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A familiar thrill surged through Jane's body as
she lay on her back in the middle of the deserted
schoolyard. It must be almost nine o'clock by now,
and she luxuriated in the smell of freshly cut
grass, and the cool night breeze ruffling her hair.
She was waiting for Rob Cartwright to go to bed;
on a Wednesday night it was usually around ten.
She'd thought about him all day. It wasn't the first
time she'd lain there in the dark thinking about
The first time she'd peeked at him without him
knowing, almost six months ago, had been by
accident. She hugged herself, thinking about that
time, and her excitement swelled.
She'd gone to the Cartwright home to visit her
friend and classmate Brenda; they'd planned to
study together for an upcoming test at school
the next day. Jane lived on the next street, her
backyard butting up against her friend's, and
they'd gotten used to climbing the fence dividing
their yards rather than walking all the way around
the block. No one seemed to mind that they did
this; the girls were almost as close as sisters.
That night, however, was different.
As Jane pulled herself up onto the backyard fence,
balancing her history book on the top edge, she
heard heavy metal music blaring from Brenda's
house, and saw flashing lights, mixed with the
black-blue fluorescence of a "black light", coming
from Rob's room.
After a brief hesitation she shrugged and, grabbing
her history book, jumped down into her friend's
yard. Approaching the house, she thought she heard
someone screaming to the beat of the song. It
sounded like an animal, or like one of those performers
who do those strange acts at punk raves.
It was none of her business, but Jane was curious
to know what the noise was all about, so she
sidled up to Rob's bedroom window and peeked
Her eyes widened in shock and she fell to the
grass with her back to the house wall. She sat
for a full minute, eyes still wide and a hand over
her mouth, shocked by what she'd seen.
The image of a naked boy dancing in time to the
music in front of mirrored closet doors was burnt
into her mind. Rob had been skipping to the music,
holding his electric guitar and pretending to play
it, and watching his naked body make rock performer
moves in the mirror.
For a moment Jane wasn't sure she hadn't dreamt
the whole thing; the flashing strobe light and
the black light may have played tricks with her
Breathing rapidly with excitement, she slowly
got to her feet and, crouched at Rob's window,
peeked into his room again. She could see his
full reflection in the mirror. He'd thrown his
guitar onto his bed and was dancing with himself,
watching his own naked reflection turning and
twisting to the music's rhythm.
Jane swallowed, her eyes glued to Rob's nude
body. She'd never seen a boy naked before. Rob
was two years older than she was, and she'd
always thought him good looking, but never
imagined that a boy's body could look so nice
when completely naked. She stood, admiring the
ripple of his muscles as he danced. She knew it
was wrong, but watching his penis sticking out
so stiffly and his trim muscular body dancing
in front of her was making her feel very strange.
She just couldn't drag herself away.
While she watched he strode to his bed, flopped
down on it and began to masturbate. Jane gasped
as she watched his stiff penis pop up between
his fingers and then disappear back into his
hand on each up stroke.
It was so strange, she thought, to be standing
there, invading such a private moment. She
realized that if Rob caught her doing this
he'd be mortified beyond words; and so would
she, for that matter.
She was brought out of her thoughts by a noise
that made her tremble. It was a primal sound,
and it made her want to run home and masturbate
Rob grunted several times; then a jet of what
Jane knew was his sperm shot up at least 12
inches to land on his breastbone.
Another, slightly shorter, gush; then another...
and another. It was weird to be watching him
doing this! Jane wondered if Rob felt the same
when he came as she did. He seemed to be enjoy-
ing himself. His eyes were closed but his mouth
was open, and his body arched away from the bed
sheets as he came.
When Rob's naked body dropped back to the bed,
Jane was struck by how horny watching him do
himself had made her feel.
Instead of returning home to relieve herself,
however, she hurried through the yard to the
Cartwrights' front door. Excited as she felt,
she couldn't bring herself to skip her homework.
When Brenda answered the door, Jane just knew
her friend could tell what she'd been doing;
that her depravity must be showing in her eyes.
After a while, however, she relaxed, and the
girls started their assignment.
When, later on, Rob strolled into the kitchen
to get a snack, it was all Jane could do to
control herself. She was, of course, embarrassed
that she'd seen him doing something
so personal, but how hot he had looked doing
Jane had a hard time concentrating on her
homework, and that night she masturbated to
a mental image of a teenage boy dancing naked.
When she came, it was better than normal, and
she knew why. She knew then that she would peek
at Rob again if she possibly could.
That had been six months ago... Jane rolled
over in the grass and slipped her hand into
her loose-fitting shorts. She began fingering
herself ever so slowly... Thinking back to that
first time was making her wet with need. She'd
repeated her crime 20 times since then.
Many nights she'd sneaked over into the Cartwrights'
backyard and found nothing to see.
When, however, Rob was in his room he invariably
put on some kind of lewd show. It seemed that
all he did in his room was play with himself.
Jane wondered if all boys did that. The thought
occurred to her that she ought to go over to
Jason's house some evening to see what he got
up to in the privacy of his bedroom.
She pushed herself up from the grass with a sigh
and began walking towards the Cartwrights' house,
her excitement rising with each step.
She was never going to tire of seeing Rob playing
on his organ...
Acknowledgments: All my thanks... to Stephen for his
encouragement and proofing and to Ian for editing my
It's okay to *READ* stories about unprotected sex with
strangers. But it isn't okay to *HAVE* unprotected sex
with strangers!! You only have one body per lifetime,
so take good care of it.
© November 1999 Kristen Kathleen Becker
This work is copyrighted to the author.
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