This story describes sexual acts and should be considered adult
entertainment. If you are not a consenting adult, please read no
further. This story is available in TEXT format by clicking
Natalie was really nervous now. The thought of what she
was about to do made it incredibly hard for her even to
swallow; her heart seemed to be in her throat.
The pretty teenager was used to being in "situations",
and sometimes even found some pride in being in trouble.
She was a rebel, and proud of it. Only this time, she
thought, things just might have gotten a little out of
Riding up in the elevator of the big flashy hotel, she
looked back on the events that had led up to this moment.
She swallowed again, trying to get a grip on her nerves.
Remembering her complaining to Brad and Livia that she
never had any money, and couldn't have fun any more, she
felt her face flush at how petty she had been.
She also remembered Livia flashing all that money in her
face. She and Brad had both gasped at the sight of so
much ready cash.
Natalie had wanted to know where it came from, and was
shocked when her best friend and confidant since the
fifth grade said that she had sold her body for it.
"What do you mean by 'sold your body'?" Natalie's voice
had cracked with excitement.
"I fucked this old guy for money. It was easy, and I
even enjoyed it." Livia laughed at her friend's shocked
"Eeeww! That's gross!" Natalie squealed. "I can't believe
you did something like that, and with an old guy too."
But Livia had her full attention, and she may even have
felt some admiration for her friend's audacity. "Oh, do
tell us about it, Livia! Tell us what you did! Come on,
tell it all!"
Brad sat silently on Natalie's bed, looking at the two
girls. He wasn't sure that he liked this revelation. After
all, weren't he and Livia supposed to be going together?
As he sat listening to her explanation of how she had
"earned" the money, however, he realized that a raging
boner was making a bulge in his jeans. He crossed his legs,
hoping no one had noticed.
"...Yeah, and all I did was stand there. He came up to
me, breathing this alcoholic breath in my face, and said:
'Baby, you want to earn fifty bucks?' I said: 'Who do I
have to kill, mister?' The stupid goat just laughed and
grabbed at me."
Natalie couldn't contain herself any longer. Bouncing on
the bed next to Bradley, she yelled: "I can't believe
you fucked an old guy! What did you do next? Did you guys
get naked? How did it feel? Where did you do it...?" The
questions just poured out of her.
"Shut up a moment, Nat, and I'll tell you!" Livia moved
over to the other side of Bradley. She looked down at
his crotch and smiled. "I see that at least Brad likes
my story."
The girls stared down at the tent in Bradley's jeans
while he sat uneasily between them.
He blurted out (as his face turned red): "C'mon, you
guys, leave me alone; get on with your stupid story,
Livia took pity on her boyfriend and eagerly leaned
over his lap to tell Natalie the rest of her story. "I
told the bozo I was a virgin, and that if he wanted to
pop my cherry it'd cost him a hundred dollars. He became
really excited when he heard he might have sex with me.
I didn't really think he was serious, but then he
pulled out this big old wad of bills and started peeling
off twenties-- It was amazing!"
Natalie, being Natalie, couldn't contain herself, and
started firing off questions at her friend again. "How
old was this guy? Where did you guys go to do IT? How
did it feel? What was..."
"SHUT UP, NAT! If you keep asking the same old stupid
questions, I'll never get to the good stuff!"
The petite redhead put her hand on Brad's jeans-covered
crotch and lightly squeezed. He jumped, squeaking in
surprise. "Even if you don't want to hear my story,
I'm sure Brad does!"
Natalie gave in. "Okay, okay, I'm listening. Do go on,
Livia. I can't wait to hear what happened next," she
said, squirming as she watched Livia's fingers massaging
Bradley's boner through his pants.
"Well, just so you'll quit asking, I'd say the guy was
maybe thirty, and we went to the Motel 6 on Bell Street.
I still wasn't sure that he was serious. I mean, no one
just comes up to a total stranger and asks to fuck them!
But I said I would, so - I don't know. Maybe the whole
thing was just so strange, I couldn't believe it was
happening and just went along.
"Anyway, to make a long story short, we went to the motel
and stripped off. I lay on the bed, and he got on top of
me and fucked me. It felt weird, having this stranger poking
me. It was really crazy - him humping away, grunting and
groaning, and me just lying there. But you know what was
neat about the whole thing? He popped off in less than a
minute and I got a hundred dollars. I mean, for one lousy
minute I made one hundred dollars cash.
"After he shot his load, I just rolled him off me and
cleaned myself off. Then I left! The guy was half out of
it anyway. It was just too cool."
Natalie smiled as Brad's body tensed; a moment later he
tore Livia's massaging fingers away from his crotch and
ran towards the bathroom. "I guess Bradley enjoyed your
story, Livia!"
Both girls laughed at his hunched figure as it disappeared
through the bathroom door.
° ° ° °
Natalie's elevator stopped on the tenth floor. The pretty
brunette, clad in jeans and a red checkered shirt,
remained a moment in the elevator, staring out into the
empty hallway. Did she really intend to go through with
this? It could be dangerous. The guy could be a psycho;
who knew?
She took a deep breath and stepped out, letting the
elevator doors close silently behind her. She quickly
checked her face and hair in the mirror that was mounted
on the wall across from the elevator, then looked at the
little plastic room direction signs. 10227 was down the
hall to the right, and the teenager walked briskly,
almost jauntily, down the hall in that direction.
She stopped in front of the room where she expected to
meet her "customer." She'd met the man only an hour
before, at Sam's, a club that catered to the "beer
guzzler fraternity" (which was what the high school
kids called the guys who frequented Sam's).
Most were disillusioned married men, who worked nine
to five and then drank till midnight. Most nights they'd
just stumble home, but occasionally one of them got
lucky. That night Natalie had decided to try the same
stunt as Livia. She could really use the money.
Slipping out of the house after dinner, she'd met up
with Brad and Livia, and all three had gone down
town to stand outside Sam's. The girls had kidded Brad,
saying maybe he'd run into some nice gay guy, or maybe
some old spinster who could use a nice young stud.
Bradley had taken the kidding pretty well. At seventeen,
he was up for just about anything to do with sex. He
wasn't inexperienced either. He'd fucked both Livia
and Natalie, and other girls too.
Standing outside this club with even a vague pos-
sibility of getting "picked up" had made him so hard
it almost hurt.
Suddenly a man stepped outside and strolled in their
direction. He didn't look intoxicated, as most of Sam's
customers did. He appeared just to have stepped out-
side for some fresh air, and looked likely to return
inside in a moment or two.
Livia nudged Natalie with her elbow, and she stumbled
forward. Meanwhile Brad and Livia walked over to the
other side of the street to watch developments.
Natalie screwed up her courage and said, "Hi mister."
"Hi, sweetie. What're you doing out here this time of
"Looking for some fun, I guess," Natalie said, mumbling
the "I guess" part as she ran out of breath. She felt
ready to faint, she was so nervous.
"Kind of young, aren't you?"
"Yeah...anything wrong with that?" Natalie looked
defiant, hands on hips and her eyes flashing.
"Nothing, baby, it's okay. Don't get mad. I was just
wondering why a pretty young thing like you would be out
here hooking, that's all."
"I need the money, mister, and I wouldn't mind fucking
you for it." Natalie said that for its shock effect, but
the man didn't appear shocked.
"I might want to take pictures - you into that kinda
thing, sweetie?"
"Whatever. So long as I get paid a hundred bucks, I don't
Maybe he just wants pictures, she thought, breathing a
sigh of relief. Until that moment she hadn't realized how
scared she was. The idea of doing it with some stranger
had been scaring her numb. She didn't understand why she
was so frightened. It wasn't as if she was a virgin, but
she'd never just walked up to a stranger before and
offered to sell him her body.
"You meet me in an hour at the Hilton on 3rd Street,"
he said. "Number 10227. That's the 10th floor, room
227, okay?"
"Sure, umm, what about the money, mister?" she asked
hesitantly. "To be paid in full when you show up. You
don't expect me to give it you now, do you?"
Natalie blinked. "Uh, I guess that would be stupid, wouldn't
it?" She smiled at him and said: "I'll see you at 8:15.
That's exactly an hour from now, okay?"
"See you then, baby." The man turned and went back into the
Bradley looked positively dazed when Natalie explained
what had happened. She had made the bargain, and would
get a hundred dollars just for having pictures taken.
Bradley said: "You mean he's gonna take naked pictures
of you? You know they could end up on the Internet,
don't you?"
Natalie looked coldly at her friend. "So what's your point,
Bradley? Who cares? It's not like my parents, or any of
my teachers know anything about the Internet. The only
people I know who'd see pictures of me on the Internet
are kids our age. I don't care if boys my age see me
naked. Actually, I kind of like the idea! Think about
it! All the guys at school drooling over my hot pictures!
That'd be great!"
After walking her to the Hilton, Livia and Bradley waved
at Natalie as she ascended in the glass-fronted elevator.
For a few seconds they watched their brown-haired, blue-
eyed friend looking down at them; then the elevator doors
opened behind her, and with a wave she spun around and
disappeared from view.
° ° ° °
"Hello, sweetie. Glad you could make it." The man stood
in the doorway of Room 10227, looking her up and down.
"You'll make a beautiful model. C'mon in."
A little nervously, Natalie walked into the suite. It
was a big room, with a couch, and an inner door led to
a bedroom.
Pretending not to be nervous, she skipped over to the
couch and flopped down. She smiled up at the man with all
the confidence she could muster. "You got anything to
drink, mister?"
"Sure, what's your pleasure?"
"Something strong," she said, trying to sound grown-up.
"You're not old enough to drink hard liquor, are you?"
The man sounded disapproving.
"I guess if I'm old enough for you to take nude pictures
of me, then I'm old enough for a drink or two, don'tcha
He threw up his hands in mock defeat and made the teen
vixen a whisky sour, "extra strong".
The potent drink made Natalie's mouth pucker with its
tartness. "Boy, this IS strong," she said, before taking
several more gulps.
After a while the man said: "My name's Stan. What's
"Natalie. So, Stan, what's it you want me to do?"
"Well, sweetie, I guess I'll take some pictures, and
then I'm going to fuck your brains out! That all right
with you?"
Her heart was suddenly throbbing in her throat again. She
had convinced herself that all this man wanted to do was
take nude pictures. Of course, she could still back out,
but what would Livia say then? And she really wanted
that hundred dollars.
Steeling herself, she said: "We'd better get moving then.
I've got to be home by ten, or my ass will be grass with
my Mom."
"All right. Why don't you take off your shirt for starters,
and I'll go get my digital camera." He turned and went
into the bedroom.
Natalie, meanwhile, unbuttoned her shirt to the waist.
She heard a gasp, and looked up to see the man standing
in the doorway. She held her shirt wide open as she stood
up and stared back at him. "What do you think?" she asked.
"You're beautiful, kid. Do you know that?"
"Yeah, sure I do. Do you think I'd let you photograph
me naked if I didn't think I looked good?" She smiled
confidently. One thing she was sure of was that men liked
her body just fine.
"Oh baby, I'm gonna enjoy this," he murmured.
Natalie stood coltishly before the mature male, pretend-
ing to be a little shy, though her next words must have
worked against any such impression.
"Sorry, Stan, but you won't get any more unless I get
paid!" she reminded him.
Smiling wryly, he handed Natalie a hundred-dollar bill.
Natalie didn't reply, but she started to undo her jeans.
"No, wait! I want to get all this on film. Come into the
bedroom and pose for me by the bed."
She walked into the bedroom and, approaching the bed,
popped the top button on her pants. Stan told her to pull
her shirt back onto her shoulders and then to tug her
pants down; meanwhile he was taking pictures. He encour-
aged the young girl to pose after each adjustment of
her clothing.
Natalie saw that he was getting a hard-on. As she
gradually stripped off and offered him progressively
more daring poses, she could see his bulge growing and
becoming more rigid. His cock seemed to be trying to
break out of his pants.
As Natalie exposed more and more of her nooks and crannies
to this stranger, she felt herself gradually getting
aroused. Showing her body off like this to a strange adult
male, a guy almost old enough to be her father, was really
perverted, she thought, and the idea instantly made her
A little embarrassed, she took a quick look at her pussy
to see if it was leaking.
Stan followed her glance, and smiled. "Yeah, raise your
legs, baby, and show me that hot little twat!" he said.
Natalie stared at him as he took picture after picture,
feeling the heat rising inside her body. She began to
wonder what it would be like to be fucked by this man.
Was he bigger than the boys she'd already been with?
Would he be more skillful?
The picture-taking went on for some more minutes, until
Natalie lay back on the bed and said: "From the size of
the boner in your pants, you're ready for more than
pictures, aren't you?"
Her young body moved with deliberate rhythm, her hips
gyrating slowly, as she smiled at Stan, offering herself
to him.
His eyes drank her in. She was perfect; her legs were
parted, her tight little cunt lubricated, ready and
waiting. He put his camera down.
Natalie watched her prospective lover strip off. He was
definitely bigger than Brad, both longer and broader;
IT also looked older. Natalie couldn't quite put her
finger on it, but this man's cock looked more experienced
than those of any of the boys she'd been with. She could
imagine it having been inside many women, women her
mother's age...
He came and stood over Natalie, and she reached up and
took hold of his cock with both hands, rubbing the soft
velvety skin in a gentle, jacking motion. She marveled
at its girth.
"Mmmm, nice," she murmured as he put his head back and
groaned. She looked up at his face, and saw that his eyes
were closed. She smiled to herself and bent forward to
engulf his shaft in her mouth, closing her lips tightly
on it and running her tongue round and round the head.
She had been looking up at Stan's face and saw his eyes
fly open. She would have smiled if that had been
physically possible with a man's cock in her mouth.
Natalie now began to bob her head, taking his organ in
as deeply as she could, over and over again.
She stopped only when her playmate began to groan aloud.
She pulled her head away, allowing the swollen cock to
"pop" out of her mouth, and sat back on her elbows, with
her legs spread wide, looking up at the big man. The big
gnarled boner was pointing directly at her, the heavy
balls in their sack beneath it swollen with seed.
Natalie licked her lips at the sight; he tasted real nice,
and the texture of his cock was so fine. She felt an urge
to take him into her mouth again. I'll let him come in my
mouth, she thought, and was moving forward to take him in
again when Stan stopped her.
"Nooooway, sweetie," he chuckled. "You do that for one
more second, and you'll get a full load down your throat."
"I don't mind, Stan, really," she said eagerly, reaching
out for his cock. She rubbed the head against the front
of her teeth before engulfing his shaft again, and then
pulled back to lap the underskin with her tongue. It had
somehow become important to Natalie to make him come.
She wanted to taste his come, to have that most intimate
of swallow him.
As the teenager eagerly worked on him, Stan felt that
familiar surging deep within his crotch. He tried to pull
out of the girl's mouth because he realized that he
couldn't hold out much longer.
Natalie, however, had no intention of letting him go. She
was almost beyond hearing as she eagerly worked on Stan's
cock with her lips, teeth and tongue.
Suddenly she was choking, her eyes beginning to water,
as her mouth filled up with the man's jism, which she
tried desperately to swallow.
Stan came in huge spurts, the first going down Natalie's
throat as she took a breath. She tried to pull away, to
catch her breath, but he was now lost in his orgasm and
held her face tightly against his crotch as he bucked his
hips, emptying his seed down the the gagging teenager's
Eventually his senses returned to him and he released
Natalie's head. She immediately jerked her head backwards,
choking and spluttering, releasing his cock from between
her sperm-coated lips.
Stan noticed her discomfort and patted her on the back,
asking anxiously if she was all right. When she stopped
spluttering, Natalie began to laugh at the situation.
It was just too funny.
They sat down together on the floor for a while to
recover, Stan feasting his eyes on Natalie's marvelous
young body in repose, touching her here, stroking her
She had recovered from her coughing attack and lay back
against the bed, closing her eyes when her lover sucked
a nipple in between his lips. She loved it when guys
sucked on her nipples; it was her second favourite thing
with sex.
She recalled an occasion several weeks before when Livia
had sucked her nipples. They hadn't actually had sex with
each other, but what they had done was fun.
As Stan continued sucking, Natalie relaxed and imagined
that it was Livia doing it. Natalie loved Livia like a
sister. A fly-away, red-haired, white-complexioned, Irish-
tempered lass-- that's how her father had described her,
and Natalie agreed with that assessment.
Stan now began stroking Natalie's stomach, moving his
hand down between her legs to massage her pussy, trying
to reach the little hood that concealed her sensitive
clit button. He knew he could make her helpless if he
could only get there.
Natalie sighed contentedly, and opened her legs to allow
him easy access. She continued her little dream about
Livia; she was massaging Natalie's thigh. Her small warm
fingers found Natalie's wet pussy lips and slipped
between the folds of firm flesh. Then - ohh, so wonderful -
the lovely Irish redhead found her clit and gently
manipulated the swollen, hot, sticky nub in ways that
would soon send Natalie into ecstasy.
Another soft touch, and Natalie pictured Livia's finger
delicately rubbing circles around the top of her girl
button. She squirmed ecstatically as her "Irish Lass"
bent forward and with her tongue began lapping at her
clit button. She gasped, and grabbed handfuls of rich,
frizzy red hair, pushing Livia's face into her slit and
groaning aloud as she came on her best friend's tongue.
"Mmffft... Hey! Hey baby, you trying to get even with me?!"
Stan was chuckling, even as he fought for breath.
Natalie looked up sheepishly at the man sitting naked
next to her, and blushed. She saw lust shining out of his
eyes and decided that she actually liked this guy. Sure,
he was probably 30, almost twice her age, but in the
buff, and as a sex partner, he seemed at least as good
as any of the boys she'd slept with.
'I know he gives good head,' she thought. 'Let's see
how he is in the screwing department!' She stood up and
straddled Stan, close enough for him to reach up and feel
her sopping pussy; she wanted him to know that she was
ready. Then, without a word, she climbed onto the bed
and lay on her back.
At once Stan was lying beside her, kneading a plump breast.
She was determined to say nothing; she just looked into
his eyes while he toyed with her body.
Having caressed, squeezed and fondled the voluptuous
teenager to his heart's delight, he rolled on top of her
and positioned his cock against her principal orifice.
In the moment before he thrust into her, he felt her
wetness lubricate his dickhead, her slick fluid feeling
like molten lava against his sensitive glans.
As he thrust into her, he made a soft "Uhhh..." sound,
feeling her teenage love tunnel form-fitting around his
invading cock. She was so tight and hot it was incredible,
unlike any woman he'd had before. It might just have been
the effect of the occasion, but as he held himself tightly
inside Natalie's cunt he mused that sex would never get
better than this. He could feel her heart through her
little cunt walls, throbbing around the tight skin of his
buried cock.
At last, unable to bear any longer the intensity of the
moment, and desperately seeking release, he began to
thrust into his sexy little teenager. First once, deeply;
then again, and again. His being became centered on the
intimate contact between the maleness of his cock and
her incredibly female interior.
Meanwhile, Natalie just lay there, filled to the brim
and thoroughly enjoying it. 'This guy really knows what
to do,' she thought; he was in no hurry, and filled he
her so incredibly completely! It felt as if she'd just
eaten, that he had invaded her all the way up to her
stomach. Then he began thrusting into her.
His thrusts were assured and strong, and she submitted
to his superior experience, his manly control. She
began to wonder what it might be like to have her
father, or even Livia's father, do this to her.
Natalie's parents divorced when she was just five, and
she only saw her father on holidays and for two weeks
each summer. She'd never thought of him sexually before,
just as a big strong man, someone it always felt good
to be with. This new experience, though, made her wonder.
What was her father like?
He certainly was handsome and strong, and she truly
loved him. She'd be eighteen by the summer vacation,
and was accomplished in the subtle art of seduction...
She smiled as her breasts jiggled with every thrust
of the man above her.
She loosely hugged him as he humped away; he was begin-
ning to grunt with the effort he was making. Natalie
gazed at the ceiling, a far-away look in her eyes.
Her father would be shocked if he heard about this, she
thought, and her smile broadened. A strangled groan
came from Stan. Natalie felt his cock first expand,
then retract, as he released his seed.
She closed her eyes and fantasized that it was her
father lying on top of her, and that it was his wonder-
fully thick cock that was spurting white molten come
deep inside of her.
The thought made her crazy for a moment, and the friction
within her created by Stan's swollen, pumping cock
brought her to another orgasm, making her arch her back
in ecstasy.
She gave one sharp scream of "DADDY!!" and slumped back
on the bed, shivering with tiny aftershocks of pleasure,
perspiration making her body gleam in the subdued light
of the bedroom lamp.
° ° ° °
Brad called out: "Look, Liv! It's Natalie!" Natalie
stepped out of the elevator and walked over to her
friends, who had been waiting for her in the lobby all
this time.
She held up the hundred-dollar bill and performed a
joyful little pirouette.
Livia said: "Boy, Nat, that sure took you long enough.
I was about to call the Marines to break you out of
there. It only took me a minute to earn my hundred!"
Natalie smiled at her best friend. "Yes, but I had
MUCH more fun!"
The three teenagers walked out of the lobby of the
Hilton, talking animatedly. Livia was determined to
hear every detail, and Natalie gave her a blow-by-blow
She didn't mention her fantasies, however, and couldn't
get the image of Livia's tongue on her clit-button out
of her mind, no matter how hard she tried.
° ° ° °
Acknowledgments: All my thanks... to Stephen for his
encouragement and proofing and to Ian for doing such a
good job editing my little story.
° ° ° °
WARNING!!! NEVER, NEVER practice unsafe sex. In
this day and age, it is just plain stupid to have unprotected sex with
strangers. This story is for entertainment not to be imitated. You only
have one body per lifetime.... So take good care of it... Kristen
© November 1998 Kristen Kathleen Becker
This work is copyrighted to the author.
Please do not remove the author information or make
any changes to this story. You may post freely to non-commercial
"free" sites, or in the "free" area of
commercial sites. Thank you for your consideration.
