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University of Wisconsin vs. Stanford --
The 86th Rose Bowl Game January 1, 2000
Sheri knew what they were doing was wrong, but she
loved Michael so much; she really wanted to please
him. Pirouetting before the camera, she could hear
Michael's appreciative sighs. She had stripped naked,
and was posing for him in the sportscaster's booth
high above the playing field at the Rose Bowl.
What they were doing was wrong, but it was also terribly
exciting! What if someone came in on them while they
were both naked? Sheri liked to exhibit herself; it was
a secret fantasy she'd had all her life but never acted
upon - until now.
When Michael had invited her to come and watch him test
the equipment the week before the big game, she never
guessed things might get out of hand. However, after
several hours of watching her handsome boyfriend lying
under equipment and twisting his body to fit behind
bulky camera controllers, she'd become both a little
bored and quite aroused.
It was his body that had attracted her to Michael in
the first place, and watching him spread-eagled on
the floor, his bulge at her mercy, or bent over a
piece of audio equipment with his firm butt pointing
at her, brought rude thoughts to mind.
When Michael had suggested that Sheri be his model so
that he could test the hand-held interior camera, she'd
flashed him playfully. Being small-breasted, and not
always needing to wear a bra, had its advantages. A
quick tug on her sweatshirt up and over her bare
breasts and she had his total attention.
One thing led to another, and she soon found she'd been
talked into posing nude.
Michael was shooting his girlfriend's luscious body
from every angle, one eye glued to the viewfinder.
Sheri looked devastatingly sexy sitting on the counter,
her lovely legs drawn up and dusky-pink pussy lips
peeping out from between her shapely ankles. She smiled
coyly at Michael, giggling as he hurriedly discarded
his clothing while simultaneously trying to capture
her on film.
Her heart rate quickened when his swollen manhood
bounced into view. Sheri knew what would happen next,
and the anticipation instantly made her wet. She
swallowed, realizing how much she loved Michael. At
that moment she wanted nothing more in the world than
to make love to him. Sex in the newsroom would be a
titillating bonus.
She slipped off the counter and moved toward him.
Reaching him, she grasped his wonderfully erect
pleasure shaft, and he groaned in response, panting:
"Wait a second, baby. I've got an idea."
He reluctantly disengaged her cool slim fingers from
his boner and ran naked to the camera, quickly setting
it on its tripod.
Sheri waited impatiently while he set the auto-record;
then he returned, pushing her to the floor on top of
their clothes pile. She had a sudden fear of being
caught, and asked nervously: "Michael, what if someone
came in?" but he didn't reply immediately.
She hadn't figured on being filmed while having sex.
She trusted Michael, but felt vaguely uncomfortable
about having their most intimate acts on film or
(should she say?) digital disk.
When he settled his body on top of hers, however, she
shivered, and a thrill like nothing she'd experienced
before ran from her head to her toes. Everything was
so bright, so intense - even his smell was sexual -
that her mind reeled with lustful thoughts.
Already, before he moved, Sheri was wriggling under
him, positioning his swollen tool for her pleasure.
"Don't worry, sweetheart," he replied at last. "The
chances of anyone coming all the way up here today are
just about nil; anyway, I've got to have you! You've
been naughty with your teasing, and now you're gonna
get what's coming to you."
He positioned himself (with enthusiastic help from
Sheri) at her opening and plunged deep into her wet,
warm receptacle.
"Oh, yes... that feels so good, baby," she moaned,
spreading her legs wide and raising them a little to
allow Michael full penetration.
They made passionate love as they always did. Only,
this time the fear of being caught, and the fact that
Michael was filming their love act, sharpened her
sensations. She performed for the camera, moaning and
bucking against Michael, her worries quite forgotten
as she humped back at each thrust of her lover's hips.
She was seizing the moment, and to hell with the
After a few minutes she heard Michael groan, and felt
his body tense. Then she felt his throbbing release as
he came deep within her. The knowledge that the fruit
of his pleasure was filling her made Sheri buck even
harder to milk her lover of all he had.
The extra friction took her body to its own lustful
peak, and she screamed: "God! YES!" as she held on for
dear life even as Michael's body slackened, waves and
waves of delicious orgasm overwhelming her mind and
Eventually they slumped together, panting as if they'd
just run a five mile race. Sheri whispered into her
lover's ear: "I love you, Michael. That was the most
wonderful orgasm I ever had." He could only manage:
"Hmmm..." as he lay there, trying to recover from the
wild ride.
Game day came, with Michael responsible for all feeds
and hookups to the national networks. He was running
around with his head in the clouds. It was his first
really big job and things were going according to plan.
The 86th Tournament of Roses game was in progress and
everything was working perfectly. He'd been a little
nervous about the rollover to January First, but all
those worrywarts talking about possible Y2K equipment
failure had been proved wrong.
Of course, he'd taken nothing for granted, checking and
double-checking all of the equipment. He chuckled to
himself, thinking about Sheri and himself in the
broadcast booth earlier in the week. Yes, sir. He sure
had double-checked THAT equipment!
Contemplating that episode made him hard again. He was
having the time of his life today, but it would still
be nice to get home to his sexy little honey and jump
into bed with her.
His mind was dragged back to the present by one of his
co-workers yelling: "Okay. Two minutes till half-time.
Hey Michael, could you check camera 16? It's been
acting up and we'll need it for half-time field
It was something he had to take care of, but the
scoreboard graphics were about to come on-line. He
quickly calculated how long it would take to get down
to the field and reboot the camera, deciding that if
he didn't go right away it would be too late. "Okay,
Marty," he said. "You take charge of the half-time
graphics while I head down to the field. If you have
a problem call me on my cell phone."
Marty said nervously: "I don't know the controls; all
I can do is turn the thing on. What if it's out of
"It won't be. I checked the settings last night. I
gotta go or it'll be too late." Michael turned and
sprinted to the elevator.
Less than a minute later the announcer signaled Marty
to turn on the scoreboard half-time graphics. He
pressed the 'engage' button and looked out at the huge
score boards, standing five stories tall at each end
of the stadium. As they lit up, bringing to life the
previously dead-white surface of each screen, his jaw
dropped and his brain went blank.
This year New Year's Day was different. This year Sheri
had a boyfriend who worked at the Rose Bowl, and
because of that she was watching the event on TV with
a group of Michael's friends and some of her own.
Normally she didn't watch football at all, but this
year she was interested in technical aspects of the
event, if not the game itself.
She was hosting the Bowl party at their apartment,
where the focus of attention was their 45" color
projector TV set.
Halftime was signaled, and she and her best friend,
Carol, were heading for the kitchen to refill the snack
bowls when she whirled around, almost tripping, at the
sound of male howls.
"Goddamn! Will you look at THAT!", Jerry, Carol's
boyfriend, yelled. All the guys were whistling,
shouting and laughing hysterically. Sheri and Carol
hurried back into the living room to see what the
fuss was about, and in the ten seconds before the
screen went dark, during which the large glass bowl
slipped from her nerveless fingers to shatter,
unnoticed, on the floor, Sheri saw herself in naked
splendor on the Rose Bowl scoreboard, Michael wildly
thrusting away between her outstretched legs.
Much later that night, after Sheri had ushered all
their mutual friends out of the apartment, in the
process fending off one of Michael's drunker buddies,
who kept leering at her after the display he'd seen
on TV, Michael came home.
He explained to Sheri how a Y2K time/date glitch had
resulted in their sex play being stored in the digital
system, and how it had been retrieved for display at
just the wrong moment.
"Goddamn it! Who'd have thought something like that
could happen," he groaned.
Sheri had been hugely embarrassed at the time but, she
thought, there was nothing they could do about it now.
Later that night she had another wonderful orgasm from
Michael making love to her. That the world had seen
them doing "it" might not be so terrible after all; it
certainly hadn't harmed their sex life.
Drifting off into a sated sleep, Sheri mused dreamily
about doing something similar in the future--
Acknowledgments: All my thanks... to Stephen for his encour-
agement and proofing and to Ian for doing such a good job
editing my little story.
Please keep this story, and all erotic stories out of
the hands of children. They should be outside playing
in the sun, not thinking about adult situations. Do
your part to make our world a little safer.
© December 1999 Last edit 03/00 Kristen Kathleen Becker
This work is copyrighted to the author.
Please do not remove the author information or make
any changes to this story. You may post freely to non-commercial
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commercial sites. Thank you for your consideration.
