By Kristen Kathleen Becker
June 1998
This story describes sexual acts and should be considered adult
entertainment. If you are not a consenting adult, please read no further.
This story is available in downloadable TEXT format at this location:
Rose Lane
In the Nineteen ninety's I lived in a great old
Victorian house on Rose Lane in Bend Oregon. The huge
old house had been converted into apartments, and I had
the small one at the very top with my own balcony.
Working as an Internet researcher gave me a lot of free
time to enjoy outside interests and I had a wonderful
boyfriend. Life was good, if a little humdrum. But when
Peter and Carmen Mallory moved in next-door things got
very interesting...
CHAPTER 1: Arrival
This story is a little embarrassing for me to tell,
because some of the things that Carmen and I did could
easily be considered perverted. I don't embarrass
easily, and I like most things to do with sex, but even
I blush a little when I think about what I did to my
boyfriend without his consent.
It started about three months ago when Carmen and Peter
Mallory moved into the apartment next to mine...
Although I have a great boyfriend, I enjoy the freedom
of living alone. Jeff (my boyfriend) lives about thirty
minutes away, but stays over two or three nights during
the week, and almost always on Friday and Saturday
It was one of those lazy Saturdays in central Oregon;
overcast and rainy. Jeff and I had stayed in bed late,
making love in a slow and feel-good way until late
morning. When at last we did get up, we lazed around
the place and had breakfast and coffee on my small
covered balcony.
We were just finishing up when a big van pulled into
our long driveway. My apartment is in a big old mansion
that has been converted into six units. I knew the
apartment behind mine was empty, and that new tenants
were expected to move in soon, but I knew nothing about
So, being the snoop that I am, I made Jeff stay out on
the balcony with me while we waited for a glimpse of
them. I think we were both interested in what they
would be like, but all we saw at first was the top of
their 24-foot van.
Then a couple got out of the truck and pulled the rear
roll-up door open. My first impression of them was one
of surprise. The woman was wearing short cutoffs; and I
mean SHORT cutoffs. She must have cut the pockets out
of them, because you'd have been able to see the white
material hanging out if there had been any. It looked
kind of slutty, and that interested me. I looked over
at Jeff and could see that he was interested now too.
I also had my first sight of the man. He was worth
looking at - one of those hard-bodied guys with smooth,
hairless skin and a light tan that looked like it
probably covered his whole body. They looked to be in
their mid-thirties, and were obviously athletic.
I began to hope that I might soon have a couple of new
running partners; both of them looked as if they could
be runners. I like to run about ten miles every evening
at dusk, but Jeff is always reading me the riot act
about "women running alone on a deserted road at
night". It would be great if I could get my new
neighbors to go with me, I thought. It's more fun to
run with someone and though they were probably fifteen
years older than me, I didn't think either one of them
would have any trouble keeping up.
With that thought in the back of my mind, I suggested
we get dressed and help our new neighbors move in. We
threw on our clothes, both of us coincidentally
grabbing one of Jeff's company's black T-shirts which
say "Structural Engineers Keep It Up Longer", and went
down to introduce ourselves.
We made our way noisily down the spiral stairs, two
steps at a time, which is how we normally descend from
my crows-nest apartment. As we hit the bottom of the
staircase we almost fell into the lady as she came
through the door.
She looked surprised at first, but after introductions
and our offer of help she soon recovered, pulling us
outside by our arms to meet her husband.
"Peter! Look what we have here! Free labor and they
dress alike too!"
We got to know each other pretty well after that. Both
Carmen and Peter were runners, just as I'd thought they
might be, and I found myself with company on my evening
jogs. Carmen and I ran every evening and Peter joined
us whenever he was home. He works in the forestry
industry as an inspector and has to spend at least one
night and sometimes two or three nights out on the
Carmen and I quickly became close friends, the age
difference making no difference to either of us. She
confided in me as if I was her sister and I found
myself doing the same.
She wasn't shy about life issues either. She and Peter
had moved into the apartment just behind mine and our
bedrooms abutted each other's. The lady who lived there
before had been as quiet as a church mouse, but I found
I could hear every sound Carmen and Peter made. (The
previous tenant must have had some interesting nights
listening to Jeff and me going at it in my bedroom.)
Carmen didn't have to work, but seemed very interested
in my job. Doing research for a marketing company on
the Internet is unusual as a full-time job, I know, but
I couldn't understand why Carmen was so interested in
the details.
Then, one evening after we'd just finished our run, she
explained. "I hope this doesn't shock you, Kristen, but
Peter and I used to belong to a swingers' club in
We were doing our stretching/cooling-off exercises
outside in the yard at the time and my interest was
piqued. I'd never met anyone into that sort of thing
Carmen didn't wait for me to say anything, but forged
ahead, a slight quiver in her voice. "You see, the
reason we moved into the hinterlands of Oregon is that
Peter had become jealous of my relationships with other
men. He was doing the same with other women, but
couldn't take me doing it."
I couldn't believe it. I stood in a half-crouch in mid-
stretch, staring at this attractive woman and imagining
her having sex with half the male population of
Portland. My mouth may have been open, I'm not sure.
True to form, she didn't let the silence draw out and
quickly came to the point. "The reason I'm telling you
my little secret, Kristen, is that you said you did
Internet work. Well, I don't have a computer and was
wondering if I might use yours to e-mail some old
flames and maybe download a few pictures."
This I could understand. When I first started on the
Internet, it hadn't taken me long to start trading smut
with other smut-worshippers. I got over that picture
phase, but I still dabbled in erotic stories and kept
in touch with a newsgroup or two.
I smiled knowingly. "Sure Carmen, any time you like. My
schedule is super-flexible and you can use my computer
whenever the urge strikes."
She laughed at the smirk on my face and explained,
"It's just that after all the sexual activity I've been
used to, I need something extra to keep up the
intensity. Peter is a great lover, but I still find
that I need some external stimulation to keep the spice
in our sex."
"No problem and I know exactly what you mean." I felt
that I did know what she meant, but time would show
that I was a real innocent compared to Carmen.
Carmen took me up on my offer immediately, dragging me
up to my bedroom office and getting me to log on. Once
I'd logged on to the Internet for her, I told her to be
sure to shut everything down when she finished, and
that I'd be in the kitchen, cleaning up, if she needed
She surprised me again by begging me to stay and meet
her on-line friends. "I don't want to get into trouble
with Peter, and I figure that if you're here with me,
it'll seem more like us girls messing around than me
surfing the swingers' network."
I tried to make an excuse, but Carmen continued
pleading with me to stay and since I was curious
anyway, I let her talk me into staying.
In short order she was book-marking sites I'd never
heard of before, real-time chat rooms and newsgroups.
She seemed to be well known in all of the sex related
chat rooms and she had her own Hotmail account called
I was amazed at the number of people she managed to
contact in such a short time. And the kind of things
she said really opened my eyes! I guess Carmen hadn't
exaggerated when she said that she and Peter had been
swingers. In one chat room at least four guys told her
how much they missed her and praised her attributes to
the skies.
Well, after two hours of this I was simmering. I'd
never known anyone in real life having had sex with so
many people and I couldn't help wondering how she could
still look so good, when she must have abused her body
with that kind of life style.
Later that evening, I bombarded Carmen with questions
about the swinging sub-culture and she seemed to enjoy
answering even the most intimate ones. Apparently, both
she and Peter kept tallies on how many people they'd
had sex with. Carmen shocked me when she said that
she'd had 312 partners over the past five years, not
all of them men.
CHAPTER 2: My First Lesbian Experience
From that night on we shared a new secret life, one
that we kept from both Peter and Jeff. I couldn't tell
Jeff because he and Peter were becoming buddies; Jeff
might let something slip and I didn't want to get
Carmen into trouble with her husband.
Things went on like this for a month or so. Carmen
would come over to my place in the evening when Jeff
wasn't there and we'd submerge ourselves in this
perverted world of swinging, cheating, sex, and contact
with people who were actually doing it.
Then, about two weeks ago, after a particularly steamy
evening of Internet surfing and chat, it happened.
Carmen logged off and turned to me, putting her hands
on my knees and looking searchingly into my eyes. I
almost jumped out of my chair. I'd just changed into my
running gear, and was wearing a tank top and running
shorts. And having her hands on my bare knees and the
look in her eyes really made me feel funny.
I'd been turned on all night because Carmen had been
having some particularly imaginative cybersex with
"Prince", one of her favorites; so my nerves were
already on end. I needed to run in order to wear off
some of the sexual tension that had built up in me.
Gently massaging my thigh, Carmen said, "You know, I'd
love to see you and Jeff make love to each other."
You could have heard a pin drop in the room as I sat
there, looking back into her smiling eyes. I was
instantly aroused. Up to that point, my sexual
excitement had been unfocused; I had been a spectator
only. Now, with this experienced older woman rubbing my
leg and staring into my eyes, I knew something exciting
was about to happen.
I found it difficult to breathe, and all I was able to
say was: "Jeff wouldn't go for that; and what about
"They don't have to know anything about it. I'm
thinking about shared voyeurism. You can watch Peter
and me as much as you want. You can even invite Jeff to
watch if you think he'd like it."
I was still a little stunned. "I-I don't know, Carmen;
that's a little over the top, don't you think?
She looked at me seriously, "Kristen, I'd never do
anything to jeopardize our friendship, honest. It's
just that I've been fantasizing about you and Jeff for
months now. After being with you so many evenings,
cruising the swingers' pages and, well, listening to
you guys through the wall, I just thought maybe we knew
each other well enough for me to suggest something I
know would be fun, that's all."
The more I thought about it, the more the idea appealed
to me. If we could arrange it in such a way as not to
be caught, it would be a maximum rush. I wasn't at all
bashful about having sex with Jeff, and the thought of
this attractive woman watching me enjoy him turned me
on like a current of electricity. Besides, she'd just
be watching.
I smiled and said, "So, how could we watch each other
without the guys catching us?"
"Simple, sweetheart, a peephole," she said.
I was confused now. "Huh? I thought we'd have to hide
in the wardrobe or something."
"We'll have a strategically-placed peephole in our
joint bedroom wall; that way neither of us will know
when we're being watched. It'll pep up the sex with our
men every time, believe me."
She smiled radiantly. I was so horny by this time that
I agreed with Carmen just so that she'd go home; I
needed to relieve my sexual tension, and wasn't ready
for anyone to watch me do it.
She understood and smiled, taking my hand and pulling
me gently over to my bed. I guessed what she had in
mind, but didn't know how to react. I wanted Carmen to
leave, but I was also excited by the unknown. What
would she do? I felt my heart pounding almost painfully
in my throat.
I sat down on the bed and Carmen knelt down in front of
Almost whispering, she said: "You're going to like
this; trust me, Kristen."
I looked down at my lap and saw a small wet spot on the
front of my shorts. My body felt unbelievably hot;
nothing like this had ever happened to me before! I
felt like I might faint.
She pulled open the snap on the waistband of my
clinging shorts and I watched numbly while the zipper
was pulled down. She began to tug at the waistband,
trying to remove my shorts.
I suddenly remembered that I wasn't wearing underwear
and flushed with embarrassment at the thought of
Carmen's likely reaction. Then the foolishness of that
thought hit me full force. I was being stripped by
another woman and worrying that she might find me
improperly dressed! I giggled a little hysterically at
the absurdity of the idea.
In no time at all Carmen, with a little help from me,
had removed my shorts, leaving me naked from the waist
down and still giggling (though sobbing might be the
more appropriate word). I was so nervous I didn't know
whether I was coming or going.
Carmen pushed me backwards onto the bed, and directed
my right hand between my legs, whispering in my ear:
"Honey, I want to see you cum! Bring yourself off for
Carmen. Cum for me, baby!"
She put her hand over mine and began rubbing slowly up
and down my slit. I was embarrassed at first, but
amazing feelings were rushing through my body. I soon
forgot all about modesty and began masturbating, right
in front of Carmen - and it felt good!
She lay down beside me with her face only inches away,
whispering soft encouragements. I kept up a good
rhythm, rubbing my palm back and forth over my swollen
clit and soon felt a gigantic orgasm begin to rise.
Carmen moaned, and I felt the vibration of it from her
chin that was now pressing against my hipbone. I began
to thrust my fingers into myself as deep as I could
force them. I was on fire.
"GOD! OH GOD!!" The air rushed out of my lungs as my
orgasm exploded, leaving me shivering and shaking in
ecstasy. I imagined myself as Carmen, watching me cum
a few inches from her face. My body was writhing around
as a result of my own handiwork and now her hands had
joined in too.
As I came in long, sobbing shivers, I felt both of
Carmen's hands roaming over and between my parted
thighs and her lips kissing me high on my inner thighs.
The electric sensations lasted longer than in any
previous orgasm I'd ever had before in my life.
Eventually my spasms quieted down, and I was about to
relax when Carmen moved in between my legs, forcing
them apart. My body jerked with the shock of tongue
running over and around my sensitive throbbing clit. I
couldn't take it. It was all too intense for me and I
started to scream: "NO, Carmen! NO! STOP! PLEASE STOP!
I had completely lost control of my reactions. That had
never happened to me before; even in my most powerful
orgasms with a guy I'd maintained some element of
control. This time, though, Carmen had played me like a
musical instrument, and my body was so sexually
overloaded that I came close to blacking out.
Eventually, either she thought I'd had enough or was
afraid that the noise I was making would bring someone
in to investigate, and she took her mouth out of my
I can still remember how it felt. My cheeks were wet
with tears and I couldn't stop sobbing.
Carmen lay down beside me and hugged me. "See how good
it can be when someone's watching," she said. She was
smiling that brilliant smile of hers and slowly my sobs
turned back into giggles as we cuddled on the bed.
I don't remember Carmen leaving that night. I fell
asleep and didn't wake until eight o'clock the next
morning, when I found myself still naked in bed, with
the covers pulled up to my chin. I'd never felt better
in my life.
CHAPTER 3: The Peephole
About noon, Carmen knocked on my door, and when I
opened it she greeted me with a big smile. "Hi honey,
how're we feeling? You were really hot last night!" Her
eyes sparkled. "I've stopped by to drill that hole.
Okay with you?"
"Um, yes, I guess so... though after last night I'm not
sure I'll be up for much anytime soon. I feel sated
like I've never been before," I said rather nervously.
Carmen didn't seem at all put out. "That's okay with me
honey, you can watch tonight. I'll be the one doing the
I couldn't imagine what it would feel like to watch
another couple making love, but as I thought about her
words I began to feel sexually excited again. I
surprised myself; only a moment ago I could have sworn
that I'd had enough to last a week.
Carmen drilled a one-inch-diameter hole in the wall
above my bed. When I protested that a hole that large
would be too obvious she smiled and reached into a bag
she'd brought with her. She pulled out a little wall
mirror, which she proceeded to fix neatly over the
hole. The mirror wasn't more than ten inches across,
but it had an interesting frame and looked nice on the
We had to rearrange the furniture, putting my bed
against the far wall so that it offered a good view
from the peephole. When we were done moving the big
stuff, Carmen suggested that I check out the peephole
for height and field of vision, so I pulled out my
little stepladder and climbed up to eye level with the
mirror. Taking it off the wall and handing it to
Carmen, I looked though the hole into the next room.
I realized that Carmen had already installed a mirror
in her room, but that I could see the whole room
without obstruction. "They're two-way mirrors, aren't
they?" I asked, though I already knew the answer.
"Yup, they are. So, can you see all right?" she asked.
"Perfectly. But I still can't believe we're doing
something this perverted! If my mother knew about this,
I'd never hear the end of it! As for Jeff, well I'm
afraid to guess what he'd say."
I was extremely nervous about Jeff discovering our
little setup.
That night Jeff showed up, and so did Peter, so we
postponed the plan for a night. Jeff was feeling horny,
so after watching some TV we went to bed, with sex on
our minds.
I felt a bit guilty about the sex I'd had with Carmen
behind Jeff's back and I suppose I wanted to prove to
myself that I was "all woman" because it was my intent
to give Jeff some great sex that night.
He knew it too, because whenever I suggest starting off
with a shared shower he knows that I mean to eat him
Jeff stripped and headed for the bathroom. He stood in
front of the shower doors, adjusting the water
temperature, while I discarded my T-shirt and bra in
the bedroom. I was about to follow him when I heard a
knock from Carmen's side of the wall; three knocks,
then three more. It was our prearranged signal, which
we'd decided to use for the first couple of times and
indicated that someone was watching.
Standing there naked, I must have looked like a deer
caught in the headlights of an oncoming Mack truck. I
hadn't prepared myself for this. Might Peter be
watching me standing there stark naked?
I had assumed there'd be no peeping tonight, and I
guessed that Carmen had told Peter about our little
arrangement in hopes of loosening him up a little.
The scenario ran through my head as I stared at the
mirror. Carmen wanted to get her husband back into the
swinging mode, and letting him watch us fuck would be a
good start down that road, I guessed.
I felt a little used but, surprisingly, that served
only to arouse me. I smiled and turned toward the
bathroom. Then I noticed that you could see straight
through the bathroom door to the shower. I felt a
momentary annoyance that Carmen could be looking at my
man in all his glory.
I had prepared myself to look at Peter, but I hadn't
given any thought to how I might feel about others
seeing my man naked. Then the thought popped into my
mind that if Carmen succeeded in her aim with Peter,
getting him into the swinger lifestyle again, then
she'd want to have sex with Jeff since we'd be the
couple who lived closest to them. And Peter would then
be after me. It was too much to take in all at once, so
I just put it out of my mind.
All I knew was that I felt super-horny, displaying
myself to a strange man. I wondered if he had an
erection because of me. Then I wondered if it was
Carmen at the peephole, with Jeff's semi-erect Viking
cock dangling invitingly before her vision.
It was time to stop thinking and have some fun! If
being watched was going to make having sex with Jeff as
good as it promised, then I was glad she'd talked Peter
into watching us.
I turned and walked into the bathroom. Jeff had just
stepped into the shower when I came up behind him. The
water cascaded off his broad back and splashed my
front. He turned to face me, his Jeff smile wreathing
his handsome face. (I do love Jeff. He's very
straightforward about life, and a god in bed!)
He reached behind me to close the shower door. I let
him do it but I was determined, this time, not to
perform my usual shower routine with him. When I want
to reward Jeff for being good, I usually make him cum
twice - once in the shower, and once in bed.
I knew he would be disappointed, but I intended making
it up to him in bed, where our neighbors could watch
I soon became lost in the sensation of wet soapy skin
touching wet soapy skin. I love to rub, and to squeeze,
and to be rubbed and squeezed by soapy hands in the
After Jeff had soaped my breasts, and had knelt down to
soap between my legs, I found my resolve breaking down.
I just knew I wouldn't be able to hold back when it was
my turn to soap his body.
Damn, I was right! When he had me clean, both inside
and out, it was all I could do to stand up. My legs
were trembling as I squeezed some liquid body soap into
my hands and rubbed them together. Slowly, savoring the
feel of his soapy skin, I ran my hands down Jeff's
chest, around his nipples and on down his muscley
When I reached his beautiful straining cock, I stepped
right up close, rubbing my very erect nipples against
his chest while reaching down soapy hands to fondle his
cock and massage his heavy balls.
To feel Jeff's soapy cock is an awesome experience!
That's the only time I feel a little jealous of men.
They have this wonderful toy just hanging there
whenever they want it; it's just there for them like a
I began to jack-off Jeff's big stiff pole and suddenly
thought of our neighbors. Would Carmen get to feel
these body parts in her turn and what would go through
her mind while she massaged my boyfriend's nuts in the
shower? The thought made me shiver.
And what would it feel like for me to do this to Peter,
maybe while Jeff watched? I suddenly noticed that Jeff
was groaning and leaning back against the shower wall.
In my fantasy I'd been fucking two men, but in the real
world I'd been jacking-off Jeff's soapy cock and it
looked as though he was about to cum. Damn!
I quickly reached up and took the overhead shower
nozzle off its hook and aimed it directly at Jeff's
erection to give it a quick rinse. At the same time I
bumped open the shower door.
I would have normally closed the door again, but not
tonight! (I'd heard another three faint knocks.) Jeff
was still standing, leaning against the shower wall
moaning, now in full view of our voyeur neighbors. And
I contemplated the tip of his shiny wet cock, swaying
in the cooling air. (I love Jeff's cock, especially
when it's squeaky clean from the shower.)
I could tell he was on the verge of coming, so I
wrapped my fingers around his shaft with one hand,
grabbed his nuts with the other and squeezed lightly as
I knelt in front of him. I had total control over him
at that moment, either to cause him pain or to give him
pleasure (so far I've always chosen pleasure!).
One more squeeze on his stiff shaft, and the first
string of hot white cum spurted onto my chest. I
couldn't stop myself and with an ecstatic moan I sank
down on his big wet cock taking it into my mouth as
deeply as I could.
The next surge of hot cum pulsed into the back of my
throat, almost making my gag reflex take over. I
tightened my stomach muscles and began swooping my lips
up and down my man's supercock. (God, I love Jeff!)
I could hear him groaning as he let himself go in my
mouth. I made a big show of swallowing his cum. Girls
don't have an adam's apple, but it's still possible to
tell when they're swallowing. I was sexually super-
charged at that point, knowing that people were
watching us, and probably touching each other up on the
other side of the wall.
They had to be going crazy over there, but they were
only an afterthought to me as I lapped up the last of
Jeff's hot sperm.
He was so sensitive by the time I let him go that his
whole body jerked each time my tongue ran across his
cock head. (I really had fun with that!)
CHAPTER 4: Sex Show with My Boyfriend
We dried each other as usual, and I went downstairs to
get a couple of iced teas.
It's always an adventure to go to my kitchen with no
clothes on. My apartment is really no more than two
rooms, one on top of the other, with a spiral staircase
running three floors up near the front opening of the
house. My kitchen, living room and balcony are on 'my
first floor' (second floor of the house) and my bedroom
and bathroom are on the next floor up (third floor).
So, when you go out to the kitchen you're really going
where anyone coming into the building could look up the
stairwell and see you. I do it all the time, and so far
I don't think anyone has seen me.
Anyway, when I got back, and after we had a few sips of
our tea, we began messing around again on the bed and I
became horny all over again.
I knew that Carmen and her husband were probably
fucking each other while Jeff and I were lying in each
other's arms. I could hear them next door; their
bedsprings were making a rhythmic squeaking sound, and
the temptation to go over to the peephole and remove
the mirror so I could watch them became almost a
physical thing.
The thought of Peter being so turned on by watching us
and shooting his sperm into Carmen - possibly at that
very moment - was such a turn-on for me.
I had the over powering urge to myself get off, so I
climbed on top of Jeff and began stroking his magic
love tool to get it fully hard, intending to ride him
until I came. But Jeffrey had other ideas.
He grabbed my breasts and began massaging them with his
strong hands. Wonderful sensations arose between my
legs each time he twisted a nipple.
Then he picked me up and rolled over on top of me. It
never fails to give me a rush when he lifts me as
effortlessly as if I were a child and puts me down
wherever he wants me. I always feel weak and vulnerable
against that Viking strength of his.
While I lay waiting for Jeff to pleasure me, I heard
the faint three-knock signal again. 'Boy, they must
fuck like a couple of rabbits!' I thought.
The image of Peter mounting Carmen and humping her like
an animal made my juices flow even more freely just as
Jeff was putting his tongue inside my pussy.
"Hmmm, we're certainly ready tonight," he said with a
'If he only knew,' I thought.
He started hitting all the right places, making me
squirm about under his tongue. After a couple of
minutes of pure animal pleasure, I grabbed his hair and
pulled his moist face up against mine. We kissed,
deeply, as I took back what I had given.
I love kissing. If you know me at all, you already know
that about me. I could kiss all night long; in between
fucking, of course!
After a while, I felt that we owed our voyeur neighbors
a little more action to pay them back for the
excitement they'd added to my sex this evening. So,
tearing my lips away from Jeff's, I moaned in his ear:
"Fuck me, caveman! Give me some of that horse dick of
yours! I want it deep and hard. Get those rocks off in
me, baby! (Jeff likes a little dirty talk, especially
about his wonderful maleness, and it's easy for me,
because I like talking dirty to him.)
"Come on, make me scream for mercy! Stretch me so wide
that I'll be spoiled for other men! Come on, honey fuck
me! I need your big cock rammed deep into me. Fuck me
like an animal!" (Yes, that's the kind of thing I
really do say when we're doing it. I know it looks
corny in print, but believe me, when Jeff has his big
beautiful cock poised, it just comes out naturally!)
I watched him rise up over me, the muscles on his
biceps standing out like ropes. He poised himself over
my opened body as if he was doing pushups. His massive
cock was so erect that even in that pose it was almost
tight against his stomach.
I held my breath. My animal-man swooped his body
against me in one quick thrust and he shoved into me on
the first attempt. Jeff seems to have that particular
"Oh...!!" In an instant I was full of cock. Jeff had
thrust right home and was straining his pubic bone hard
against my mound. To become instantly full, and to be
so wet, is the ultimate pleasure for me. One of the
things I like best about fucking is the feeling of
becoming filled up. For me, there's nothing to touch it
in the world. It gives me a feeling of "completeness"
that I didn't have a moment before. And Jeff fills me
up so nicely.
As he drilled me with his rigid manhood, I heard sounds
again from the next apartment and saw the mirror begin
to move. I couldn't concentrate on it at that moment
because Jeff became the animal I'd called him. He
jabbed into me, pulled all the way out and then thrust
again to the hilt, grinding his pubic bone against my
He pulled out, then thrust to the hilt, again and
again. Faster and faster, my body was being jerked
around by his animal power. I felt helpless, like a rag
doll, as he used my body for his pleasure. "Fu-u-c-k m-
e, f-u-c-k m-e h-a-r-d-e-r, f-u-c-k m-e l-i-k-e a-n a-
n-i-m-a-l..." I had started to hyperventilate because I
could only breathe at moments when Jeff was pulling out
of me.
Each time he crashed me back into the mattress the
breath was forced out of me, so I had to take quick
shallow breaths to keep some oxygen inside me.
Vaguely I heard a crash, which sounded like the windows
of my apartment breaking; then a mind-numbing orgasm
surged through my body, radiating from our union point
and exiting through my fingertips and toes. My body
exploded in pure pleasure.
Jeff suddenly stopped thrusting into me, holding me in
a bear hug as his body quivered above mine shoved
deeply inside me. In a moment of sanity I felt the
first gush of hot cum shoot towards my womb, then
another orgasmic contraction took hold of my body and I
forgot even to breathe.
When it was all over we lay quietly in each other's
arms, as we always do after great sex. And after a
while, when the blood had slowed in our veins and the
ocean noises quieted in our ears, both of us sat up and
listened to the racket going on in the Mallory's'
apartment next-door.
It was quite obvious what they were doing over there!
Jeff looked at the opposite wall and said: "What the
hell?" He got off the bed and went directly to the
little one-inch hole in the wall. The mirror was on the
floor in a million pieces, and he had to step carefully
so as not to cut his bare feet.
I watched his muscley butt flex as he stood on his toes
to look through the peephole. I held my breath as I
waited for his reaction.
The noise from the other room had got louder, and I
could hear Carmen crying out. What would Jeff do when
he realized that our neighbors must have been watching
him fuck me? Would he be disgusted with me for being a
pervert and letting them watch us?
He was at the peephole for the longest time. And I
admired his body as his leg muscles flexed from
standing on tiptoe.
At last he turned back to me, and I let my breath out
in relief because he had this big grin on his face, and
his Nordic flagpole was waving a big hello at me.
Now my only worry was: where was all this peephole
stuff going to lead?!
CHAPTER 5: My Second Lesbian Experience
In the light of day I felt embarrassed at what we'd
done. I felt just like a slut having screwed my guy in
front of others. At first I couldn't see how I could
face Carmen and Peter after that, but Carmen was still
my running partner, and we continued to run together
every evening when I was at home alone without Jeff, so
it didn't take me too long to get comfortable around
her again. We no longer discussed any sex-related stuff
and I pushed the peeping incident into the back of my
mind as having been just one of those things...
Well, I know better now.
You see, I have an "experimental" outlook on life. I
also have an active imagination, which includes things
sexual. I guess the unusual and kinky excite me more
than they do most women. It's always been that way for
me; as far back as I can remember.
The good part about it is that all my boyfriends have
really liked that about me. The bad part is that
sometimes I get talked into things that other women
rightly walk away from.
The topic of sex came back up last night. It was almost
dark by the time Carmen and I finished our ten-mile
run. We were doing our "cooling off" exercises in the
front yard when she asked if we could use the computer
to do a little cruising on the swinger sites.
Well, I enjoy looking at the various kinks these
swinger-types advertise and I didn't want to offend
Carmen by playing the prude, so I agreed, but just for
an hour or so because Jeff was coming over at eight
o'clock. He and I had been apart all week and I had
special plans for him that evening.
We hurried up to my apartment, and Carmen turned on the
computer while I went to take a shower. I was soaping
up when the bathroom door opened and Carmen popped her
head round. "Hey, Krissy, how about you and Jeff having
dinner with Peter and me tonight?"
I opened the shower door slightly and looked out,
intending to say that Jeff and I planned to dine at
Raffia's Place in town, but my answer stuck in my
Carmen was standing in the doorway, completely naked.
When I regained control of my voice, I exclaimed,
"Carmen, what are you up to out there?!"
"Nothing. I just thought we could take a shower
together. It'll give us more time at the keyboard." She
walked in pulled the shower door from my grip, then
stepped into the tub next to me. I felt very
Yes, I know we'd had sex not two weeks before, but I
really hadn't planned on making a habit of it; in fact,
I was still a little freaked from the earlier
I'd already started to protest when Carmen placed a
finger on my lips and said "Shush!" I looked into her
beautiful eyes (Carmen looks very much like a young
Lauren Bacall. No, she really does.) and felt myself
coming under her influence again. It's funny, but only
a moment before I had been busily washing my body,
thinking of nothing in particular and now here I was,
standing open to my friend with my legs trembling,
prepared to let her do as she pleased with me.
I watched the water running down her lovely breasts and
thought: "Life is strange." After that all I could
think about was the feel of her lips wrapped around my
left nipple as she sucked it in to her warm, moist
mouth. God, it felt good!
The water was cascading down onto both of us now and
Carmen's auburn hair was sopping wet as she bent over
my breasts. I remember thinking that I mustn't get my
hair wet, or I wouldn't be able to go with Jeff to
It was as if Carmen had read my mind, because she
twisted us round into the full spray of the showerhead
and pressed me against the wall. The jet of water came
straight down on me and my hair very quickly became
plastered to my head.
Now completely soaked, there was nothing to hold me
back and I began to feel heat building inside me, an
excitement I usually only experience with Jeff when we
make love. I hadn't planned this, but the contact with
this sexy older woman was driving me crazy.
She began pressing down on my shoulders with her hands.
I didn't know what she wanted from me, so I resisted
until she told me to "sit." (My shower is one of those
inserts that have a built-in tub with surround and this
particular model has a seat formed at the back inside
Not knowing what else to do, I let her direct me into a
sitting position facing her. My face was now at the
same level as her pussy and I could see rivulets of
water running down her flat stomach, beading up on her
furry little strip of trimmed pubic hair. Was I
expected to do something to her? Did I want to? I was
confused, but her dewy pubes did look rather sexy.
Her pussy now disappeared from my line of sight, to be
replaced by her lovely face. She was kneeling in front
of me, pushing my legs apart, while water continued to
rain down on us as if we were in a summer rainstorm.
I looked on as she bent her head down between my legs
and jumped when her warm tongue began tickling my clit.
I was amazed that she was able to home in on it,
without any preamble, straight to my pleasure nub. It
felt fantastic! I'd never had any similar experience
Carmen knew exactly how to excite my body and every
move she made with her tongue drove me higher than I
had been the moment before. One moment her tongue was
playing over my clit, the next it was delving between
my pussy lips to wiggle inside me. She really knew her
Just before my orgasm hit I realized that she had been
playing my body like an instrument. I had no control
over the sensations she had brought on me and I blushed
to realize that she had taken me to a higher pitch of
arousal than sex with Jeff ever had.
I lay back against the wall, quietly moaning, quite
unable to stop myself from coming. The water was
beating down on my swollen nipples and battering my
contracting stomach muscles as I came on Carmen's
Within a few moments the pleasure sensations had become
so intense that I begged her to stop. She wouldn't,
though, and kept up the tongue torture while I squirmed
around in a vain attempt to escape.
At last I slipped off the shower seat onto the floor of
the stall, which had the effect of pulling Carmen's
mouth away from my screaming clit. I was breathing so
hard that when she brought her mouth to mine, I had
either to pull away from her or be smothered. I rolled
into a fetal position on the shower floor,
instinctively covering my crotch so she couldn't do
anything else to me; I needed time to recover.
Finally Carman must have realized that I'd had enough,
she reached up and turned off the shower before lying
down beside me on the shower floor. "Krissy, I don't
think I've ever seen anyone cum so strongly; you were
beautiful." She hugged me, but I still couldn't speak,
so we lay there for a few minutes in silence.
After a while I sat up. I felt I had to get away from
Carmen before she turned me into a lesbian or
something. I had enjoyed our sex too much. She'd
totally controlled me, body and soul and that really
bothered me. No, it frightened me!
"Carmen, we have to get dressed! Jeff'll be here soon
and I don't want him seeing us like this!" I hoped
she'd accept that, and maybe even return to her own
However, she could read me like a book and realized
that I was uncomfortable with the thoughts she'd helped
put into my mind.
"Krissy, don't feel bad about what we just did. It's
called swinging. It doesn't mean that you're queer;
just about everybody who swings does the same. You're a
natural, you know. You should try the full monty; you'd
love it and so would Jeff; I'm sure of it. You know, I
was disappointed when you covered our peephole and it's
been so frustrating being around you and Jeff all the
time, just knowing that you guys would make perfect
"And yes, I do know that you considered it, but
rejected the idea because Peter and I have had so many
lovers. But I assure you, we're perfectly safe. With
AIDS tests and condoms, it's safer than armature
I was staring at her large, erect, dusky-colored
nipples while she was explaining that I wasn't queer
and that the swinger life-style was as natural and easy
as a walk in the park, when Jeff walked in!
"Shit!" I mumbled under my breath when I saw my man,
wide-eyed, standing in the doorway. His mouth was open
as he stared disbelievingly at us.
We were still sitting on the shower floor, naked;
Carmen's arm was draped around my shoulders and the
fingers of one hand were making little circles on my
I jumped up and tried to cover myself. Carmen, however,
just leant back, supporting her body on her hands
exposing herself to Jeff.
I was just grabbing my robe when I turned to see her
smiling at Jeff and slowly parting her legs for him. I
was suddenly angry with her. How dare she flirt with my
boyfriend! I realized that she was doing what she must
have done hundreds of times before. She wanted to fuck
Jeff and she also wanted to line me up for her husband.
The thought excited me, in spite of myself. I knew I
ought to say something to stop all this, but I didn't.
Instead, I stood as if frozen, watching the scene. My
handsome man, his long blonde curls resting on broad
shoulders, stood quietly surveying Carmen.
Meanwhile she was sitting in front of him, with her
strong, tanned legs spread wide, displaying her
perfectly trimmed snatch, her bright-pink pussy lips
were slightly open, exposing her core and her clit was
distended in obvious excitement.
I held my breath for what seemed forever, waiting to
see what would happen next. I didn't have to wait long.
To my surprise, Carmen got up from the shower floor and
began dry off and then dressed. But even now she was
putting on a show for Jeff.
I could see that he was bulging his pants, and so could
she. It was so erotic to watch my man watching her.
Still standing naked, just out of Jeff's line of sight,
I was delirious with excitement.
As Carmen slipped on her T-shirt, she said: "Jeff, I
hope you liked the show. I was just asking Krissy if
you two would join Peter and me tonight for some sex,
swinger-style. I'd really love to fuck you, and I mean
that." She walked close by Jeff, fleetingly brushing
his crotch with her hand as she passed, and came over
to me.
Jeff swung around and saw me standing there still
naked, holding my robe in my hands. Carmen paused in
front of me and said in a low voice, "Do think about
it, Kristen. I've got to have some excitement or I'll
go crazy in this little village. I promise you it will
be quite safe, and a lot of fun."
That said, she leaned in close, gripping my wet hair,
and began a long, deep french-kiss. She made me part my
lips, and then sucked my tongue into her mouth. In no
time I was panting for breath. Then Carmen stepped back
and, winking at Jeff, and strolled out of the room.
CHAPTER 6: We Become Swingers
"I can't believe it, Kristen! You mean to say you just
had sex with her? And that you've done it with her
before!? Did you like it?"
Jeff had that whining twang to his voice that he always
uses when we have an argument. This time, though, I
could hardly blame him. The whole thing had been my
fault, though it was Carmen who'd seduced me. I had
made Jeff feel less manly; made him wonder about my
I apologized tearfully: "Jeff, I'm so sorry, she's so
much more experienced than me, and she just seems able
to take control of the situation. You know me! I've
always been the one making things happen, but around
her... well; I just can't seem to help myself."
I felt terrible, that I'd betrayed him, cheated on him.
My apologies were cut short when the phone rang. Jeff
picked up the cordless receiver. "Hello?"
He listened and I watched him. He'd been away for
almost a week, working for the state parks department.
He'd been out in all weathers and was sporting a tan as
dark as an Indian in the room's soft light. His
brilliant blue eyes roamed over me as I stood naked
before him.
It occurred to me that if we made love it would make
him feel better and less threatened by what he'd just
He hadn't yet spoken on the phone; he just listened to
whoever it was on the other end of the line. I thought:
why not get things going while he can't say anything to
I dropped my robe and walked over to him, taking hold
of his belt buckle. He looked into my eyes and I wanted
to melt. I could smell that "man smell" he had when
he'd been worked outside all day. (He hadn't even
stopped by his own place to clean himself up.)
I undid the buckle and opened the fly of his Levis, and
he pretended to ignore me as he listened on the phone.
I wondered a little why he hadn't yet spoken, but I
became distracted when a quick tug on his pants freed
his big beautiful cock that bounced around before my
eyes (Jeff never wears underwear, a habit I
I'll describe my man's tool for the reader, it's so
handsome. No, it's not fifteen inches long; nor is it
the size of a baseball bat. Together we've measured it,
and when fully erect, it is five and a quarter inches
long and five inches in circumference. For me, this is
the ideal size. But what makes Jeff's cock special is
the color and texture of the skin.
His cock looks so strong and dominating it makes me go
weak at the knees whenever I think about it; and I
think about it at the oddest times, for instance when
I'm grocery shopping or, worse, at the gynecologist
(ahem... sorry about that; didn't mean to get carried
At any rate, here I was, with my hand on Jeff's cock,
and I know what I'm going to do. Normally I wait until
after we shower, but I thought that the situation
warranted an emergency blowjob. Knowing that he would
taste a little gamy, but longing to feel his cock on my
tongue anyway, I knelt in front of him. I looked up
into his face like a supplicant at a religious shrine,
and brought the head of his cock to my lips in a
whisper of a kiss.
Just then I heard a noise behind me and looked around
with my heart in my throat. It was Peter! I couldn't
move for a moment as I looked up at him. (By the way,
Peter looks like Chuck Norris, except that his hair is
reddish-blonde and he's much younger. He even wears a
closely-cropped beard like Mr. Norris.)
I suddenly realized what I must look like, kneeling
naked in front of Jeff, with his erection in my hand!
My face went scarlet and I jumped up and grabbed my
robe again. Jeff, meanwhile, pulled his pants up, and I
could see he was embarrassed too. However, he didn't
say anything, just handing Peter the phone.
Peter was grinning as he spoke into the mouthpiece.
"Hey Carmen, you were right about Kristen! She was
already making it up to Jeff!" He looked at me. "Carmen
told Jeff just now that he owed her one because you'd
probably do something nice for him; but just how nice I
hadn't guessed." He beamed at me, while I stood
mortified and speechless.
Jeff looked at me and said, "Carmen made the whole
thing sound rather interesting on the phone. I'm ready
to try this swinger thing if you want to sweetheart."
I stood in silent shock, wondering what she could have
said to Jeff that would get him even to consider
swapping. Did he realize what he was proposing? I could
understand him wanting Carmen - I know men are like
that - but I couldn't understand that he didn't mind me
having sex with Peter.
Suddenly I didn't find swinging all that sexy anymore.
I was afraid things had gone beyond my understanding or
control, and I just stood there, trembling in
confusion, not knowing what to say or do.
Then Carmen was inside the door. Without a word, she
walked towards Jeff, as she passed me she gently tugged
away the robe I was clasping to my chest. She trailed
it behind her, dropping it on the floor when she came
up to Jeff.
I stood naked and self-conscious while Peter eyed me
from the doorway.
Brazenly, Carmen popped the one remaining fastened
button on Jeff's jeans and lowered herself to a
kneeling position as she pulled down his pants.
Jeff's cock bounced into the open again and I felt a
sharp twinge of jealousy when Carmen immediately went
down on it.
Jealousy soon gave way to amazement, though, when I saw
his whole thing disappear into her mouth and into her
throat. She started bobbing her head faster and deeper
than I'd imagined possible.
I've never managed to take Jeff's whole length into my
mouth, and I was fascinated by what I was seeing.
Later, I was going to have to ask Carmen how she did
Jeff stood in the middle of the room with his pants
down around his ankles. His head was bent back and his
eyes were closed and he groaned as Carmen worked on
It was obvious that he wasn't going to protest. I still
felt confused, though. I didn't think I wanted to have
sex with Peter, but how could I refuse?
Carmen suddenly stopped bobbing her head over Jeff's
cock, standing up she led by his dick over to the bed.
He shuffled after her with his pants down around his
ankles; Jeff looked like a naughty little boy! It made
me smile.
She got him to sit down and pulled off his pants. Then
she removed his shirt, now he was completely naked.
Carmen ran her palms down along his smooth chest
muscles, clearly impressed by his body.
For some reason I looked over at Peter. I'd already
seen his and Carmen's swinger profile on the Internet,
with pictures of them making it doggy-style. I couldn't
help comparing his body with Jeff's twenty-seven-year
old perfect one.
I'm used to Jeff's body and feel comfortable doing what
I want with it. But here was a strange man; standing
close to me and obviously intending to fuck me as soon
as I'd let him.
Peter was no slouch, even at thirty six and even though
he wasn't as handsome as Jeff, the thought of having
sex with him excited me intensely. I wondered what it
would be like; how he'd feel inside me. Such thoughts
made me nervous again.
Did I really want to go through with this? I realized
that Carmen was calling my name. "Kristen! Come here,
Looking at them - Jeff sprawled on his back and a nude
Carmen straddling his left thigh - I felt uncertain,
but did what I was told. She took my hand and pulled me
down on the other side of Jeff, who was still lying
back with his eyes closed.
I noticed traces of Carmen's saliva glistening along
the shaft of his rigid cock and momentarily wondered
how he'd held out for so long under such stimulation.
Maybe he was as nervous as I was, or maybe he'd been
jerking himself off while he was away working. (What a
Carmen's voice brought me back to reality. "What did
you think of my technique, Kristen?"
"I was amazed you could take him so deep. I couldn't
take that much in a million years," I answered, feeling
somewhat intimidated.
"Watch, and I'll show you how it's done." She bent over
Jeff again, effortlessly taking his erect cock in to
the hilt, and then she began to pump him in and out
with apparent ease, making him groan again, and thrash
his head from side to side in ecstasy.
I was hugely turned on, watching my running partner and
current best girlfriend sucking my boyfriend's cock.
Impulsively I said: "Will you teach me, please?"
Carmen pulled her mouth gradually off Jeff's now-raging
boner with a wet popping sound, sending it slapping
against his belly.
She licked her lips and said: "The trick is to start
slowly, pushing the head against the back of the throat
a little more each time. And try to keep your mouth and
throat in alignment so the penis can slide unobstructed
into your throat. Believe me; once you get the hang of
it, it's easy!
I was about to try it with Jeff when Peter gently
pushed me to one side and knelt between my boyfriend's
open legs. Carmen said: "Now watch this, and you'll see
just what I mean."
I couldn't believe what came next. Peter took Jeff's
cock in his hand and fed it into his mouth. I watched
in fascinated horror as my boyfriend's cock disappeared
to the hilt between Peter's lips.
I was still spluttering when he, like Carmen before
him, began pumping Jeff's organ in and out of his
throat. Peter's head bobbed faster and faster while
Jeff thrashed about on the bed, approaching the edge of
orgasm. I just watched, not quite believing that this
was actually happening.
Jeff thought it was Carmen sucking his dick. He was
still lying back on the bed with his eyes closed. What
would he say, or do, when he discovered it was Peter?
I felt really nervous as Jeff began to moan that he was
coming. He now opened his eyes and looked at his
companion (Jeff likes to watch himself cum, and such
habits are hard to break) and I thought he would burst
a blood vessel.
One moment he was thrashing around thinking how sexy it
was to have Carmen eating his cum, and the next he
found himself coming into a man's mouth!
His face turned bright red with indignation, but he
couldn't stop himself from coming. Moreover, Peter knew
what he was doing and milked my man of every last drop
he had before allowing his orgasm to stop.
During the next few seconds the only sound in the room
came from Jeff's ragged breathing.
Carmen now took something slimy out of a bag, slipped
it expertly over Jeff's cock and climbed on top of him.
I doubt he could have stopped her in any case, but I
would have done if she hadn't used protection. (I found
out later that the slimy-looking thing she put on Jeff
was what's called "Lamb's Skin", a kind of condom made
from the intestine of a sheep. Its advantage is that it
doesn't scrunch up like a regular rubber, so neither
partner can even feel that it's there. I hadn't known
anything like that existed.)
Carmen wasted no time in fumbling around, but simply
positioned Jeff's cock at her opening and sank down on
him, beginning to ride him slowly as I watched.
I felt Peter's hand on my leg and rolled over to see
him standing over me. He had stripped and was looking
at me with lust in his eyes, which looked deep and
sensitive, like those of some all-knowing being. I was
terrifically horny by now, but I really wanted Jeff to
take me.
I looked over at him and found him reaching up to take
Carmen's breasts into his hands, and squeezing them. I
could tell he wasn't thinking of either Peter or me and
I felt another pang of jealousy at the thought of the
pleasure that Carmen was getting from my man.
I looked back at Peter and realized that this was it;
either I stopped things now, or I went along with them.
As if in slow-motion, I saw Peter take out another one
of those slimy things and drape it loosely over his
rather interesting erection. I noticed just before he
covered it that his cock-head was unusually large - I
mean, about twice the size I'm used to. Length and
girth were normal enough, but that head interested me.
I'd have liked to examine it, but realized that Peter
couldn't wait. I began to imagine what his cock would
feel like inside me. Surveying his tight stomach and
knotted thighs, I also wondered what his body would
feel like against mine. To tell the truth, I was
terrifically horny and wanted Peter to fuck me; I
recall being surprised by the feeling.
Anyway, I ended up lying next to Jeff, getting fucked
by Peter, while his wife, Carmen, rode Jeff for all she
was worth! It was almost funny as Peter moved up
between my legs. I'm normally a very careful person. I
take great care of my body, and have always been
assertive, but here I was, letting Carmen fuck my
boyfriend before my eyes and about to be mounted by her
It was exactly what she and Peter had wanted; just as
they'd planned. It was hysterical. I was hysterical
too, unable to stop that fat-headed cock from moving
between my legs. I looked down between our bodies to
see what was happening; I thought I could feel Peter's
cock pressing against my opening. At that angle I
couldn't actually see him doing it, but I felt him
push, and that big cock-head came rippling down into
me. I actually felt it passing along the interior walls
of my vaginal canal.
It felt both weird and stimulating. He pulled out, then
whoosh, back in again, and I got the same rippling
effect as he plunged deep inside me.
Then he was humping away, and that big fat cock-head
was driving me crazy, scratching itches I didn't even
know I had. I'd never felt a cock like that before and
it was great!
He thrust away with abandon, and soon I was thrusting
back at him like a banshee, my legs wrapped tightly
around his heaving bottom. Both of us were growling and
groaning, whimpering and screaming as we thrust at each
other. Peter kissed me as he plowed me and I could
smell Jeff's cum on his breath.
Eventually Peter shoved especially hard, and that huge
cock-head pulsated as he pumped his hot cum into me;
it was lovely to feel it expand and contract with each
gush. It felt so good that I couldn't hold myself back,
and I came on his rigid pole in gasping spasms that
made my whole body shiver for a goodly amount of
I knew what I must look like, but my body went into
spasms under his and I called out: "Fuck me, Peter!
Cum in me, Peter! God, I love you, Peter..." (Even now
I blush to remember those words and feel that I have to
make it up to Jeff!)
Somehow in the middle of my wild orgasm I realized that
I was out of control, and looked over at Jeff and
Carmen. She was feeling no pain, riding Jeff's cock
like a cowgirl at a rodeo. Jeff, meanwhile, was looking
over at me as I continued to cum on Peter's cock. His
blue eyes seemed darker than I remembered them, and he
had a strange expression on his face.
My spasms had started to weaken when Jeff's eyes
suddenly lost their focus and his handsome face screwed
up. I could tell that he was emptying his balls into
the vessel that was my friend Carmen.
I discovered later that Carmen had already cum by that
time, but enjoyed bringing Jeff off a second time. In
fact, she declared herself more than willing to do it
again, if we would only let her.
I thanked her, but declined the offer, feeling that
some repairs to my relationship were probably in order.
After saying good night and bundling our neighbor/sex
partners out the door, I turned back to my boyfriend.
I was expecting a rebuke, but Jeffrey surprised me
again. With real enthusiasm in his voice, he said:
"Baby, you were looking so hot when Peter was driving
you crazy that I'd have cum even if I hadn't been
getting it from Carmen! I couldn't believe what a sex-
crazed little minx you were!"
I looked at those handsome Nordic features and smiled
weakly. "Sweetie, I'm feeling a little embarrassed by
the whole thing, and I still can't believe we did it."
"Yeah, I know what you mean, Kristen, but you have to
admit, it was great sex and I for one, wouldn't mind
doing it again sometime!"
Here I am, shaken and unsure and he's already talking
about doing it again.
"Men! Can't live with them; can't live without them!"
Acknowledgments: All my thanks... to Stephen for his
encouragement and proofing and to Ian for doing such a
good job editing my story.
© June 1998 Kristen Kathleen Becker
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