Textual Forms of Erotica, Classic Books, Novels, Stories, Tutorials, Instructions and Jokes


Classic erotic literature, pornography stories, sex tutorials, kinky jokes, funny SMS messages and other textual forms for adults!

We all love sexy pics and sexy videos, but novels and stories can also be a great turn on, just give them a try. Keep in mind that stories can be inspired by all possible and impossible fantasies, which usually go far beyond the regular themes of everyday porn. Consumers of pornographic photography and pornographic movies are always pleasantly surprised when they discover erotic literature and pornographic stories. Start with erotic classics, like "120 Days of Sodom" and you will be shocked with perversions of ancient times. Even if you know everything about sex, there is always something to be learned. Therefore, you can read our erotic tutorials. If you don't have time for extensive readings, just check the collections of sexy jokes or funny adult SMS messages.



Erotic Literature Classics


Ancient Manners Also Known As Aphrodite - Pierre Lou˙s

Arabella - Anonymous

Fanny Hill - John Cleland

Gamiani, or Two Passionate Nights - Alfred de Musset

Lady Chatterley's Lover - D. H. Lawrence

Miss Coote’s Confession - Anonymous

Philosophy In The Bedroom - Marquis de Sade

The 120 Days of Sodom - Marquis de Sade

Amorous Intrigues & Adventures of Aaron Burr - Anonymous

The Autobiography Of A Flea - Anonymous

The Convent School, or Early Experiences of A Young Flagellant - Rosa Belinda Coote

The Indiscreet Jewels - Denis Diderot

The Lustful Turk - Anonymous

The Romance of Lust - Anonymous

The Way of a Man with a Maid - Anonymous

Venus in Furs - Leopold von Sacher-Masoch

Venus in India - Charles Devereaux



Erotic Tutorials And Instructions


10 Rules of Anal Sex

17 Ways to Fail in Bed

Advices on Flirting

Attracting Women

Cunnilingus FAQ

How to Eat Pussy

How to Lay Them in 25 Minutes Flat


Kissing Technique 101

Natural Penis Enlargement

Sex Tutorial

Sexual Ecstasy From Ancient Wisdom

Sexual Survey Results From Over 100 Women

Speed Seduction

The Art of Kissing

The Art of Oral Sex

The Complete Guide to Attracting Women

Tips to Getting Pussy

What Girls Are Looking For

Women FAQ



Erotic Stories


The largest archive of erotic stories on the whole Internet. Start your readings here and who knows where it will take you...


Illustrated Stories and Comics


Big collection of erotic comics and stories illustrated with drawings. Combination of written words and graphical art creates endless space for kinky fantasies.


Erotic SMS Messages


Collection of sexy SMS jokes, a really funny ones. Send these short text messages to your friends, cheer them up and make them laugh.


Erotic Jokes


Archive of funny adult jokes, blondes, "a man walks into a bar", SMS typos and autocorrect fails... New jokes are added from time to time.



If you write stories or draw comics, we can build a section dedicated to your art. Send us an email to this address: