Kristene Comes Home
(mf, ff, teens, voy, oral)
by Kristen Kathleen Becker
This story describes sexual acts and should be considered adult
entertainment. If you are not a consenting adult, please read no further.
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The story of a young American woman who grew up in Northern
Lebanon. Who returns to the United States after her father dies.
She has to pick up normal American ways again, and has to fit in...
Kristene Baker knelt at the foot of the stairs, not
quite able to believe her eyes. The sight of her
older sister lying on the living-room floor, her
boyfriend's face buried between her legs, was something
both confusing and exciting. Watching them
was wrong, of course, but she couldn't move.
Her life experience up to this moment hadn't
prepared her for such a situation. She'd lived out
of the country for almost five of her eighteen
years. Her father, who was Lebanese, had taken her
back to his home country when he and her mom had
She'd never quite understood why she was the one
who had to go, and not Amy, who was a year older,
and more out-going. However, it had happened and
her life had changed dramatically as a result.
Living in the Middle East as a Muslim, and having
to adapt to the customs of her father's people had
been quite a challenge for the young American girl.
She didn't look like the rest of the Muslim kids,
being blonde and fair-skinned like her mother, and
she stood out like a Christmas tree during Ramadan.
She was self-conscious about how strange she must
look to the locals, and was glad that she was
required to wear the concealing chador, the prescribed
clothing of a Muslim female, whenever she
had to go outside her home.
Now that Kristene was back in the United States,
everything was again strange to her. After the
strict religious life of Lebanon, and the exacting
discipline to which she had been subject there,
life in America was frightening. There seemed to
be unlimited freedom, and that scared Kristene
more than she cared to admit.
She was afraid of the kids at school, and afraid
of the teachers too. There seemed to be no order,
no belief system, no discipline of any kind.
People did what they wanted, whenever they wanted
it, with little thought of right and wrong.
So there she was, kneeling behind the banister of
the stairway at home, watching an ungodly act
take place in her own living-room.
Kristene had been unsettled by her sister's
behaviour ever since arriving home after her
father's death. She had been relieved when her
mom insisted that she be allowed to return to
her surviving parent, but had been in a state
of fear and confusion ever since.
Being confronted with her sister having sex with
her boyfriend was just another in a seemingly
long series of events to which Kristene was
finding it hard to adjust.
As she turned and ran away in embarrassed confusion,
she heard her name being called. Oh
god, they must have seen her watching them!
Kristene couldn't face that. It was unthinkable
that she'd even watched them having sex, far
less oral sex, which was an offense against the
Quran, and probably the Bible too.
She ran on, unseeing, tears of shame coursing
down her cheeks, neither knowing nor caring
where she went, just wanting to get away.
Amy had noticed a movement from the stairs and
saw her sister turning away. She was instantly
sorry that she'd let Rob talk her into having
sex at home. She struggled to a sitting position,
shoving Rob's face out of her crotch, and
yelled for her sister to stop. But it was too
There was no telling how long she'd been there.
Amy knew that her younger sister was having
trouble adjusting to the American lifestyle,
and that this little scene would probably set
her back even further. She felt bad, even
She grabbed her skirt and quickly wrapped it
around her waist, then she slipped on her shoes
and ran out the door after her sister. By then,
Rob had figured out what had happened and ran
out behind Amy, straightening his clothes as
he went.
They searched until they saw Kristene sitting
in the bleachers of the little-league field,
about a mile down the road from her home. The
young blonde was crouching, her sweater pulled
over her head like a chador, as if she wanted
to hide from the world.
As Amy came up to her, Kristene went rigid. Not
knowing what to do or say, she hid her face,
her shame and embarrassment just too much for
her to bear.
"Kristene, I'm sorry. I really didn't mean for
you to see us, honest," Amy pleaded. She felt
guilty about her sister looking so lost and
frightened, and almost wanted to cry herself.
Kristene mumbled that she was sorry she'd spied
on them; that it had been an accident; and that
she'd never do it again.
The sisters sat together, hugging each other,
for a long time, with Amy continuously reas-
suring her younger sister. She rocked Kristene
gently, back and forth, as if she were a baby
she was trying to soothe.
Meanwhile Rob stood watching this touching
scene, thinking how nice both sisters looked.
Their faces flushed and streaked with tears,
and their color heightened by exercise and
crying, both were quite lovely.
He still felt horny, having planned a nice
afternoon of slow sex with Amy. He felt a
bit frustrated by the turn of events, but
remained hopeful. He'd been attracted by the
younger sister when she first showed up,
several months ago, but had been put off by
her strange behavior.
For the first couple of weeks she'd insisted
on wearing that 'chador' thing, and using
Arabic to describe anything for which she
didn't know the English expression.
Admittedly, she didn't have a foreign accent
when she spoke English, but she didn't know
the English name of lots of things. It was
just weird.
He'd driven both her and Amy to the mall
shortly after Kristene's arrival home. They'd
taken her to several clothing stores, and Rob
still remembered her trying on some dresses
for school. Amy had picked out some really
sexy stuff, and Kristene had tried them on.
She'd looked incredibly sexy, especially in a
little red dress which came down only as far
as a few inches below her snatch. (He smiled
at the recollection).
When Kristene had said that she couldn't
possibly wear something like that in public,
Rob had tried to convince her that it made
her look like a goddess. Eventually she had
let Amy buy it for her, but she'd never worn
it since.
That afternoon Rob went home frustrated
because Amy wanted to be alone with her
sister. He locked himself in his room to
'beat his meat', imagining what it would
be like to have both sisters at the same
time. With thoughts like that he soon got
relief, though he remained somehow
His thoughts returned once more to his
girlfriend's younger sister.
That night Kristene dreamt that her sister
and her sister's boyfriend were making love
in front of her. Unlike during waking hours,
the vision wasn't under the control of her
will-power. She dreamt that, instead of
turning and running, she had walked into
the room and stood over the lovers as they
lay on the floor.
In the dream her sister looked up at her
while Rob busied himself between her legs.
Amy smiled sexily at her, a strange look
in her eyes, and asked if she'd like to
join them.
Rob looked up at her then, her sister's
sexual juices smeared over his chin and
lips. He reached for her hand and slowly
pulled her down to the floor beside Amy.
He then, as slowly, unbuttoned her Levis
and undressed her from the waist down,
as he had already undressed her sister.
The dream made Kristene look up at Rob
while he removed his own clothing. He was
beautiful, all muscles and tan.
In the dream he was a perfect lover,
gentle with her, and expertly nestling his
face between her legs. Her sister was lying
down on the floor, her face propped on her
elbow. She was smiling at them, saying how
beautiful they looked together.
Kristene felt Rob licking her sensuously,
massaging her private domain, as he had
been doing when she'd watched him with her
sister on the living-room rug.
A pang of fear shot through her when she
felt, and then saw, him sliding his body
up along hers. She had marveled at his sex
equipment when she'd first seen him undressed,
but hadn't thought it through.
He continued to climb up her body until
he rested in her cradle. Kristene reached
down between their bodies and grasped his
penis, his oh-so-hard penis, wriggling a
little sideways so that she might see what
he looked like up close.
For some reason his penis looked really
inviting, slick and nice, and unbelievably
large. Then, without a word, Rob pushed her
hand away and hovered over her, his hands
firmly planted on either side of her
T-shirt-covered shoulders, and touched her
sex with his.
She could feel him knocking at her opening;
then she felt his penis head stretching her
open, followed by a smooth thrust into her
depths. . . 'Ohhhh....Gggooddd!' she moaned
as she came in the night.
Kristene's eyes shot open as she experienced
her first true orgasm, biting her lip, trying
to remain quiet. She lay there, silently
rocking back and forth, unusual sensations
rushing through her body, shivering in
physical ecstasy.
Just dreaming about Rob had made her come
in her sleep.
After the unfamiliar raking orgasms slowed,
and finally stopped, Kristene was ashamed of
what her body had just experienced. She'd
only had one other even remotely similar
experience, when she was thirteen, just
before going to the Middle East. She'd always
remembered that feeling, but hadn't understood
what it was, or quite how it had
Having subsequently been under tight moral
control, she hadn't even thought about sex
for the next five years of her life.
She started feeling guilty about her dream.
Having sex with her sister's boyfriend was
against everything she'd learned from the
Quran, and from Hadith. She was more confused
than ever, and tossed and turned
through the night.
When dawn came at last, she was up with the
birds. Her body had generated a great deal
of nervous energy following her new
experiences, so, her mind still in turmoil,
she went for an early morning run to work
it off.
The shower was on full blast as Kristene
stood under the flow, letting the hot water
work its magic on her tense muscles. The run
had done her good, but somehow she still
felt tense. She knew she had several more
minutes to enjoy the hot water, but then
she'd have to get going if she wasn't
to be late for school.
Standing under the soothing flow, her mind
drifted, and she thought about her high
school and the day that stretched before
her, her fellow students and teachers.
She was academically far ahead of most of
the other kids at school, and the teachers
liked her for that. Her classmates, however,
were less impressed, and though they didn't
exactly shun her, Kristene still hadn't made
any real friends. She thought it was probably
her fault. She was terribly shy, so conversations
with boys were almost painful to get
through, while few girls talked to her at
The McPheresons lived next door, and Carry,
the older of their two daughters, had been
paired off with Kristene when she arrived
home from the Lebanon. However, they hadn't
yet gotten very close; again it was probably
her own fault, she thought sadly. Their
parents had tried hard to make them friends,
but it didn't feel quite right.
Kristene was abruptly returned to the present
when her sister popped her head through the
steam-filled opening of the shower-stall and
asked: "Hey, lazy-bones, you going to school,
or you planning to stay in here all day? Mom
wants you downstairs asap!"
Kristene felt strange to have her sister
standing there, appraising her naked body.
"You know, you really should wear something
other than Levis to school. I'm telling you,
senior year is the best time you'll ever
have. And with a body like that you could
have them eating out of your hand.
She reached in and turned off the water.
Kristene just stood there, not knowing what
to do. She deliberately didn't try to cover
herself with her arms and hands; she didn't
want to look as if she felt guilty about
Meanwhile Amy looked her over from head to
toe before saying: "Well, you coming out or
Kristene stumbled out of the shower, while
Amy grabbed the towel and wrapped it around
her shoulders, rubbing her body vigorously
to dry her.
Kristene nervously asked her sister what she
was doing. "Amy, I can dry myself, you know.
Please give me a little privacy."
Amy looked into her eyes and smiled. "I do
know you can dry yourself, Krissy, but I
want to do it."
Kristene didn't know what to say to this. She
didn't know why Amy was acting this way, but
she didn't want to offend her, so she stood
in the middle of the bathroom and let her
sister dry her body completely. She jumped,
however, when Amy's hand 'accidentally'
touched her left breast.
"I think I'm dry enough, Amy. Thanks for
your help, but I'll take it from here if
that's OK with you?" she said, a nervous
squeak in her voice.
"Krissy, you're gonna have to learn to be
less up-tight. You've been to places I can
only dream about, and met people I never will,
and that's great; but you're back in the good
old USA now, and you need to try to fit in
more than you have. Try letting some of those
formidable defenses down a little." She smiled
while saying it, but Kristene was hurt by her
sister's criticism.
Amy left her at last to dress in peace,
glancing behind her one last time as she left
the room, admiring her younger sister's body
and thinking to herself: What a waste to keep
that hidden!
For the past week or two Kristene had been
toying with the idea of wearing more feminine
clothes, but she guessed she probably wouldn't
really do it. She felt comfortable in pants,
and after the ridicule she'd had from kids in
her neighborhood for wearing the chador when
she'd first arrived, she was in no hurry to
change her style of clothing.
But her sister's criticism stung her. Was
she a mouse, or a woman? Kristene stood naked
in front of the floor-length mirror and looked
at herself. There was nothing in the reflection
that bothered her, she thought. She had a
well-proportioned body; to which she'd never
really given much thought before, she was
pleased with her general appearance.
For most of her teenage years she'd been
covered from head to toe, and no one else
had seen her unclothed body . Having Amy
look at her nude had been surprisingly
exhilarating. What would it feel like
actually to wear the skimpy red dress Amy
had insisted she try on? It had felt quite
deliciously sinful wearing it.
Kristene still savored that feeling. She'd
almost fainted, she'd been so excited at
having her body on public display. She smiled
at herself. "What a dope I am!" she thought.
"Women wear stuff like that all the time."
She was determined to try to 'fit in', so
she decided to wear that dress to school,
and start working on making friends.
Just then she heard a knock, and she turned
to see Carry McPhereson looking in through
the door. Kristene quickly held her towel up
to cover her nakedness.
Carry was surprised to find Kristene not yet
dressed; she'd always been before. "You're
not ready," she said accusingly. "Hurry up;
I don't want to be late. I'm in enough trouble
at school as it is."
It was Carry's 'job' to accompany Kristene to
school each day. She didn't really mind it, and,
in fact, wasn't too upset that her charge was
running late. It was interesting to see her in
such an embarrassing position.
On an impulse Kristene dropped the towel and
turned to face her classmate. "Carry, how do
you think I look?"
Carry stood frozen in the doorway for a moment,
then stepped into the room and closed the door
behind her.
"You look really nice, Krissy." She came and
stood right in front of Kristene and smiled.
Then, wrapping her arms around Kristene's naked
body, she pulled her close and kissed her.
Kristene began struggling after her initial
surprise had worn off. She was surprised and
shocked at her own feelings during the moments
before reason told her that Carry was doing
something wrong.
In those brief moments she'd returned to that
strange place she'd inhabited the previous
night, in her dreams. She fought to break
Carry's kiss, but she felt weak; her knees
buckled under her, and her heartbeat pounded
in her ears.
Carry's hands were roving over her smooth back,
and down to her round bottom, her hand linger-
ing there while she massaged one cheek between
her fingers and thumb.
Eventually, unable to continue kissing Kristene
without taking a breath, Carry reluctantly
pulled her lips away after a last swirl of the
tongue and stepped back.
"Yes, you look really sexy, Krissy," she said
calmly, sitting on the bed to watch her classmate
dress. "So, what are you planning to wear
Carry behaved as if nothing untoward had
occurred, but Kristene was immobile with shock,
as much by how Carry had made her feel as by
what she had done.
"W-what j-just happened there?" she asked in
a small, trembly voice.
"Didn't you know? I'm gay, and I like other
girls. I thought you knew, and were coming on
to me. At school I hang out with the "in"
crowd, and most of us are gay or bi. It's
really 'in' right now. I might go straight
later, if I find the right guy, but for now
it's a lot of fun...
She chattered away, but Kristen didn't hear
her; she was still shocked at how much she'd
enjoyed Carry's kiss and her groping hand.
Impulsively, she went up to her. "Carry,
what do gay people do with each other? I
don't see how they could have, you know,
sex. I mean neither of us has the right
She stumbled through the words, not know-
ing quite how to express what she meant. All
she knew was that Carry had made her feel
wonderful, and that she wanted more of that
Carry knew just what to do; she could tell a
horny virgin when she saw one. She reached
up and ran her cool hands over her classmate's
naked breasts.
Kristene closed her eyes and bathed in the
sensation. She almost jumped when she felt a
hand between her legs, but then decided she
liked that too.
She stood there, her legs trembling, waiting
for... she didn't know what. She had no idea
what to expect. All she knew was that she had
an urgent need, and that Carry might know how
to satisfy it.
Examining her at close range, Carry was becoming
excited. She'd previously admired Kristene's
body, even in loose-fitting clothes, but had
never expected to get anywhere with her. She'd
decided that Kristene was some kind of Islamic
weirdo, but, weirdo or not, she was something
Carry was instantly turned-on, and began probing
every nook and cranny of her new friend's body
with her hands. She stroked her velvety skin,
running her hands repeatedly over Kristene's
breasts and nipples, and seeing her tremble at
each intimate contact. When she reached the naked
pussy and started rubbing, Kristene collapsed
onto the bed, next to Carry, her legs no longer
able to keep her erect.
Carry rolled over on top of Kristene's spread-eagled
body and really started doing what she
liked to do most. She started with Kristene's
nipples, and worked slowly down to the fresh
little pussy, her tongue flicking here, there,
and everywhere.
Kristene moaned with unleashed lust at the feel
of Carry's hand and mouth. It made Carry smile
inwardly, recalling her own first time. "Bring
your legs up, as if you're going to do sit-ups,"
she ordered.
Kristene did as she was told, but she was nervous,
her body quivering at every touch.
Carry now put her hands on Kristene's knees and
made her spread her legs, then slid her hands
down inside her thighs towards her crotch.
"Beautiful pussy!" she murmured.
Pussy? Kristene frowned. She had heard the word
before, referring to a girl's crotch, but had
been told that girls hated that word.
Carry realized what she was thinking. "It's OK
to say pussy; sometimes even cunt, or twat -
whatever you like. Just don't use words like
that in front of anyone you wouldn't say 'fuck'
She put her hands on Kristene's inner thighs,
and Kristene jumped as Carry lowered her face
between her legs and pressed her mouth against
her pussy. After the first shock, however, she
just stared at the ceiling and let Carry do her
thing. She'd never before imagined that this
kind of activity occurred between girls.
Carry licked up and down the spread pussy lips,
so lightly that Kristene almost fell asleep.
Suddenly, however, Carry moved her hands inward
and touched Kristene's vagina. She pulled the
little lips apart and eased her tongue inside.
Kristene's body became rigid as her friend
slowly, and methodically, tongued her. It felt
weird, but good. So good, in fact, that her
entire body became warm.
Suddenly Kristene felt herself about to
urinate on Carry's tongue. Thinking of the
humiliation she would suffer should something
like that happen she tried to stop the feeling,
but it only grew more intense. Eventually she
just had to let herself go.
However, she didn't urinate. Instead, a star
burst inside her body and radiated outward, as
Carry gently brought her classmate to her first
wakeful orgasm.
Kristene lost all control of her body, the
release was so intense, so wonderful. She was
crying as her body was racked by repeated
orgasmic spasms.
Carry maintained her rhythm on Kristene's
clitoris until she could no longer take the
intense pleasure, and pushed her friend's
head away.
Still crying, Kristene curled herself into
a fetal ball, while Carry held her in her arms.
She continued slowly stroking Kristene's
now-sopping pussy lips, enjoying the moment,
until the girls heard Kristene's mother calling
for her to come down for breakfast.
From that morning, Carry and Kristene were the
best of friends. Kristene wore her little red
dress to school that day, and soon afterwards
got in with the 'in' crowd.
As far as men were concerned, however, she
remained a virgin for another five years.
Acknowledgments: All my thanks... to Stephen for his
encouragement and proofing and to Ian for doing such
a good job editing my little story.
© 1997 Last Edit 05/00 - Kristen Kathleen Becker
This work is copyrighted to the author.
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