the bell. I didn't know what to expect but Susan answered the door with her hair up, glasses on and a blouse and a skirt. I felt a bit under dressed in my jeans and polo shirt. "Wow you look formal," I said. "Well I decided today is a business meeting because I came up with a way to thank you." "Oh?" "Just get in here will you! It's not like that" She took me through to her kitchen and while all I could think about was her doing the whole sexy secretary thing. But when I saw the kitchen I realised this was a real business meeting. She had piles of paper, receipts and a laptop. "So," she started, "You work in computers, you had a load of great ideas yesterday and I have a proposal for you." "What is it." "You can design a website put up some security for me and I'll give you 25% of my income." "25% wow!" "Well there's another option where you could earn more than that" "How?" "I need a bouncer. So if you are willing to stick around during the day and protect me from the likes of Nazi boy then I'm willing to pay you 35%." "I'd be your protection? Look I can't agree to that I've got a career to worry about I have to try and get a contract." "Oh you'll be on a contract. Gill and I are going into business properly pay our taxes and everything. Limited company - you'll just be our IT contractor. I've thought of everything." "Everything?" "Yes Gill and I will work from here. You'll be next door we'll have a few silent alarms. It will be fine. And the money will be good." "How good?" "Let's put it this way... Gill and I are at the top end of the market, as you can tell we are good looking girls. So if we see a couple of clients a day. And you get 35% it's going to be about the same as any contract you'd get in the market. I've done some research." She pointed to the table and I looked at the paper work as she made the coffee. She was earning a fortune! Retire in 3 years type money. "Okay I'm interested. But why do you need my laptop?" "Well you said you've written websites so I wanted to see some examples and I don't want to hack on to your wireless signal" "Wow, that's smart." "I was at uni before I was discovered as a model. Maths degree. Never finished it but I'm not stupid." She shot me a glare as she handed me the coffee. "Okay I'm not assuming anything from here on in." Susan sat down in front of me. Had she unbuttoned the top of her blouse? Or was it like that when I got here. I couldn't help notice her tits bulging under her blouse. She looked at me and smiled "That's good don't assume anything and we'll be fine, so let's see your websites" I powered up my laptop and started to show her around a few of my project websites, they weren't anything special but they looked professional and expensive. Not something done by a high school kid trying to impress. Susan pointed out a few things I'd missed about the overall design in terms of picture layout etc but overall it was a success. All the time she'd been sitting behind me looking over my shoulder - I'd been trying to keep my mind off her body. Suddenly the urge to pee hit me, must have been the coffee. I turned round to say I need the loo, she was fiddling with a button on her blouse absent mindedly I was certain she'd opened another button at the top and I could see a bit more flesh. Rather than ask I just said I had to pop to the loo. I didn't look back but I knew I was getting horny two nights of not fucking Helen and thinking about how Susan looked naked or even dress was getting to me. By the time I was in the bathroom I was hard... damn it. I couldn't piss hard. I had to wait a few minutes to let him soften and then piss. By the time I was back downstairs in the kitchen Susan had folded down the top of my laptop. She asked me I had made a decision about her offer of a job. I said I'd have to think about it. "So let's change the subject. Then I know next to nothing about you, and you did save my life yesterday! It's a shame your name won't be in the paper for saving a life, so tell me your biography so someone knows." "Where do you want to start?" "Well, tell me about your life. How long have you lived here?" "About nine years. Helen and I moved here after we got married." "So you've been married for nine years? Wow. you don't look old enough!" I thought I saw her lick her lips, but was that just to get the coffee off them? "Yes nine years." "So you and Helen must still be in love?" "Of course. She's my best friend. We are a good team." "But no kids?" "Well not yet Helen is pushing for promotion at work. Long hours etc so until she's got that she can't take a break for kids." "She must work hard if it's a promotion at stake." "Yup." Susan's eyes flicked over to my laptop. "But you love her and things going well?" "Yeah sure things are going well." "Everywhere?" "What do you mean?" Susan looked again to the laptop. "Well I was nosey. I checked your browser history" Oh god.. the porn sites, I didn't clear them off the history. "Yes well I get bored during the day." "But you get to fuck Helen at night right? To work out all your frustration?" "Normally." "But I bet she's been busy with work recently hasn't she. Tired when she gets home. And you've been frustrated." "Well yes I guess I have been." "Do you wank to the videos?" I blushed I was very embarrassed but also turned on. Susan's tone was very sultry now and I was once again hard. I tried to blow it all off. "Of course I do. I'm a man after all" "Well I never thanked you for saving me. So I wondered. how about I give you a tour of the office?" "What do you mean Susan?" I knew fine well she was offering something but I wasn't sure what it was. Susan stood up and walked towards me. She started to play with her blouse again. "How about you get a tour of the office, to see if you want to work here. Rules are rules. No touching. But you get to see how things are done." She unbuttoned her blouse but didn't open it. "Think of me as your real life porn video. I don't mind if you wank in front of me. It's not cheating any more than you wanking to porn." I just nodded. "Okay then you go into the living room and make yourself comfortable. I'll give you a show... then we are even?" I got up and moved into the next room. Susan didn't follow immediately. I sat down on the leather sofa not knowing what to do next. She called on me from the hall. "you can take it out you know and play with it. Just remember the rules like the videos, you can't touch me or there will be trouble... I'll get my bouncer on you" Not knowing what else to do I pulled my jeans down around my ankles and pulled my cock out of my boxers. For a few more moments nothing happened. I began to wonder what was Susan's plan. Then the music started. It was some pop number, maybe Katy Perry I wasn't sure. But it had a beat to it. The door opened and in came Susan. She wasn't in the office look any more. She had black leather panties and corset with long black silk gloves and long high heel black leather boots. She then proceeded to dance for me. It was awesome. It was as if I was in the private room of the best strip joint in the world. She started to gyrate her hips and started to pull at the top to unleash her gigantic tits, all the time making eye contact with me. At first she didn't say anything. just got into the music and dancing, her hands all over her body slowing down as she pulled them across her pussy. I sat there and started to wank. The song finished and as another started up she started to speak. "So you wanna play with Susie? Do you?" I just nodded "You want to touch me? Touch me here..." She pulled the crotch aside to show me her dripping pussy. I silently nodded. "Oh but you can't... This is just the tour.... only employees get to go in" I might have moaned I started to beat my cock faster "You want a job big boy? you want a job to look after this dirty slutty whore?" she bent over as she pulled down her panties. I could see her cunt. "You want to touch me. Put a finger in my cunt do you?" I so wanted to fuck her I was a hairs breath away but she had said no touching. "Oh dear, someone's not been getting fucked at home have you?" NO I wasn't and frankly the idea of fucking Helen was out of the question right now. Susan was just impossible to resist. "So you want to stick your big fat hero cock in my little tight cunt do you?" I was desperate but also rooted to the seat. She said no touching and I wasn't going to ruin this. "Well you can. All you need to do is make me a deal." "What deal?" I blurted out, barely able to form words as she plunged three fingers into her cunt and ran her other hand through her hair moaning. "Well, it's not cheating if you are fucking the boss now. It's only because you need to keep your job. So work for me and you can fuck me... anytime you want." Oh I was so tempted and she knew it. Then she pushed me over the edge. "How about you work for me, you fuck me and Gill and then we all fuck Helen... I can tell she likes me." I closed my eyes and almost came. But Susan leaped forward and grabbed the base of my cock pulling her fingers tight around it. My near orgasm faded but I was on the fucking edge. "Go on... tell Susie what you want to do to her." "I want to fuck you so hard you can't walk for a week." "Now tell me what you want Susie to do to." "Fuck me. Please for the love of god fuck me." At that she pushed me back on the couch and straddled me lowering her cunt on to my cock which was desperate to cum but after her trick I was still harder than steel. I was speechless this girl was amazing. She gyrated to the music her hips moving around and around. She pulled her massive tits out of her top and started licking her nipples. "Oh you are so fucking big and so strong. You are my hero. You saved my life. Fill me up with more life make me live..." I realised we were bareback - holy fuck... I'd not fucked anyone other than Helen in over 12 years - and here I was bareback with a escort... I desperately wanted to stop but it was so fucking good... she leaned back and screamed for me "Fuck me harder fill this dirty whore's cunt you saved my life I owe everything to you now..." I could feel it building... I couldn't stop she was trashing around on top of me, squealing... before I knew it... I exploded. I came like never before. She screamed and came at the same time or close to it after I came. I could feel everything in her just tighten and I couldn't believe how good it felt. After a few seconds she climbed off me and then started to suck my cock clean. I couldn't believe it. When she was finished I had to ask. "That was bareback." I said realising what had happened. "Yes... it was... my first." "Your first?" "oh yes all my clients are covered. Even for oral. no STDs for this girl thank you." "But me?" "Well you saved my life. And since I've never had sex without a condom... I thought you should be my first... and I have never felt so alive" "But the pill?" "Yes, don't worry I'm on the pill, I'm not having your kids... yet." "Pardon?" "Well, doesn't every pimp fuck his girls so the babies are his?" "I'm not your pimp!" "Yes you are, your website is going to find me and gill new clients. You are going to protect us from trouble and come to our rescue all for a cut of what we earn. You are my pimp." "I never agreed." "Oh don't be silly. You know you want to do it. You get to stay at home all day earning silly amounts of money. You can even pretend to Helen that you have a stay at home job. All you need to do is make sure I'm safe. maybe work out a bit more and you and Helen will be fine." "Helen..." "Don't worry about Helen. She won't mind at all." "What do you mean?" "Helen knows what I do. She's known it since I moved in." "What? how?" "Where does she work again?" "Inland Revenue." "Guess who caught my boss cheating her Taxes." "Oh my god." "Oh yeah. She's a clever girl your Helen. She's going to get that promotion at work I'm sure of it after she managed to get my old boss caught. And Just in time." "Just in time?" "Oh yes she's trying to get pregnant. Starting this weekend, she just needed to clear the decks at the office. It's funny it was her idea I moved in here. She saw how much money I made and told me I had been doing it all wrong. Gave me a few pointers made sure I was legal and suggested I moved in to stop the house being empty for so long. And she knew you'd been needing to fuck when she's too big with the baby." I sat there dumb founded "Of course you moved the time table up a bit yesterday when you saved our lives and you've also helped me figure out a better way. And this way you won't need to pay for a shag. In fact I'm paying you! I'm only bareback for you! And you get to stay home all day. Helen can have kids and you can be the house husband while she goes back to work. It's perfect." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Susan stood up and led me back to the kitchen. There was an email on her computer from Helen - they'd been talking all this time. She'd even told Susan to be careful I was around the place all day - and asked if she could pop over at 5pm before she went home. "But Helen isn't due home till 6pm." "Oh dear... I thought you'd figure that out... you might be mine and Gill's pimp. But Helen is a client... she's bisexual - that's why she's been tired at nights... I've worn her out at 5pm twice this week." "I had no idea." "Neither did she until well let's just say our interview was very... different. Of course she couldn't pay cash" "How did she pay?" "Silly... you were the payment. And now you are staff... I expect you'll be able to help me satisfy my client when she gets here at 5pm... I'm sure she'll love the surprise when she meets my Pimp" *** That evening Helen indeed visit Susan and we had the greatest night of my life so far. But my adventures as Susan's pimp didn't end there, especially as she started to take on more female clients. END If you liked this story please do get in touch and send me feedback. grantmccloud@hotmail.com * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * It's okay to *READ* stories about unprotected sex with others outside a monogamous relationship. But it isn't okay to *HAVE* unprotected sex with people other than a trusted partner. 4-million people around the world contract HIV every year. You only have one body per lifetime, so take good care of it! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Kristen's collection - Directory 70