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But in reality, the 23-year-old woman had a ferocious sexual appetite which extended toward men from all walks of life. So it should come as no great surprise that Mary was quite a popular lady in her hometown. (M+/F, slut, orgy) *** Mary possessed lavish, showgirl-type legs and large, firm breasts, which were accentuated even more by her otherwise slender, athletic figure. She had long-flowing blonde hair, big brown eyes and a very pretty, elegant face. Some people who knew her thought that Mary was so beautiful, she could easily be known as a living version of the Barbie-Doll. This bombshell of a woman had four regular boyfriends, and would often get together with all of them at the same time. She was a true gang-bang-girl whose motto was, "the more men, the merrier." At times, Mary would stray from her inner circle of boyfriends and find others to have sex with. She simply refused to be tied- down to just one man. At 23 years of age, Mary was still trying to find a niche for herself in life. Currently, the young woman worked in the Cosmetics Department at a local supermarket. In fact, she had been employed there for the past six years - but the first four were spent on the front end, as a cashier. Mary liked her job and her co-workers, but felt as though there was a better opportunity (money-wise) waiting for her. The problem was, she had yet to figure out WHERE. In her spare time, Mary liked to both read and write. She even had a couple of poems which were published in a local magazine. The 23-year-old was also an expert when it came to playing the piano, and was an avid collector of music. Her favorites were soft-rock songs from the 1980's. To the casual observer, Mary was a quiet, soft-spoken sort of person who always had room in her life for more friends. This assumption was true. There were times, however, when the blonde would get loud and raucous during a sexual encounter. She would start shouting profanities when someone (or a group of people) REALLY turned her on. This side of Mary, the casual observer did not know about. Nor could they even speculate she was this way - Mary did not have the appearance of an insatiable super-slut. Some four or so years ago, Mary went to a night club one evening for some fun and dancing. It did not take too long before two guys made their way up to the sultry blonde in the sexy blue dress. Mary found an instant liking for both of them, but did not want to choose between either of them. Her problem was compounded because both of these guys were good friends with each other. The guys must have sensed this, because they did the most logical thing. They SHARED her for the evening. Each guy took turns dancing with Mary at the club. The blonde liked both of them, so she had no problem with this idea. Later, both guys were stealing quick kisses and cheap feels from Mary. Such double-ended attention really turned her on. By the time she was set to leave the club, Mary was in the greatest mood of her life. She was feeling so bubbly and energized, thanks to these two guys. So much, in fact, that the blonde agreed (without hesitation) to go to the hotel restaurant across the street, for a night- cap. The pair of men continued to charm and sweet-talk her, which only caused Mary to fall further into their abyss of seduction. Finally, when they knew she was theirs, both guys asked her if she would like them to get a room there, at the hotel. Mary agreed, without hesitation - again. When they got up to the room, the guys were ALL OVER Mary. They took her stylish dress off in a hurry, and all four hands explored her exposed body with wanton abandon. Their lips and mouths sucked and nibbled on various parts of her anatomy - especially her breasts and pussy. Mary was more sexually fired-up than ever before. This was her first time taking part in anything which could be considered "taboo". In the past, she had only had sex with one guy - and he was nothing to brag about. But these two guys, they WERE something to brag about. The guys - Kevin and Eric, introduced Mary to the art of double-penetration that evening. Not only did the blonde get a cock stuffed in both her pussy and mouth at the same time, but she also got a pair in her pussy and ass, too! Kevin and Eric spent the entire evening and most of the next day with Mary, pounding and fucking her from every direction. The young woman started an immediate relationship with Kevin and Eric, and often spent the night in bed with both of them. A couple of years older than her, the guys would often call Mary, who was 19, their "girl whore". Such nasty talk and degradation had an odd, but positive effect on her. Now four years later, Mary is STILL with Kevin and Eric. She has also found two more boyfriends - Steve and Cliff, who are not afraid to share her in a gang-bang sex setting. The more men - indeed, the merrier. One evening, Mary REALLY went off the deep-end, in terms of sexual play. Kevin and Eric took her to a party, and the young woman wound up having sex with a total of 12 (!) guys. She was the life of the party, and just about everyone had a turn with her. It was the greatest night of Mary's life. *** Because the 23-year-old was in the Cosmetics Department and needed to present a positive image to the customers at the supermarket, Mary would always dress real nicely when she was at work. Today was no exception - as the blonde had on a pair of hip-hugging white jeans and a peach-colored blouse. Her top was naturally tight as well, so the full outline and shape of Mary's breasts were on total display. Behind the Cosmetics counter, the young woman had a good view of the store. The checkout lanes were just off to the left, and the photo lab was to the right. In front of her was the stairwell which led up to the employee's break room and the store offices. Just behind her and off to the right was the pharmacy. Mary would often catch some of her co-employees stealing lustful glances and quick peeks of her as she kept busy in her department. The main culprits were the grocery baggers, most of whom were underage and could only fantasize about getting their hands on a 23-year-old goddess like Mary. Next to the baggers, the employees who spied on her most were the guys in store management. Most of them, on the other hand, were old enough to be her father. As a person who enjoyed attention, Mary welcomed all the glances of appreciation from her co-employees. It made her feel good that such a wide variety of guys - both young and old alike - had their eyes on her, as well. Of course, the employees were not the only ones who did their share of looking where Mary was involved. At any given moment, the blonde could turn around and catch a customer peeking at her. They were just as bad. The young woman did her best to encourage all eyes, too. Not only did she dress nicely every single day, but Mary would sometimes do a little flirting - from afar. When she knew someone was watching her, the blonde would occasionally flip her long hair back with a hand, which always enticed the men. Other times, Mary would give a sway of the hips or bend over at the waist, showing off her tight ass, and pick something up off the floor. When wearing a loose-fitting blouse, she would lean over on the counter when dealing with a customer. The guy's eyes would ALWAYS drift downward - right down her blouse to catch a glimpse of her bra-covered breasts, as well as her deep, ample cleavage. There were also times that Mary would openly flirt with her customers, too - right in front of their faces. A great example would be an older gentleman, about 75 years of age, who came into the store two or three times every week. His name was Howard, and he always made a point to go over and say hello to Mary. Quite outgoing and personable, the old codger would then ask the blonde some playful questions. "How would you like to go home with me tonight? I'll take real good care of you." "It would do me good to have a pretty, young thing like you on my arm. Care to go out to the movies later?" "They say you can't teach an old dog new tricks. How would you like to prove that theory wrong, honey? I'll give you all night long to try, if you want." Since Howard was playful and was just looking for a good chuckle or two, Mary would often respond to him in kind. "I would LOVE to go home with you... but this place, I'm here ALL THE TIME! Seems like my boss never lets me leave." The two would engage in playful conversation every time Howard came into the store for a few minutes before the old guy went about his shopping business. Mary actually thought he was sweet - she always looked forward to seeing him. Mary was a very charming and friendly young woman. She did not have a mean bone in her entire body, and rarely showed (or felt) any negative emotion toward anyone. Mary's dual combination of a sweet, personable demeanor, along with an insatiable hunger for sex... there shouldn't be any wonder why the young woman was so popular among the guys. * * * It was 12:45pm on this particular afternoon when Kevin, one of Mary's four regular boyfriends, came strolling into the store. With one thing on his mind, he went directly over to Cosmetics, looking for his favorite gang-bang-girl. Mary was busy dealing with a customer at the counter, but noticed Kevin and flashed him a little smile, as well as an accompanying wave. Annoyed that she was occupied, Kevin sighed and folded his arms. He did not want to wait to talk to his girlfriend. As the wait became longer and longer - the customer had a lot of questions - Kevin started to browse around the Cosmetics area. He was not interested in buying anything; his sole purpose was to pass time until... Kevin immediately darted over to Mary at the counter when the customer she had been dealing with moved on. He gave her a big smile and said, "Hi there, sexy." Mary held back a giggling fit as she spoke, "Can't you wait? You are so impatient... you know that?" Kevin shrugged his shoulders and replied, "Can't help it. I needed to talk to you." "Oh?" the blonde countered. "Then... what's up?" The handsome 27-year-old man tilted his head and replied, "I was talking with the guys this morning - all three of them. We decided that we would like to see you tonight." "Tonight?" Mary asked, a grin on her face. Was she going to be gang-banged, TONIGHT? "That's what I said," Kevin told her. "Tonight, tonight, tonight. Are you interested? I sure hope so." It did not take long for Mary to come up with an answer. "You bet I am!" Why not? This was Friday, and the blonde did not have to work on the weekend. She could spend the evening with her four boyfriends and not have to worry about waking up in the morning. The 23-year-old figured she would wind up spending Saturday night with them, as well... "Great!" Kevin told her, delighted that she had agreed to his proposal. "Since Eric has such a big house in such a nice area, how about you meet us there tonight... around seven o'clock? He's offered his place for tonight." "Sounds wonderful," Mary replied. "I'll be there." Kevin took in the sight of his favorite gang-bang-girl; she was SOOOOO hot, he told himself. That micro-thin, little blouse she wore hugged her shapely breasts in SUCH a delicious manner. Her white denim jeans were also a snug fit, and gave a wonderful outline of her tight, rounded ass. Kevin really enjoyed the way she had styled her long-flowing blonde hair today - it went down her neck and shoulders in tiny, exotic curls and ringlets. Plus, she had the greatest smile he had ever seen. Kevin appreciated a good smile. After his eyes had devoured her luscious form all the way from head to toe, Kevin leaned close to Mary and whispered, "I can't wait to fuck you tonight." His eyes roamed her body once again before he added, "I wish I could do it now." Mary blushed and gulped her throat, hoping that no one else was close enough to hear what Kevin had just said to her. "Hey, you!" the blonde admonished, in a teasing way. "Don't go saying things like that! Someone may hear you!" "I don't care," he told her. "They would probably be thinking the same way as me - they'd want to fuck you, too." Mary smiled and shook her head. "Kevin, get out of here. I've got work to do - I'll see you at Eric's house, tonight." "Okay," he said, nodding. "But first... can I get a kiss before I leave? It would tide me over until tonight." "No you cannot get a kiss!" she exclaimed, keeping her voice low. "I'm WORKING right now! My boss would probably flip out if he saw me kissing someone while on the clock." "You hurt my feelings," Kevin told her, in a playful way. He had already known she would decline his offer for a kiss. However, Kevin still felt like asking her - just to see her reaction. "I'll just have to get a lot of kisses from you tonight... among other things." Mary giggled and said, "Yeah... AMONG OTHER THINGS! Gee, I wonder what those OTHER THINGS could POSSIBLY be." Kevin pulled his car keys from his pocket and grinned. "You just bring that sexy little body of yours over to Eric's place tonight. Us guys will take care of the rest." "Bunch of perverts," the young woman grinned, still in a teasing mood, as Kevin turned and walked away. Mary watched him with a starry look in her eyes until he exited the store. * * * It should really go without saying that until her shift ended at 6:30pm, Mary could not help but to keep looking at her wristwatch. The 23-year-old could barely wait to get to Eric's house! The thought of being gang-banged by her group of four studs (again) was a very appealing one. Mary was so anxious to get to Eric's place that when her shift ended at 6:30pm, she was already in her car and on the road, no less than a minute later. She was going to have a good time tonight... *** Upon her arrival around 6:50pm, a smile immediately came to Mary's lovely face as she saw a total of four cars in/or around Eric's driveway. Each car represented a man - or, as the insatiable gang-bang-girl preferred to believe - a cock. There were four cocks in that house - and ALL of them were reserved for her! Mary truly was excited about tonight... The blonde checked her mascara and hair style one last time, and came to the conclusion that both were perfect. Then, she got out of her own vehicle, locked it and began the walk toward the front porch. When she set foot on the porch, Mary noticed Eric through the kitchen window. The blonde caught his attention, then waved her hand and flashed him a charming smile. Eric, who owned this house, smiled in return then made a quick dash toward the front door. "What's up, girl?" he grinned after opening the door. "Not much," Mary returned, her body already tingling with erotic sensations. Soon, four guys would be ALL OVER her! Eric took Mary by the hand and guided her into his house, then pecked her on the cheek and locked the door behind him. He turned and slipped an arm around her waist, then kissed her on the cheek again. "I'm so glad you're here, baby." "Me too," Mary smiled, in a dreamy tone. "Where are the other guys at? I can't wait to get started." Eric chuckled as he began guiding her toward the living room. "Oh, they're right in here, baby." As they entered the living room and found the other three guys watching television, Eric's hand ventured downward and offered Mary's sweet ass a tight, luscious squeeze. "Hi guys," the blonde said in a quiet tone. The trio of Kevin, Cliff and Steve suddenly lost all of their interest in watching television. And for good reason, too - their gang-bang-girl had arrived! The three guys all greeted Mary verbally, while Eric used his hand to rub and caress her ass. The blonde wiggled her hips as he did so, enjoying the warm sensations created. "Hey," Kevin said to Eric, stepping forward. "I get her first. I'm the one who went to the store today, to ask her if she'd come over here tonight. I should get her first." "No way!" Eric countered. "This is MY house, and *I* get her first. It is only fair that way." "I don't think so, buddy," Kevin countered, defiantly. Mary, who did not want the two studs to fight over who got her first, decided to end the dispute with the most logical choice. "Don't worry, both of you get me first." While Kevin and Eric grinned from ear-to-ear with that proclamation, Steve stepped forward and said, "Hey, what about us? We want you, too." Cliff nodded his head, as he felt the same exact way. "Don't worry," Mary giggled, as Eric continued to squeeze and pinch her ass with his hand. "There is enough of me to go around. Both you and Cliff will get your fair share." Mary moaned with pleasure as Eric moved up behind her, pressing his crotch upon her ass. Although both of them were fully clothed, she could feel a full erection as he grinded it against her backside. Soon, Eric wrapped his arms around her from behind and cupped both of her breasts with his hands. He gave each a series of hard squeezes until Kevin made his way over to the duo. Eric slipped his hands downward, between Mary's legs. He used both palms to openly rub and caress her inner thighs, as well as her pussy. At the same time, he continued to grind his rock-hard prick upon her sweet, rounded ass. Meanwhile, Kevin reached out with his hands and cradled Mary's breasts in both of them. He rubbed his thumbs over and across their thick underside, enjoying their vast, luscious firmness. When Eric unbuttoned her skintight jeans and pried them open, Mary moaned as he then slipped his hands inside. She continued voicing her approval as the eager young man began to massage her pussy through the silky white G-string she wore underneath her denim jeans. With her lips apart as she moaned, Kevin felt this was a golden opportunity to kiss her. He moved his mouth to hers and slipped his tongue between her parted lips, tasting the sweet treasures of her mouth. This was the type of situation which Mary lived for. She had one man behind her (Eric), grinding his massive erection upon her ass while both of his hands were down her jeans, massaging her pussy through her G-string. At the very same time, another man (Kevin) was in front of her. He had two handfuls of her breasts while kissing her very deeply and emotionally on the mouth. And best of all, Mary had two other guys (Cliff and Steve) waiting in the wings for her! Eric managed to slide Mary's denim jeans down her shapely hips and thighs. He pushed them all the way down to her ankles, and the blonde did the rest by stepping out of them. Eric then pulled her silky G-string down, and it easily fell to the floor. The young woman moaned deeply against Kevin's kiss as Eric slipped a finger up and into her pussy. She wiggled her hips upon his crotch, showing a non-veral appreciation for the pleasure which he was providing her. Eric slipped a second finger into her moist pussy, and then began to thrust both of them in-and-out at a hard pace. Meanwhile, Kevin emulated the plight of Eric's fingers with his tongue. The handsome young man was thrusting it hard and deep into her mouth and throat, displaying the same action he would be doing later with his fully-erect cock, to both her pussy and anus. Mary responded in kind, doing her best to thrash and mash her tongue against his as it invaded her mouth. Kevin continued kissing her as he started to undo her stylish, peach-colored blouse. In no time at all, he had all the buttons undone and then slipped the blouse from her shoulders. Eric finished the task by unsnapping Mary's bra from the back, then whisking it off and tossing it elsewhere. Completely nude now, the blonde broke the kiss with Kevin and then dropped down to her knees in front of him. Her brown eyes glazed over with lust, Mary unsnapped Kevin's trousers and slid them down in a real hurry. She did the same exact thing to his briefs, then helped him as he stepped out of both garments. Giggling and smiling with sheer lust, Mary's eyes focused on the massive erection which was dangling before her face. She reached out with her right hand and grasped its base, then offered it a couple of quick pumps. Next, she cupped Kevin's balls with her left hand and gently ran her thumb over and across the ultra- sensitive flesh. Kevin, as could be expected, was in pure heaven. Mary let out a loud gagging noise as she clamped her moist, red lips around Kevin's bulging shaft. Wanting to make it last, she decided to bob her head back-and-forth upon his erection at a slow, but steady speed. Meanwhile, Eric had also dropped to his knees, behind Mary. He had gotten rid of his trousers and briefs, and was busy pressing his erection hard against Mary's bare ass as he cupped and squeezed her breasts with his hands. Though not part of the action (yet), Cliff and Steve nevertheless had a keen interest in the goings-on. Both men had gotten rid of her clothing and had their eyes on Mary, as she gave Kevin a blowjob, while Eric used her magnificent body as a squeeze-toy from behind. The pair of Cliff and Steve knew that they would get their turn with the blonde very soon. And, they could barely wait! His head thrown back, Kevin continued to sigh as Mary sucked his cock, slowly but surely. Her alluring brown eyes stared up at him, blazed over with passion and lust. Kevin took a peek downward and let out his loudest sigh yet as he watched Mary's blonde head bob back-and- forth upon his tool. Still behind the young woman, Eric now had one hand on a breast, while the other was buried between her spread thighs, rubbing and frigging her moist pussy with wanton abandon. Mary wiggled and grinded herself upon Eric's probing hand, while still deep-throating Kevin's shaft at the same time. When Mary increased the tempo of her head-bobbing motion, she also heightened the speed of her tongue as it swirled and slid around Kevin's erection inside her mouth. This hot combination caused the eager young man to let out an even louder groan than before. It wasn't too long until Kevin screamed out in untamed, wild passion, while thrusting his hips forward and nearly jamming his shaft down Mary's throat. He reached out and grasped both sides of her head, then moaned with lust as spurt after spurt of hot, gooey sperm was jettisoned into the blonde's thirsty mouth. This continued for several seconds, until the sensation of his orgasm quieted down. Kevin gently began pumping his hips back-and-forth as he continued emptying his semen into the young woman's mouth. Mary, who LOVED the taste of cum, more than welcomed the thought of her lover depositing his load in her mouth. Eric, who was still pumping one of Mary's breasts with one hand and massaging her pussy with the other, leaned over and planted a kiss on the back of her neck. He knew that when the blonde wrapped her lips around his cock sometime later tonight, he too, would experience the same type of pleasure which Kevin just did. Responding to the kiss which had just been planted on the back of her neck, Mary retracted her mouth from Kevin's cock and turned around toward Eric. When she did so, Eric's eyes bugged-out and he gasped out loud in sheer, unbridled lust. Her moist lips closed but her cheeks puffed outward, Mary stared passionately at Eric as two gooey strings of hot cum oozed out from either side of her mouth. To Eric, it was very obvious that the blonde had a build-up of Kevin's sperm stored in her mouth... she hadn't swallowed it yet. The mere sight of his friend's semen as it drooled from both sides of her mouth... it nearly drove Eric insane with lust. Mary smiled just before she made a gulping noise with her throat. Then, she swallowed the entire mouthful and licked her lips with her tongue. With two gooey strings of sperm still dangling from her chin, she used her fingers to scoop them up... then inserted them into her mouth and sucked each dry. Finally, Mary looked up at Eric and smiled once again. "You are one HOT, fucking lady," he told her, in a quiet but direct tone. The blonde's gaze shifted down toward his cock, which was fully erect. "You're kind of hot too, big boy," came her response, as she smiled in a teasing way. "She definitely is fucking hot," Kevin offered, as he took a deep breath before stepping backward. His cock had deflated courtesy of Mary's tongue and lips, but the desire was still running rampant throughout it. "FUCKING HOT." Mary looked back at Kevin and giggled, then focused her full attention upon Eric. She gazed down at his rock- hard cock and sensually licked her lips at the sight. "I gotta fuck you, sweet thing," Eric gasped, enjoying the glorious sight of Mary before him, completely nude. "I was hoping you'd say that," the blonde grinned. Eric let himself go to the sensual whims of Mary as she positioned him flat on his back. His cock was fully- erect and stood up from his crotch, much like a flagpole. Mary then positioned one knee on either side of his hips, just before she lowered her moist pussy to his bulging shaft. Eric's cock pierced Mary's sweet pussy, which caused both of them to moan with great desire. Then, their moans reached an even greater height when the 23-year- old woman lowered herself onto her man's shaft, impaling herself with it. With his cock firmly implanted in her, Eric watched as Mary's beautiful face tightened with passion as she began moving up-and-down upon him. The young man reached up and grabbed two handfuls of breasts, which Mary seemed to enjoy. Much like the other three men in the room, Eric would attest to the fact that Mary was the most sexually- skilled woman he had ever fucked. Not only was her body nearly flawless and perfect, but she backed up her appearance with expert-like precision when it came to sex. She knew ALL the right buttons to push, to entice her men as far as they could go. That is why all four guys could never get quite enough of her... no matter how many times they fucked her. Mary squeaked and cried in lust as she began bouncing at an even faster pace. Eric was amazed at the sight of Mary, whose face was washed-over with passion, while her breasts bounced and flopped about wildly, as her long- flowing blonde hair flailed in all different direction. The young woman let out a deep moan, then slowed her pace but nevertheless, continued her bouncing motion. "I LOVE COCK!" she exclaimed in a breathless tone, as Eric basically just laid back and let her do all the work. "JUST LOVE IT!" Mary resumed her quick-bounce motion, and this caused a great deal of sexual energy to nearly burst in her. Wanting to hold back an orgasm but finding herself unable to do so, Mary simply screamed out and then impaled herself fully upon Eric's cock. It was time... When Eric realized that Mary was going to have an orgasm, he decided that he too, should experience one at the same time. It was only fitting that way. So, Eric let his inner defenses down and suddenly, both individuals rocked together in mutual release. As the juices oozed out from within Mary's velvet-like pussy, Eric replaced them with his sperm, as he shot it up into her. * * * Seconds later, Mary thought of the night's events up to this point. She had given Kevin a long and thorough blowjob, and was rightly rewarded with several mouthfuls of cum for her to swallow. Then, the blonde sat atop Eric's cock and fucked him wildly, and was given a fresh batch of sperm for her always-hungry pussy. But then, the gang-bang-girl remembered that there were two MORE men in the room with her - ones who needed the type of attention only she could provide. Thus, Mary looked over at Cliff and Steve. Both men were completely nude with their cocks full and erect. The expressions on their faces suggested that they did not want to wait for her much longer. Mary smiled at both guys, giving them an open invitation. "I love this lady," Steve commented, as he and Cliff made their way over to her. "I just love her." He dropped to his knees in front of her, and looked deeply into her eyes. "You're a beautiful, gorgeous woman with the sexual drive of a nasty, insatiable porno slut." He smiled and concluded, "That is why I love you, Mary." The blonde smiled and giggled in return at him. "I see that you are in a VERY romantic mood tonight!" she remarked, still giggling. "A nasty, insatiable porno slut? I suppose that I should take that as a compliment?" "Oh yes," he told her. "It's a compliment." "Hey," Cliff interjected, dropping to his knees in front of Mary as well. "I love her, too. I love any lady who has such an open mind, like Mary does, when it comes to sex. I say that you only live once, and you should get the absolute most pleasure out of life while you have the chance." "That's a nice way of putting it," Mary told him. "But the way I look at it is... I LOVE cock. It's that simple. I can't get enough of it." She paused and gave an impish grin before asking, "Do either have you have a cock for me?" "Sure do," Cliff and Steve said simultaneously, as each grasped their respective cocks and offered them to her. Mary smiled at the two guys. Cliff started the action by reaching out and pawing away at Mary's luscious body with his hands, while paying close attention to her breasts. Cliff was the type of man who simply loved a large, firm pair of jugs like Mary sported. He proved this point by cupping each massive globe in his hands, while massaging and rubbing them in the process. Shortly thereafter, Steve reached out and ran the back of his right hand over and across Mary's legs, particularly her upper thighs. His hand went from leg to leg, brushing against her firm, toned thighs. As a result, little sparks of pleasure began to swirl throughout Mary's body. As her breasts and legs were given treatment by both men, Mary began to squirm and wiggle in delight. The pleasure was building in her; it was reaching greater heights. The 23-year-old responded to this by reaching out with her hands and grasping hold of both Cliff and Steve's massive shafts Mary latched onto and grasped Cliff's stiff prick with her left hand, while doing the same to Steve's with her right. "I love you guys too," Mary sighed, still squirming about as Cliff and Steve massaged her with their hands. She then looked over at Kevin and Eric, who were still seated on the adjacent sofa. "Don't worry, I love both of guys you, too." Both men nodded their mutual feelings for Mary as they watched Cliff and Steve continued to work on her. Cliff's hands were full of breasts, while Steve now had his hand between the blonde's thighs. With a finger extended, he rubbed it over and across her excited, damp clitoris. Steve managed to pry the blonde's thighs apart, without any problem whatsoever. Then he proceeded to nudge his head between her widespread thighs, his face hovering just over her pussy. Mary responded by first moaning in passion, then slowly reclining backward until she was laying upon the floor. With her knees up and legs still spread wide, Mary was offering Steve full access to her womanly treasures. Still massaging her breasts with his hands, Cliff watched as Steve gave Mary's pussy a long, sweeping lash with his tongue. Mary gasped at the contact as the passion within her continued to grow and become stronger. Mary arched her back and sighed yet again as Steve began to feverishly lick away at her damp slit. He placed both hands on her rounded hips and burrowed his tongue deep into her tiny opening, tasting its silken depths. It wasn't too long before he retracted his tongue, then began to focus on her clitoris. Steve flicked the tip of his tongue across her clit at a mad, furious pace. Meanwhile, Mary managed to keep her left hand locked hard and tightly around Cliff's erect shaft. She openly pumped and frigged it, while he continued to massage and rub her breasts with his strong hands. Over and over again, Steve's hot tongue flicked away at Mary's excitable clit. The blonde let out a loud shriek as the pleasure continued building in her. It quickly reached near-epic proportions as Steve began thrusting two fingers in-and-out of her pussy. Mary screamed out in lust as she clamped her thighs tightly around Steve's head. When Steve added a third finger to the thrusting action, Mary lost control of herself. His tongue still focused on her clit, the blonde's body began to buck and thrash about in hot, unyielding passion. She managed to scream one last time before an orgasm finally consumed her entire body. Steve moaned in pure lust himself as he was the recipient of an oozing cum-flow, direct from Mary's pussy. With great eagerness, he lapped away at her soaked folds, enjoying and luxuriating in the delicious taste. He sucked and slurped the overflow down until Mary's pussy was completely dry. "Oh my..." the blonde moaned, letting out a deep sigh, as Steve retracted his head from between her outstretched thighs. "That... that... it was magnificent." "So were you," Steve grinned, licking his fingertips. "I cannot get enough of that sweet pussy of yours." Mary smiled at him, then turned her attention to Cliff. He had been seated beside her this whole time, his hands busy stroking and massaging her breasts. Her left hand still grasping his erect cock, she gave it a hard squeeze. "What about you, Cliff?" she asked. "What do you have in mind for me?" "I could do this all night long," he chuckled, shaking his head, while looking down at his hands as they massaged her breasts. "I'd never become bored with this." "I'm sure you wouldn't," she told him, in a quiet tone. "But isn't there anything else you would like to do with me?" She looked over at his cock, and admired the beautiful sight as it throbbed and pulsated in her little hand. "Or is there something you would like to put IN me?" He smiled and laughed, "Well, if you put it THAT way..." In a blinding flash, Cliff moved around and mounted the gang-bang-girl in the missionary position. He quickly took hold of his cock and guided it to her soaked pussy, then punched it inside. Mary let out a loud grunt as Cliff immediately began thrusting himself in-and-out of her. The other three guys watched with interested eyes as Cliff thrust away at Mary with a steady rhythm, his balls slapping against her upturned ass with each downward stroke. Her lovely face rocked from side-to- side as she arched her neck and back, enjoying his forceful advances. "Is this what you wanted?" Cliff growled at her, not missing a beat as he continued pounding away at her. "OH, YES!" she screamed back. "THIS IS WHAT I WANTED!" Mary's large, firm breasts wobbled and bounced about wildly as the rest of her body shuddered, in response to the intensity of Cliff's erotic drilling. Her beautiful face still rocking from side-to-side, Mary soon closed her eyes and let out her loudest moan yet, of the evening. "FUCK!" Cliff screamed, realizing that an orgasm was about to overtake his body. Receiving that nice hand-job from Mary as Steve lapped away at her pussy had really put a dent in Cliff's stamina. Otherwise, he would have been able to continue pounding away at her for a while longer. As it was, Mary had no complaints. She growled out in passion as Cliff jammed his cock all the way inside her pussy, then simply let himself go. The young man snarled himself as he pumped load after load of warm, gooey cum into her very-willing slit. A sign that the evening was now in full-gear happened when Kevin and Eric, who had already sampled Mary, came back to her... for some more. This was a gang-bang, and all four guys were going to take their rightful turns with Mary until they completely ran out of energy. They were going to be relentless, and not let up on her. Of course, Mary liked it that way. "I've gotta get me some pussy," Kevin announced, after Cliff had popped himself out of Mary. Kevin dropped to the floor and pulled the blonde to her knees, then laid down on his back and motioned for her to lower herself to him. Without hesitation, Mary did so. She lowered her soaked pussy to his erect shaft, and it easily slid into her. Seated astride his hips and waist, Mary began to wiggle and gyrate about in lust as Kevin's cock filled her up. Kevin reached up and grabbed two handfuls of breasts as the blonde continued squirming and bucking about, on top of him. The two had reached a rhythm, but Kevin broke it when he grabbed her shoulders and pulled her downward. Her pussy still full of cock, Mary was forced to lean all the way over on top of Kevin. Her ample breasts touching his muscled chest, Mary sighed as Kevin attacked the sensitive flesh of her neck with his lips and tongue. In this position, Mary was not one bit surprised when she felt another pair of hands grasping her hips. She turned her head for an instant and found Eric, who had a tube of anal lubricant in one hand. Soon, Mary knew, she would have a hard cock in both her pussy and ass... AT THE SAME TIME. The blonde shuddered with pleasure as Eric used the tip of his finger to smear the thick, gooey lubricant over and around her tight, puckered anus. The mere thought of being double-penetrated made the young woman shake with desire. On his knees behind her, Eric grinned as he fisted his cock and nudged it against Mary's anus. "Would you like me to fuck your sweet ass, baby?" "YES!" she exclaimed in return. "Now?" he asked, teasing her. "I don't think Kevin is finished fucking your pussy. I think I'll wait." "NO!" Mary gushed. She knew that Eric was teasing her. He liked to have fun this way. But the reality was, Mary had been double-fucked several times by these two guys in the past. It was quite common for her. But as for now, Mary was so worked-up over not only the thought of being double-penetrated (again), but the cock which was currently stuffed in her pussy. Kevin REALLY knew what buttons to push, to turn Mary on the most. "BOTH OF YOU..." the young woman exclaimed, at Eric. "DO ME AT THE SAME TIME!" "Ahh," Eric grinned, nodding his head. "Do I hear right? Does our little slut want to be double-fucked?" "YES!" she exclaimed, still riding Kevin's cock. "Oh okay..." Eric teased. "Well, here goes..." Both Mary and Eric growled with lust as the young man inserted his cock into her anus. He took it slowly, but nonetheless did not stop until his entire cock was buried deep within her bowels... his balls touching her ass. Eric gave the young woman a couple of seconds to adjust to his thick, pulsating shaft, as it was stuffed extra- deep in her anus. Both individuals continued moaning their lust as Eric then began to pump himself in-and-out of her at an easy, languid pace. But after just a couple of slow and easy strokes, Eric decided to really let Mary have it. All of a sudden, he started to thrust himself in-and-out of her at a ferocious pace. His body looked like a high-powered machine as it darted back-and-forth at warp-speed, his cock filling her ass. Completely bug-eyed, Mary could not stop screaming out the passion she felt. Meanwhile, Kevin, who was still laying on his back under Mary, continued jamming his cock up and into her pussy. The blonde was getting double-fucked to the max, by two guys she owed this part of her life to. If not for Kevin and Eric, Mary would have probably never experienced gang-bang sex. The young woman let out a shrieking cry as Eric slapped her quivering ass with his right hand. He gave her another slap - this time with his left hand. Mary simply loved being spanked - ESPECIALLY while getting fucked at the same time. "We all know how much Mary enjoys the double-fuck," Steve announced while stepping forward, his cock hard and erect. "But we also know that she enjoys the TRIPLE- FUCK much more!" At those words, Mary squealed in lust until Steve dropped to his knees in front of her, and stuffed his erection into her mouth. Now, the 23-year-old's lust- squeals were muffled. Nevertheless, she began sucking Steve's cock as Kevin and Eric continued to plow themselves into her. With her pussy and ass plugged full of cock, as well as her mouth, Mary was in pure heaven right now. Very simply, it was moments like these, to her, which made life most pleasurable. Mary could not go on without gang-bang sex as a part of her life. She was addicted to this practice. The trio of Eric, Kevin and Steve kept the young woman trapped between them as they occupied various parts of her anatomy with single, throbbing parts of their own. With the blonde nestled between all three of them, the guys had developed a "Mary Sandwich" - and they absolutely loved it! The action was hard and frenzied as the guys continued to hammer away at her. Eric was slamming Mary's ass for all it was worth, while Kevin did his absolute best to impale his cock up into her pussy. At the same time, Steve tried his hardest to jam his cock down the slut's hungry throat. The first casualty of this encounter was Kevin, who had been fucking Mary the longest thus far. He let out a wild, thunderous scream and was able to manage just a few more strokes into her pussy, before experiencing an orgasm. His spermy load completely filled and coated the blonde's pussy; so much so, his cum overflowed it, and began trickling out. Mary's senses were about to explode with raging lust as Kevin pulled out from within her pussy, and then managed to roll away. Not only was her pussy on fire thanks to Kevin, but so was her mouth and ass - thanks to Steve and Eric. Both guys added to her inner flame as they began to fuck her harder than before. On his knees in front of her, Steve was thrusting his cock in-and-out of Mary's mouth as if it was her pussy. The blonde's glossy red lips had formed a large 'O' around his erection as it assaulted her mouth. And at the very same time, Eric gripped Mary's asscheeks furiously with both hands as he continued filling her anus with his hard, willing shaft. The dual onslaught continued until the next casualty of the coupling occurred. Eric's body began to rumble as he sensed a forthcoming orgasm. He grasped Mary's asscheeks even harder with both hands, then stuffed his cock into her bowels, to the absolute hilt. Mary could only whimper as Eric growled in lust, his cock giving her anus a thick, foamy load of hot, wonderful sperm. Eric stayed put within Mary for a couple of seconds, even after his orgasm had come and gone. But when Eric finally pulled himself out of her, Steve knew that he had the blonde for himself - at least, for now. Mary had a possessed look on her lovely face as she stared up at Steve, her body vibrating as he continued to fuck her mouth with his cock. Both her pussy and ass were now empty, but they were STILL on fire. Her mouth was a raging inferno as well, as Steve hammered away with his erotic assault. But much like the two men who immediately preceded him, Steve could not hold out. His orgasm was quick and furious. He did not even have enough inner warning to steady himself for the climax. As a result, his cock simply exploded inside Mary's mouth, during mid-stroke. At least half of his delicious sperm splattered out and landed upon the young woman's face and hair. Mary responded by wrapping her right hand around the base of his cock, then taking the rest of it deep into her mouth. She was rewarded for her efforts with two more monster-squirts, both of which were deposited right down her cum-seeking throat. After his orgasm subsided, Steve pulled himself out of Mary. Without a cock in her, the blonde proceeded to simply collapse - in total exhaustion. She had been fucked beyond any reasonable doubt, but realized there was much more ahead for her tonight. The blonde had four guys and although three of them had just had their way with her and needed some rest, the last remaining one was ready for some more action. Mary looked up and noticed Cliff approaching her, as he gripped his cock with one hand. This was a gang-bang night, and the blonde knew these guys would be coming after her at every opportunity. So as Cliff came closer, Mary knew that somehow, some way, she had to find the energy to fuck him. And not surprisingly, she did. END For more stories by this author: http://www.asstr.org/files/Authors/The_Midnight_Lurker/ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * It's okay to *READ* stories about unprotected sex with others outside a monogamous relationship. But it isn't okay to *HAVE* unprotected sex with people other than a trusted partner. 4-million people around the world contract HIV every year. You only have one body per lifetime, so take good care of it! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Kristen's collection - Directory 70