Erotic Stories
All Kinds Of Cuckold Fantasies
Wifewatcher stories
Welcome to Wifewatcher's stories! The hottest and 100% original erotic fantasies
are here for you to enjoy. Read them all and come back soon for more new sex
encounters from Wifewatcher. Feel free to contact him and say thanks for
the stories, send comments and suggestions.
Stories from Wifewatcher:
- A Model of Seduction
- Something happened recently that changed our lives. My wife Beth, who is a beautiful 30 yr old, often turns heads when we are out. She doesn't mind men looking at her; in fact I think she quite enjoys it.
- Asleep
- We had been invited to a party at the home of my wife’s boss, I knew no one at all at the party, about 40 people. Carrie knew some of them from work. It was her first job as she is only 18 and had only been working there a couple of months.
- Bachelor Party
- My wife and I were staying at a large hotel, we had gone into the cocktail bar for a drink and sat in a booth. Within 10 minutes of sitting down, the place filled up. A group of 6 young men joined us in our booth, it was a little squashed but as the place was pretty packed, we had to make do.
More stories from Wifewatcher coming soon!
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